
虚与委蛇  xū yǔ wēi yí








  • 蛇:回家延误夜已深,要虚与委蛇,遁身入室,不要惊扰清梦。
    Snake:Go home the night of delay has been deep, feign politeness, escape a body to become real expert, don't trouble pure dream.

  • 苏伊士不太情愿虚与委蛇,但如果它退出,Enel又会再次插足进来。
    Suez is reluctant to play along. But if it backs out, Enel will step in again.

  • 至少目前看起来艾法奥对政府虚与委蛇,他告诉官方媒体自己在监狱中过得“不错”。
    Mr Afro seems to be playing along, at least so far. He told the state media that he had a "nice" time in prison.

  • 此举在中国(和其他国家)被视为排外受到广泛谴责,西方国家对中国的投资热情    同样虚与委蛇
    That was widely decried in China (and elsewhere) as xenophobic and, given the West's desire to invest in China, hypocritical as well.

  • 只是在葬礼那一天,由于大家都在泪雨滂沱,他才涕泪起来,但在死亡面前,他却害怕说谎、害怕自己是虚与委蛇
    Only on the day of the funeral, because of the general outburst of tears, did he weep, but he was afraid of being insincere and telling lies in the presence of death.

  • 奥巴马没有认真研究过摆在他面前的问题,进而做出英明的决定。事实上他一直在虚与委蛇逃避他真正应该承担的责任。
    Obama has dodged the responsibility of his elected position by simply stating "present" rather than studying the issues before him and making an intelligent decision.

  • 你和一堆无聊的人嘻嘻哈哈,虚与委蛇,但是心早就不在那里了;你明明睡得很好,但就是全身疲惫只想裹着被子大睡一场。
    You've had a good nights sleep, but your body's way tired nu just wanna draw the curtains n go back to bed?

  • 你和一堆无聊的人嘻嘻哈哈,虚与委蛇,但是心早就不在那里了;你明明睡得很好,但就是全身疲劳只想裹着被子大睡一场。
    You've had a good nights sleep but your body's way tired nu just wanna draw the curtains n go back to bed?

  • 蜘蛛虚与委蛇地假装和小苍蝇站在同一阵线,他说:「你这样做很好,跟陌生人交谈确实可能会很危险,」韦伯斯特解释说:「那就跟玩火一样,但是我可不一样喔,我不可能伤害一只苍蝇的!」
    The spider played along. "Good for you. Talking to strangers can be dangerous. In fact, " Webster explained, "it's like playing with fire. But, as for me, why, I wouldn't hurt a fly! "

  • 虚与委蛇造句相关
