
苦大仇深  kǔ dà chóu shēn






  • 所以,所有公司都是“苦大仇深”的经营状态。
    Therefore, all companies are "Kutaichoushen" operating condition.

  • 她一直愁眉不展,苦大仇深的,她要养家糊口,而老公又不上班。
    She is always having a sad look. She has a big family to support and her husband doesn't work/ is out of work.

  • 一个与中间右派合作的州绿党在联邦范围内或许不会如此苦大仇深
    Green party that teams up with the centre-right in the states may not be quite so ferocious in opposition at federal level.

  • 老杂种天天苦大仇深的挂在墙上,什么实事都不做,娃娃才是英雄。
    That old guy never does anything factual, and just hang on the wall everyday with his shit brow. Boy is the genuine hero.

  • 一次又一次,一村又一村我聆听了那些苦大仇深的农民当众倾吐苦水。
    Time and again, in village after village, I have heard these farmers confessing their bitterness to avid listeners.

  • 凤铝以民告官,苦大仇深,但他们没弄清国家司法和行业法规上的领域误差。
    Al-feng to the public officials, Kudachoushen, but they did not understand the national judicial and legal sectors of error on the field.

  • 别老惦记着北极熊和企鹅了,狼獾才是气候变暖中苦大仇深的标志性大型动物。
    Forget polar bears or penguins. The charismatic megafauna suffering most from climate change may well be the wolverine—a vicious predator known for its uncanny strength and tenacity.

  • 一位中年妇女苦大仇深地看着我对胖子说道:搜搜他的身,看看有没偷人家钱包!
    The bitterness big enemy of a middle age women deeply looking at me to say the fatty: search his body, saw and don't have an affair with man a purse!

  • 现在的年轻人的东西挺好玩的,有的真的是像写日记,没有那种苦大仇深的感觉。
    Young peoples work is really fun, some of it really seems like the writing of a diary; it doesn t have the same feeling of suffering and hatred.

  • 实际上不可能做到绝对平均,那些苦大仇深的贫穷户,所分得的土地就稍多一些。
    Those whose bitterness had been especially heavy in the past were favored where an exactly equal division was impossible.

  • 一位中年妇女苦大仇深地看着我对胖子说道:搜搜他的身,看看有没偷人家钱包!
    The bitterness big enemy of a middle age women deeply looking at me to say the fatty:Search his body, saw and don't have an affair with man a purse!

  • 石绍梧烈士是一个贫苦农民的儿子,苦大仇深,从小聪明过人,勤奋好学,是乡亲们赞扬的好孩子。
    Shi Shaowu the martyr is a poor farmer's son, the bitter in suffering and deep in hatred, since childhood intelligent excellent, is diligent diligently, is good child who the fellow villagers praise.

  • 在这种情况下,工作组无法开展工作,于是他们决定在村里挑选一个苦大仇深的贫苦农民,进行秘密串连。
    Under these conditions, the cadres could not carry on their work, so they decided to seek out one of the poorer men in the village and talk to him alone and in secret.

  • 该公司授意零售商将其产品与其他消费电子类商品摆在一起,可谓颠覆了“苦大仇深”的玩具业对抗电子产品的传统格局。
    The company is having retailers place them alongside other consumer electronics -- reversing the traditional turf war with the gadgets that have bedeviled the toy industry.

  • 一个人的情绪受环境的影响,这是很正常的,但你苦着脸,一副苦大仇深的样子,对处境并不会有任何的改变,相反,如果微笑着去生活,那会增加亲和力,别人更乐于跟你交往,得到的机会也会更多。
    To some extent, the daily PVP quest is a little bit different than the rest of the dailies. For a normal daily, you just go to the quest giver, grab the quest, finish it up, and then turn it in.

  • 苦大仇深造句相关
