
草长莺飞  cǎo zhǎng yīng fēi








  • 四月的北京,草长莺飞,和风骀荡。
    The Beijing April, careless long warbler flies, zephyr ans inferior horse swing.

  • 四月是个草长莺飞燕舞的日子。
    April is the day of a dance of flying swallow of careless long warbler.

  • 春天里哎,那草长莺飞
    In spring, warblers playing above the flourishing grasses;

  • 新的一学期来临了,阳春三月,草长莺飞
    With the coming of the new semester, spring March, the grass sprout out of the earth.

  • 春天里哎,那草长莺飞
    In spring, grasses are growing and birds flying.

  • 这是个草长莺飞的年代。
    This is the age which the grass long hawk flies.

  • 是万物复苏草长莺飞的时节,是人生的顺境。
    Is the recovery of the grass is growing all things warbler fly season, the good times of life.

  • 春暖花开,草长莺飞
    Spring, the grass long fly Orioles.

  • 烟花三月,草长莺飞
    Firework in March, careless long warbler flies.

  • 举目四望——姹紫嫣红、草长莺飞、鸟语花香。
    Looking around - colorful, Ying Fei long grass, flowers.

  • 三月跑场,草长莺飞,蝶舞翩芊,景色是这么的宜人。
    March run market, long grass Orioles fly, Die Wupian Qian, the scenery is so pleasant.

  • 草长莺飞,春花烂漫,一派春意浓浓的万象更新的气象。
    grass long golden oriole flying, spring flower in full bloom, one springtime of Vientiane updated weather reports.

  • 春天是万物复苏的季节,和风吹拂,草长莺飞,花红柳绿。
    Spring is the season that everythings on earth anabiosises, zephyr is swayed, careless long warbler flies, hua Gongliu is green.

  • 草长莺飞,变化的是你的成长与进步,不变的是我们浓的化不开的爱。
    Orioles fly long grass, changing your growth and progress, no change is that we love Hua Bukai strong.

  • 草长莺飞的季节,午后的阳光格外温暖,温暖的不仅是阳光,还有手中醇香的咖啡。
    In the season when the grass turns green and orioles fly, the afternoon sunshine seems particularly warm. Not only the sunshine, but also the coffee in our hands makes us feel warm.

  • 就在这暮春三月、草长莺飞的日子里,APC的“高可用电源保护专家”巡展启航了。
    Be in this dusk spring in March, in the day that careless long warbler flies to, of APC " tall usable power source protects an expert " make one's rounds exhibits sailing.

  • 春天百花争艳,夏日草长莺飞,深秋红叶尽染,冬季银树雪山,景致一季一换,美不胜收。
    Zhengyan spring flowers, summer grass warbler fly long, late autumn leaves to make dye, silver tree winter snow-capped mountains, a scene for the last quarter, too beautiful to behold.

  • 草长莺飞的季节里,捧上这样的一只碗慢慢品尝佳肴,体会到的一定是来自于食物之外的美感。
    In the season that careless long warbler flies to, hold in both hands on a such bowl samples slowly cate, those who experience is to come from certainly at the aesthetic feeling besides food.

  • 转身,烟消云散,或者彼此欢喜,但总归要各入尘灰,你有你的草长莺飞,我有我的秋水长天。
    Turn, vanish, or their joy, but always want to dust of all, you have Orioles long grass you fly, and I have my Qiushui long days.

  • 五月,云淡风轻、草长莺飞的季节,长假一到图书馆便是人去楼空。准备考研的你是不是也有点坐不住了?
    Five months, the cloud poor business conditions are light, the grass long hawk flies as soon as the season, the long vacation arrives at the library is reminded of dear ones who have left.

  • 六月的伊犁河谷,正是草长莺飞、繁花似锦的时节。“新世纪的新疆”采访组慕名采访了伊犁州工商局斯拉木·哈孜局长。
    "The Xinjiang of new century " interviewed group of Mu Mingcai to visit Yi to plow a city Director Silamu Hazi of industrial and commercial bureau.

  • 在北欧,这个季节的日照可以达到20小时左右,经历漫漫长冬的人们终于可以沐浴在仲夏温暖的日光中,享受草长莺飞,鲜花遍地的假日。
    In North Europe, the duration of bright sunshine of this season could be around 20 hours. Now the Swedish people can finally bathed in the brilliant sunshine and enjoy the thriving season.

  • 草长莺飞造句相关
