
见异思迁  jiàn yì sī qiān








  • 年轻人爱情不用心都是见异思迁
    Young men's love then lies not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes.

  • 滚石不生苔。/见异思迁无所得。
    A rolling stone gathers no moss.

  • 见异思迁,随波逐流的爱情不是爱情。
    Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds.

  • 不幸的是,他经常是一个见异思迁的人。
    Unfortunately , he was all too frequently not a man of firm decisions.

  • 不可见异思迁,做这样想那样,坐这山望那山;
    can not be done that way, as looking to sit this Hill that Hill;

  • 他是一个见异思迁的人,我想他不会有多大出息。
    He is a rolling stone. I don't think he can go far.

  • 滚动的石头上不长青苔。/见异思迁,终无所获。
    A rolling stone gathers no moss.

  • 有人说:“人,见异思迁,喜新厌旧,妳做到暸极至、”
    some people said: "the human, is fickle, is fickle in affection, you have achieved extremely to. ""

  • 四幕剧《孤鸿》批评了留学生见异思迁、有违传统道德的行为。
    The four-act drama Lonely Swain criticizes the inconstant of overseas students.

  • 爱情在我的面前走过,我伸手出去,却看见,爱情的见异思迁
    Love walked in front of me, I stretched my hand out, but see love between jobs.

  • 小美人儿,你应该相信我,对我有信心,我决不是见异思迁的人。
    You should believe me, baby. You should be confident on me. I am not a freakish man. In other words, I am not as handsome as Apollo.

  • 如果你已经拥有美好的情感关系,一定要好好珍惜,不要见异思迁
    If you already have a good emotional relationship must be cherished, not Xianyisiqian.

  • 有许多基督徒刚开始很敬虔,但好景不常,过一阵子,就见异思迁
    We have here a striking picture of so much religion which begins well, but which does not endure.

  • 居住应有定所,选定了职业,或立定的志向要努力去完成,不可见异思迁
    Let them know when you come in. Settle peacefully in your home, and finish what you begin.

  • 女人!我看你爱唠叨,慕虚荣,见异思迁,天真幼稚,骄矜自用,充满幻想。
    Woman! , when I behold thee flippant, vain, Inconstant, childish, proud, and full of fancies.

  • 女人认为所有男人要的就是性,男人会见异思迁,投奔另一张更漂亮的脸蛋。
    Women think that all men want is sex, and that men will leave a relationship for the next prettier face.

  • 居住应该有定所,选定了职业,立定的志向要努力去完成,不可以见异思迁
    Let them know when you come in. Settle peacefully in your home, and finish what you begin.

  • 老女人会把你介绍给她所有的闺密。小姑娘则不会,因为她会怕你见异思迁……
    Older women are psychic. You never have to confess to having an affair because somehow they always know.

  • 老女人会把你介绍给她所有的闺密。小姑娘则不会,因为她会怕你见异思迁……
    An older woman will introduce you to all of her girlfriends. A younger woman will avoid her girlfriends when she's with you in case you get any ideas…

  • 意味着教育体系能够将人民武装起来,让他们掌握基本技能,可以“见异思迁”。
    It means an education system that equips people with general skills that make them mobile.

  • 背叛是男生的血统,博爱是男生的宣言,自由是男生的口头禅,见异思迁是男生一贯的风尚。
    Betraying the boys blood, fraternity boys declaration, freedom is the pet phrase of boys, boys one likes to see a consistent trend.

  • 事实上,男人希望女人绝不眼波流动、见异思迁,而是需要女人能全心委身于两人的关系中。
    In fact, men want a woman who does not have a "roaming eye" and who can wholeheartedly commit to the relationship.

  • 每次出去回来,都要禀告父母。居住应有定所,选定了职业,立定的志向要努力去完成,不可见异思迁
    Before going out , tell your parents. Let them know when you come in. Settle peacefully in your home, and finish what you begin.

  • 见异思迁从长假的角度讲,绝对是一种理智,它能让我们的身体听自己的感受,年年都有新鲜的“黄金周”。
    Trim from the usual viewpoint is definitely a reason that it allows us to listen to their physical feelings are fresh annual "Golden Week."

  • 一生以她作为伴侣。不要左顾右盼,三心二意,见异思迁,拿不定主意,这些对于事情都(也)是没有好处的。
    Chi are well named. Life-long partner for Iraq to be also. Do not be Zuosiyouxiang. Indecisive. Three two Italian heart.

  • 对于选定的路,他很少犹豫,不因新的诱惑而见异思迁,不因 乱云飞渡而迷失方向,也不会被时代潮流裹挟而去。
    For the chosen path, he rarely hesitated, not because of the temptation of the new rolling stone, not because of chaos cloud Feidu and disoriented, they were not coerced away times.

  • 喔,愿上帝的恩典保守我们,使我们如贞洁的新妇,绝不见异思迁、喜新厌旧,心中的花园,只单单向主开放,唯有祂可享用。
    Oh that we may have grace this day to keep our hearts in sacred chastity for our Beloved alone, with sacred jealousy shutting our eyes to all the fascinations of the world!

  • 在马卢达决定加盟切尔西之前,他已经十分接近与利物浦签约。对于这名法国边锋的“见异思迁”贝尼特斯表达了自己的不快。
    And, with Malouda having decided to move to Stamford Bridge after being close to a move to Liverpool, Benitez has suggested he is unhappy with the France winger's motives.

  • 他以前的雇主曾为他大力举荐,不论人家这会儿给他什么活儿干,他都会接下来,不过他接下来也还是当临时过渡。这就是他身上表现出来的现代特有的内心扰攘。见异思迁的毛病。
    She had used him roughly, but she had brought him up: and the fact of her being powerless to control him lent a pathetic force to a wish that would have been inoperative as an argument.

  • 象你所说的彬格莱先生这样的青年,往往不消几个星期的工夫,就会受上一位美丽的姑娘,等到有一件偶然的事故把他们分开了,他也就很容易把她忘了,这种见异思迁的事情多的是。
    It does not often happen that the interference of friends will persuade a young man of independent fortune to think no more of a girl, whom he was violently in love with only a few days before.

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