
行将就木  xíng jiāng jiù mù








  • 比百万行将就木之人你更有福气。
    you are more blessed than the million who won't survive the week.

  • 试着懂得我已是行将就木,来日可数。
    Try to understand that my age is not lived but survived.

  • 你那柄忠实的旧斧头已经行将就木了么?
    Is the old faithful axe on its last leg?

  • 但是你已经行将就木了。
    but you are ready for the grave.

  • 当我容颜尽老、行将就木,我依然不会后悔。
    When I do face old Hangjiangjiumu, I still do not regret it.

  • 没人知道自己什么时候死去,尽管行将就木
    No man knows when he shall die, although he knows he must die.

  • 一个行将就木的老人百无一用,甚至是一个叫人困窘的隐忧。
    He was being told that he would soon be dead.

  • 国王看起来比这个行将就木的士兵更难受,于是骑马走开了。
    said the Tsar, apparently suffering more than the dying soldier, and he rode away.

  • 若你早晨醒来,拥有的健康大于不适,比百万行将就木之人你更有福气。
    If you woke up this morning with more health than illness, you are more blessed than the million who won't survive the week.

  • 行将就木的年月,宛如一场化妆舞会好戏收场了,其时面具都摘了下来。
    The closing years of life are like the end of a masquerade party when the masks are dropped.

  • 若你早晨醒来,拥有的健康大于不适,比百万行将就木之人,你更有福气。
    with more health than illness, you are more blessed than the million who won't survive the week.

  • 她有几个年纪很老行将就木的长辈,她那几个孩子自然是他们的继承人了。
    old and near to death, and of whom her sons were the natural heirs.

  • 她有几个年纪很老行将就木的长辈,她那几个孩子自然是他们的继承人了。
    She had numerous relatives, who were very old and near to death, and of whom her sons were the natural heirs.

  • 也有人说,西西弗斯在行将就木之际,轻率地想出一个法子考验妻子的爱情。
    It is said also that Sisyphus, being near to death, rashly wanted to test his wife's love.

  • 当婴儿出生时,脆弱但是灵活的,但是人行将就木时,是顽固并且感觉迟钝的。
    When a man is just born, he is weak and flexible, when he dies he is hard and insensitive.

  • 中国官员们公开推测,借钱给美国人、让他们为行将就木的银行纾困是否明智。
    Chinese officials speculated aloud about whether it would be wise to lend the Americans the money they needed to bail out their sinking banks.

  • 当庄子病入膏肓行将就木时,众弟子开始筹备,计划为庄子办一场隆重的丧礼。
    When Chuang Tzu was dying of illness, his disciples started to prepare a solemn funeral for him.

  • 通过提高官僚体系中的技术与合作,此方案似乎可以改进全国行将就木的公用事务部门。
    By boosting technology and co-operation across the bureaucracy, this would seem to promise improvements throughout India's moribund public sector.

  • 让我现在就想念你们吧,因为我这个行将就木的人在日后的长眠中要做很多的思想,或许不易了。
    And I would think of you now, because it would be difficult to do much thinking in that long sleep which I am going to have.

  • 我为压迫者留下骇人的遗嘱,一个只有在行将就木时才能一吐为快的可怕真理:“你必定要死亡!”
    I leave to the oppressors of the people a terrible testament, which I proclaim with the independence befitting one whose career is so nearly ended; it is the awful truth: "Thou shalt die! ""

  • 支持的人声称该法案有助于改善环境,但它真正做的确是在行将就木的美国经济上再敲上重重一击。
    Proponents claim this bill will help the environment, but what it really does is put another nail in the economy's coffin.

  • 当然有些人会因而奉行享乐主义的信条,一味吃喝玩乐,但更多的人会因行将就木而变得严肃纯洁。
    there are those, of course, who would adopt the epicurean motto of "Eat, drink, and be merry, " but most  people would be chastened by the certainty of impending death.

  • 又过了两天,这青芒果慢慢地萎缩了下去,全身发皱,容颜枯槁,成了酱紫色,像一个行将就木的小老头。
    Another two days, this green mango down slowly shrinking, body fat, wrinkled, haggard face became purple sauce, like a little old man dying.

  • 当我现在躺在床上,行将就木时,我突然意识到:如果一开始我仅仅去改变我自己,然后,我可能改变我的家庭;
    And now, as I lie on my deathbed, I suddenly realize: If I had only changed myself first, then by example I would have changed my family.

  • 德国是目前唯一能推迟表决那个行将就木的《欧盟宪法条约》的国家,让其继续苟延残喘,对各国持续施加影响。
    Germany was the only country strong enough to delay the death of the lamentable constitution; keeping it alive is testimony to an enduring influence.

  • CNN主播:根据最近一次有关人口老龄化及退休问题的大规模调查,老年等于行将就木的时代已经不复存在了。
    CNN ANCHOR: There is no longer a time when you'll have your feet up, according to the latest of the largest study of aging and retirement ever undertaken.

  • 皮埃尔睡醒了,跟在安娜·米哈伊洛夫娜身后从车厢里走出来,这时分他才想了想他要和行将就木的父亲见面的事情。
    Rousing himself, Pierre followed Anna Mihalovna out of the carriage, and only then began to think of the interview with his dying father that awaited him.

  • 散布恐慌的人形形色色:黄金信徒、财政强硬派以及许多其他人都认为,第一次世界大战以来的主导货币——美元——行将就木
    These panic-mongers are varied: gold bugs, fiscal hawks and many others agree that the dollar, the dominant currency since the first world war, is on its death bed.

  • 2名共和党高级参议员表示他们反对民主党支持底特律汽车制造商的一项计划,声称美国工业已经是“行将就木”,“寿终正寝”的日子已经到来。
    Two top Republican senators are saying they will oppose a Democratic plan to bail out Detroit automakers, calling the US industry "a dinosaur " whose "day of reckoning " is coming.

  • 由于股票价格下跌导致的诉讼,给了股市有风险,入市须谨慎(原意为顾客留心,货物出门概不退换,由买主自行当心)原则以及从不给行将就木的企业一根救命稻草的纽约传统以极大的讽刺。
    Lawsuits brought because of falling share prices make a mockery of both the principle of caveat emptor and the honourable New York tradition of never giving a sucker an even break.

  • 行将就木造句相关
