
著作等身  zhù zuò děng shēn








  • 于牧师著作等身﹐是主所重用的忠心仆人。
    He has authored many books and VCD and is a faithful servant of Lord.

  • 苏联科学院院士齐赫文中国研究的著作等身
    The Soviet Academician Serguei Tikhvinski has many works on China to his credit.

  • 刘诗白教授著作等身
    Liu Shibai teaches the body such as composing.

  • 他一生著作等身,宏论盖世,为人谦逊,治学严谨。
    During his life time, he writes numerous essays and issues magnificent theories covering a lot of legal fields.

  • 仍以写作为例,我想不通,一个人何必要著作等身呢?
    I never understand why a writer should try to be prolific.

  • 但这些人的社会地位显然比大部分“著作等身”的大学教授高得多。
    However, their social status than most of the "Zhuzuodengshen" university professors is much higher.

  • 苏雪林是中国现代史上一位才华横溢的作家、著作等身的学者、桃李满天下的教授。
    Su Xuelin is a talented and brilliant writer in Chinese modern literary history as well as a scholar of letters and a fruitful professor.

  • 丘吉尔是著作等身的作家、雄才大略的演说家、安邦治国的政治家、战争中的传奇英雄。
    Churchill is a famous author, talent orator, statement man who work for the peace, and the legendary hero in the struggles/deference.

  • 保罗•萨缪尔森是经济学理论的一个拓荒者,著作等身,也是经济学界最伟大的教师之一。
    Paul Samuelson was both a path-breaking and prolific economic theorist and one of the greatest teachers that economics has ever known.

  • 科幻小说方面,克拉克著作等身,然而他坚称,他不曾“预测”过未来,只是“推断”而已。
    He did not predict the future in his copious science fiction, he insisted. He simply extrapolated.

  • 我无法声称自己比得上著作等身的学者,但一名没有丰富商业经验的学者能否与我相比肩呢?
    I cannot claim to be the peer of a well-published academic, but could an academic without substantial business experience be my peer?

  • 仍以写作为例,我想不通,一个人何必要著作等身呢?倘想流芳千古,一首不朽的小诗足矣。
    Using the writing example again, I've been wondering why a writer needs to be prolific. If he dreams of being enshrined, an immortal short poem is enough.

  • 对于脱脂乳,他也推崇备至。萨老热衷“在经验事实中寻求理论理解”,故而长寿,故而著作等身
    His passion for "looking for theoretical understandings of empirical reality" may help explain his long life, as well as his lengthy list of achievements.

  • 我无言以对,都说“著作等身”是用来形容科研水平高,原来“苹果等身”是用来形容感情深啊,顿悟。
    I have no speech with rightness, all say "work etc. body" is use to a description research level Gao, originally"apple etc. body" is to use to come to describe affection deep, realize suddenly.

  • 对于脱脂乳,他也推崇备至。萨老热衷“在经验事实中寻求理论理解”,故而长寿,故而才能著作等身
    His passion for "looking for theoretical understandings of empirical reality" may help explain his long life, as well as his lengthy list of achievements.

  • 我们的师资都是著作等身,拥有影响力的学者和有创造力的作者,同时也以其优质和投入的教学品质闻名。
    Staffed by well-published, influential scholars and creative writers, the Literature faculty is recognized for its superior and committed teaching.

  • 满头银发的德维尔宾著作等身,同时是诗人,他在五月十一日还说,下一步要做什麽,目前「还没头绪」。
    The silver-haired Villepin, a published author and poet, said May 11 that he has "no idea" what he will do next.

  • 然而,就是这样一位著作等身的作家,因为他新旧并存的特殊的文学样态,遭受了几十年文学史的不公正对待。
    However, the writer who has own so much works has suffered unfair treatment in Chinese Modern literature history because his special literature characteristics that the new and the old both existed.

  • 卡尔·马克思和马丁·路德,一个是19世纪卓越的思想家,一个是16世纪最有影响力的神学家,两位德国巨子以等身著作影响着世界的格局与进程。
    Two German giants Carl Marx, outstanding thinker in 19~(th) century, and Martin Luther, the most influential theologian, influence the world situation and development with their great works.

  • 著作等身造句相关
