
苦海无边  kǔ hǎi wú biān







  • 佛典有云“苦海无边,回头是岸”…
    If one only turns his head there is the shore.

  • 这三种激情尤如飓风肆意地吹着我从无边苦海吹向绝境。
    These passions like great winds have blown me hither and thither in a wayward course over a deep ocean of anguish reaching to the very verge of despair.

  • 远离了您,我的心便不懂休息,而工作也变成无边苦海中的无尽劳役。
    Away from the sight of thy face my heart knows no rest nor respite, and my work becomes an endless toil in a shoreless sea of toil.

  • 倘若抵制,灵魂就会堕入无边苦海。因为它所渴慕的正是自己所禁止的。
    Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself.

  • 看不到你的面容,我的心便不知晓何为安逸,而我的工作会成为无边苦海里无尽的苦役。
    Away from the sight of thy face my heart knows no rest nor respite, and my work becomes an endless toil in a shoreless sea of toil.

  • 当你不在我身边,我的习既不知如何休息,也不懂得怎样小憩,工作变成了无边苦海中的劳役。
    Away from the sight of thy face my heart knows no rest nor respite, and my work becomes an endless toil in a shoreless sae of toil.

  • 任何东西都不能把我们从这无边苦海中拯救出来,惟有我们的救世主和上帝耶稣基督的恩赐。
    From this all but hell of unhappiness here on earth, nothing can save us but the grace of Jesus Christ, who is our Saviour, Lord and God.

  • 至少现在来看美国深受经济衰退之累,房价一泻千里,银行奄奄一息,外国公司苦海无边,政治领袖乏善可陈,所有这些似乎都是衰落的前奏。
    For now, at least, an America afflicted by economic recession, plunging house prices, collapsing banks, disastrous foreign ventures and dire political leadership is sunk in malaise.

  • 至少现在来看美国深受经济 衰退之累,房价一泻千里,银行奄奄一息,外国公司苦海无边,政治领袖乏善可陈,所有这些似乎都是衰落的前奏。
    For now, at least, an America afflicted by economic recession, plunging house prices, collapsing banks, disastrous foreign ventures and dire political leadership is sunk in malaise.

  • 如果我们能真正对人生达到这种理解还好,不过多数人还是理解不了,因而自以为是真正的行为者,故此人生才一塌糊涂,才堕进无边苦海之中!
    However, many people don't understand, and think that they're the doers. That's why they screw up and have to suffer unlimitedly.

  • 苦海无边造句相关
