
视为畏途  shì wéi wèi tú








  • 道北在很长一段时间里,被西安人视为畏途
    North Road for a long time, Xian was regarded as a dangerous road.

  • 与此同时,众多的投资者开始将共同基金视为畏途
    At the same time, many investors began to mutual funds as a dangerous road.

  • 过了几年后,有的甚至完全抛弃英文,而把英文视为畏途了。
    After several years, some even completely abandons English, even consider English as strangers. What a pity.

  • 将天赋异禀神力视为畏途的孔壮丽,在一场意外发生后发现自己的超能力不该被掩饰;
    Jolie, who sees her inborn power as a curse, realizes, after an accident, that her superpower should no longer be hidden.

  • 当许多律师视刑事辩护为畏途时,张晓陵律师则坚定地将刑事辩护视为终生光荣的使命。
    Mr. Zhang firmly takes criminal defense as his glorious life-long mission while many lawyers regard it as a dangerous road.

  • 这个过程让许多人视为畏途,或干脆避免,也从而引出一个问题:语音信箱就要被人们淘汰了吗?
    Many dread the process or avoid it altogether, raising the question: is voice mail on its way to becoming obsolete?

  • 日常生活当中有许多科学道理与知识 ,其枯燥的原理、艰涩繁琐的公式与计算,常使学生视为畏途
    Variety of scientific knowledge and theories exist in our daily life. However, students are afraid of the scientific knowledge and theories which include tedious principles and complicated formulas.

  • 由于成人没有体认到幼儿学习数学时的需求--年龄与发展需求,使得许多幼儿把数学的学习视为畏途
    As a result, many young children become more and more fearful for leaning math since adults around cannot notice their learning needs which relating age and development appropriateness earlier.

  • 由于这里地势高峻、气候恶劣、偏僻荒凉、交通不便、路途遥远,人们把到这片神奇的高原大陆视为畏途
    Inconvenience of because here relief high and steep, climate is abominable, devious desolate, traffic, journey is distant, people to this magical downy mainland regards a dangerous road as.

  • 事实上,对于部分学生来说,学习吹奏直笛并定期考试吹奏乐曲,往往造成他们的压力,让他们对踏进音乐教室视为畏途
    The fact is, learning how to play a recorder and preparing for the performance tests put high pressure on the students, and make them even more reluctant to step into the music classroom.

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