
年深日久  nián shēn rì jiǔ








  • 河里的泥沙淤积在这里,年深日久便成了沙洲。
    The bar was formed by the mud and sand deposited here over a long period of time.

  • 河里的泥沙淤积在这里,年深日久便成了沙洲。
    was formed by the mud and sand deposited here over a long period of time.

  • 河里的泥沙淤积在这里,年深日久便成了沙洲。
    The bar was formed by the mud and sand deposited here over a long period of time.

  • ^河里的泥沙淤积在这里,年深日久便成了沙洲。
    The bar was formed by the mud and sand deposited here over a long period of time.

  • 墙上贴有几张旧报纸,颜色已经发黄了,显得年深日久
    The wall is pasted with some yellowish newspapers, which obviously have been there for years.

  • 墓穴本是死者安息之地,但有些年深日久的墓穴会变成负能量汇聚之处。
    While most tombs are merely places of rest for remains, some tombs become focal points for Negative Energy as hundred of years pass in the presence of the dead.

  • 他们对自由的渴望,原本根深蒂固,却在年深日久的妥协中,被晾在一旁。
    The deeply anchored craving for freedom is pushed aside in the daily routine of compromises.

  • 他正当年壮,久经沙场,但是却带有他的家族那种年深日久、代代相传的傲慢习气。
    He was mature in years and tried in wars, but had the old, inbred arrogance of his family.

  • 年深日久,留下来的那个发现自己原来可以忘记离开的那个人,那么,他就不再痛苦;
    After years , the one left finds that actually he can forget the one departed. then , he won't be tortured any more.

  • 因为他俩之间的感情太年深日久,没有新鲜味儿,另外还有一些同性爱无关的事情,她也绝不可能原谅他。
    And there were some things, nothing to do with sex, she could never forgive him.

  • 这只小小的船形瓷器,年深日久,伤痕累累,却将我同妈*人生、妈*欢乐和妈*慈爱永远相联——正如她曾经说过的那样。
    That little porcelain boat, chipped and worn with age, keeps me in touch--just as she said it would--with her life, her joy and her love.

  • 这只小小的船形瓷器,年深日久,伤痕累累,却将我同妈妈的人生、妈妈的欢乐和妈妈的慈爱永远相联正如她曾经说过的那样。
    That little porcelain boat, chipped and worn with age, keeps me in touch just as she said it would with her life, her joy and her love.

  • 这只小小的船形瓷器,年深日久,伤痕累累,却将我同妈妈的人生、妈妈的欢乐和妈妈的慈爱永远相联——正如她曾经说过的那样。
    That little porcelain boat, chipped and worn with age, keeps me in touch——just as she said it would——with her life, her joy and her love.

  • 也有政治原因:从湿润的北部地区输水到干旱的南部地区的泵和输水管道由于年深日久,勉强地运转着,危及这里的生态系统和物种。
    Others are political; the pumps and aqueducts that carry water from the wetter north to the dry fields in the south are creaking with age, threatening ecosystems and endangering species.

  • 你和他本来没有相同之处,外表不相像,性格也是南辕北辙,一旦爱上了,年深日久,你会惊讶你的眼睛有点像他的眼睛,他的微笑也有点像你的微笑。
    That is different between you and she or he, the foreign and the income, the character is also SOUTH long NORTH short.

  • 她一直把那些信保存在一只粉红色丝绸手提包里。手提包则放在我们结婚时她母亲送给她的祖传衣柜的底部。现在那些信已经陈旧的发黄了,信中的草体字迹也因年深日久变了模样。
    She has gathered those letters, yellowing and in a cursive that has changed over the years, in a purse of pink silk at the bottom of an heirloom dresser we received from her mother after we married.

  • 年深日久造句相关
