
虚有其表  xū yǒu qí biǎo








  • 他漂亮的衣着只是虚有其表而已。
    His fine clothes are a mere facade, facade.

  • 他漂亮的衣着只是虚有其表而已。
    His fine clothes are a mere facade .

  • 那部车的坚固外观只是虚有其表
    The car's sturdy appearance lied.

  • 他漂亮的衣著只是虚有其表而已。
    His fine clothes are a mere facade, facade.

  • 他们的婚姻关系已虚有其表
    Their marriage had become a complete sham .

  • 他们的婚姻关系已虚有其表
    Their marriage had become a complete sham.

  • 有些人,其中大部分是男人,是虚有其表的。
    Someone, most likely male, isn't quite what they seem.

  • 成语“黔驴技穷”比喻虚有其表,本领有限。
    Idiom "Qianlvjiqiong" analogy Xuyouqibiao, limited skills.

  • 永远不要直接饮用伏特加,因为它只是虚有其表
    Vodka is the most overrated alcohol, a drink you should never drink straight.

  • 这世上最要紧的是有冲劲,但虚有其表则要命了。
    It is most important in this world to be pushing, but it is fatal to seem so.

  • 你这个人好象很精明,能唬得了人,可是虚有其表
    You have a superficial brightness that can fool some people but underneath you're empty.

  • 金玉其外,败絮其中。虚有其表。--《威尼斯商人》。
    "All that glisters is not gold. " --The Merchant of Venice (II, vii.

  • 许多精美的盘子上一无所有。(绣花枕头,虚有其表。)
    Many a fine dish has nothing on it.

  • 这部二手车看来还不错,但一点也不好开,真是虚有其表
    The used car looked fine but didn't run well at all. All that glitters is not gold.

  • 但是,从精神方面来看,这一切都只不过是虚有其表而已。
    And yet, as regards the spirit, this is but a semblance.

  • 表面看来宁静、优美的宇宙星空,其实也只是「虚有其表」;
    Space may look very quiet and beautiful, but looks can be deceptive.

  • 正义跟虚荣、虚有其表的力量相比,本来就是逊色而苍白的。
    Justice always pales in comparison to vanity and ostentatious displays of power.

  • 相对于虚有其表的配音和普普通通的音效,这个分数是可以接受的。
    Enjoyable score, shoddy voice acting and mediocre sound effects. Beowulf, for some reason, needs to repeatedly assert "I am Beowulf! ""

  • 轻薄、易用、时尚、高性能整合于一身,卡片机不再是虚有其表的产品。
    Frivolous, Yi Yong, the fashion, the high performance conformity in a body, the card machine no longer are the impressive on the outside but lacking substance products.

  • 现在很少有人相信广告,广告几乎被认为是诱惑人们去购买虚有其表的商品。
    Nowadays few people believe in advertisements, which are almost regarded as a lure for people to buy some apple of Sodom.

  • 如今,很少有人会相信广告。因为它们差不多都是引诱人们去买些虚有其表的劣质货。
    Nowadays few people believe in advertisements, which are almost regarded as a lure for people to buy some apple of Sodom.

  • 并且这个老师要有丰富的讲学经验,要对我们的学习有作用,不然只是虚有其表也不行。
    And this teacher wants to speak to learn the experience abundantly, want to have the function to our study, otherwise just appear better than it is too not line.

  • 约雅敬可能为振作民心而宣告宗教性的禁食,但是耶和华把那些不虔诚和虚有其表的禁食视为可憎的事。
    Jehoiakim proclaimed a religious fast, likely to boost the people's morale, but the Lord found these insincere and external fasts to be an abomination.

  • 当你刚刚来此时,我以为你是个撒卡兰姆的间谍;这个虚有其表的宗教,现在被神秘的力量弄得摇摆不定。
    When you first arrived, I suspected you a spy for the Zakarum, the false religion whose faithful are now under the sway of a mysterious power.

  • 倘若我们的修行无法与日常生活溶合为一的话,那么代表我们在佛堂中所修的一切都是徒劳无用、虚有其表
    Failure to integrate our spiritual practice with our everyday life reveals that all the efforts we make in the prayer room are in vain and only a pretense.

  • 另外,很多外表姣好的人都抱怨说他们在工作中处于不利地位,因为人们觉得他们虚有其表或者是“绣花枕头”。
    What's more, many folks who are lovely to look at complain that they lose out on jobs because people assume they are vacuous or "light weights."

  • 朱恩经过千辛万苦的装扮后终于脱茧而出,只有在这个时候,内特才意识到他心目中的女孩只不过是虚有其表罢了。
    It is only after June gets a massive makeover that she emerges from her cocoon, and Nate realizes that the girl of his dreams may not be a "hottie" after all.

  • 虽然她的美丽逐渐消逝,这位亚德里亚海之后每年仍然吸引数以百万计的观光客,但威尼斯并非是个虚有其表的城市。
    Even with her faded beauty, the Queen of the Adriatic still attracts millions of tourists every year, but Venice is not just a pretty face.

  • 它在这里表示的意思跟英语俗语“虚有其表”和汉语中的“绣花枕头”的意思一样,“绣花枕头”外表很漂亮,可里面却只是填满了干草而已。
    It's similar to the English saying "Many a fine dish has nothing on it" or the Chinese idiom "embroidered pillow, " which boasts a beautiful cover, but with only worthless dried straw stuffed inside.

  • 通常,千万富翁的自传都只是虚有其表,极其自我,只不过是枪手的作品而已,迎合读者的喜好,让读者评判一下自己是与否具有成为百万富翁的条件。
    TOO often, the multi-millionaire autobiography is a shoddy, self-serving, ghostwritten affair, pandering only to a reader's fantasies about whether they too have what it takes to become so wealthy.

  • 虚有其表造句相关
