
花里胡哨  huā lǐ hú shào







  • 别穿的花里胡哨或太暴露就行了。
    Do not wear too much exposure or Hualihushao on the line.

  • 然而,不能认定花里胡哨的词语总是更好。
    However, it should not be supposed that the fancy word is always better.

  • 海伦:不要太花里胡哨。稍微修短一点点就好。
    Helen: Nothing 2) fancy . Just trim it a little shorter.

  • 大多数人都认为日常生活之外的知识是花里胡哨的东西。
    Most people outside the knowledge that daily life is Hualihushao things.

  • 大多数人都认为日常生活之外的知识是花里胡哨的东西。
    Knowledge outside the day's work is regarded by most men as a gewgaw.

  • 大多数人都认为日常生活之外的知识是花里胡哨的东西。
    Almost the majorities thought that knowledge beyond the life was zooty and infinite.

  • 如果你把大写字母写得花里胡哨,你可能是一个虚荣的人。
    If you write the capital letter in a fancy way, you are probably a vain person.

  • 同一房间色彩不宜过多,不同房间可分别置色,忌花里胡哨紊乱无序。
    Same room colour is unfavorable and overmuch, different room can part buy color, gaudy does not have avoid mussily foreword.

  • 同一房间色彩不宜过多,不同房间可分别置色,忌花里胡哨杂乱无序。
    Same room colour is unfavorable and overmuch, different room can part buy color, avoid gaudy is mixed and disorderly without foreword.

  • 看看这辆花里胡哨的雪夫兰太浩,它现在正式成为世界上最聪明的汽车。
    This pimped-up Chevrolet Tahoe is now, officially, the cleverest car in the world.

  • 忘掉花里胡哨的设计,优秀的文章内容才是一个网站清楚直观的的关键。
    Forget funky design, good writing is the key to a clear and intuitive website.

  • 但是当这里的风景完全充斥着花里胡哨的广告牌时,我们还怎么能期望享受什么风景?
    But how can we expect to enjoy the scenery when the scenery consists entirely of garish billboards?

  • 咱们平日都知道而且讥笑这些花里胡哨的小汽船,管它们叫“花一先令买头晕”的船。
    We've known them and laughed at them, these fussy little steamers, all our lives. We have called them "the shilling sicks".

  • 随便一个流浪街头的毛丫头都可以被打扮起来,看上去花里胡哨,说些古代史上的漂亮的话。
    Any street urchin can be dressed up to look fancy and to utter a lot of pretty words in ancient history.

  • 例如随意的吊顶、不论什么风格都角线、花里胡哨的主题墙、暖气及设备管线包得严严实实等。
    For example, at the ceiling, regardless of what styles are Jiaxian, Hualihushao theme walls, heating and pipeline equipment to safely package.

  • 我们从一个单身教授那儿租了间花里胡哨的公寓--每面墙上都贴了棉缎,每幅窗帘上都有饰孔。
    We had rented the fussy apartment of a bachelor professor every wall sateen, every curtain eyelet .

  • 这个公园的主要景观是一些像“吻石”、“醉龟”、“金蟾戏松”这样名字花里胡哨的花岗岩石像。
    The main attractions of the park are granite formations with colourful names, such as Kissing Boulders, Drunken Tortoise and Pine Teasing Golden Toad.

  • 大多数人都认为日常生活之外的知识是花里胡哨的东西。然而,我们也在不停地抗拒着我们的无知。
    Most think it nonsense to get to know things far away from our daily life, whereas we constantly dispute the erasion of emptiness.

  • 许多汽车内部的仪表板布置得花里胡哨,后视镜上挂着摆来摆去的护身符,或者摆着装饰性的纸巾盒。
    Many of the vehicles' interiors display flashy dashboard decorations, dangling rear-view mirror charms, or ornamental tissue boxes.

  • 我们从一个单身教授那儿租了间花里胡哨的公寓--每面墙上都贴了 棉缎 ,每幅窗帘上都有饰孔。
    We had rented the fussy apartment of a bachelor professor every wall sateen, every curtain eyelet.

  • 席红哲的图片从来不玩花里胡哨的特效,也不搞虚妄的小资情调,因为他了解现实社会是多么的有价值。
    Photographs of Xi Hongzhe have neither showy special efficacy nor fabricated petty bourgeoisie taste because he knows how valuable the reality is.

  • 我们戴上傻傻的帽子,用闪闪亮亮的灯装点圣诞树,用花里胡哨的包装纸包装礼物,这对我们是有好处的。
    We put on silly hats and drape trees with sparkly lights and wrap gifts in garish paper and that's good for us.

  • 你要想挣大钱就要把你的产品弄的特复杂,这样人家一看就被你花里胡哨的产品弄蒙了,就会花大钱买了。
    So you have to make your product so complicated that people will pay more for it, just because they are awed by the complexity of it.

  • 这个有趣的电话上面粘满了闪闪发光的小玩意,各种样式的珠宝,任何你喜欢的都可以,完全的…花里胡哨啊!
    This is a fun new phone that was altered with a dusting of glitter &all manner of jewels &charms &generally shiny stuff.

  • 小心不要把你的白皮书做成一个花里胡哨的促销工具,链接应该限于那些可以提供其它目标、教育内容和信息的部分。
    Be careful not to turn the white paper into a blatant promotional tool. Links should be limited to those whose destination provides other objective, educational material and information.

  • 这是一支传统的防守强队,并且他们的半场进攻非常精确,几乎没有什么盲目的动作,没有太多花里胡哨的东西,很实用。
    This is a tradition of strong defense, and their half-court offense is very precise, almost no blind action, Hualihushao not have too many things, very practical.

  • 我们从一个单身教授那儿租了间花里胡哨的公寓——每面墙上都贴了棉缎,每幅窗帘上都有饰孔。我们就像住在衬裙里面。
    We had rented the fussy apartment of a bachelor professor -every wall sateen, every curtain eyelet. It was like living inside a petticoat.

  • 如果你的风格一贯简洁大方,你可以买款式简单的长袖衬衫(单色的比花里胡哨的更经典)、或者圆式紧领套衫与你的新裤子搭配。
    If you style has always been simple. you should go for a simple long-sleeve shirt (one color would be more classic than having a crazy patten) or simple crew neck sweaters to go with your new pants.

  • “我想我不会去,穿着花里胡哨的衣服聚会,我不大喜欢。”“就是我告诉你苏也去了,你还不去吗?”“噢,你这倒不是乱弹琴!”
    "I don't think I'll come. Fancy-dress parties aren't really my scene. " "Not even if I tell you sue will be there?" "Ah, now you're talking turkey! "

  • 看到花里胡哨闪闪发亮的塑料十字架时,许多年轻人可能认为,“哇,那可真酷。”但对那些对十字架有更多认知的人来说,这样的东西毫无品味。
    Many youths might think, 'Wow, what a cool thing, ' looking at a gaudy blinking plastic cross, but people who connect more to the cross find such an item perhaps tasteless.

  • 花里胡哨造句相关
