
花团锦簇  huā tuán jǐn cù








  • 我喜欢春天,到处都是花团锦簇的。
    I love Spring. Everywhere is a bed of flowers .

  • 我喜欢春天,到处都是花团锦簇的。
    He was couched on a bed of flowers .

  • 日本以其春天花团锦簇的景象而闻名。
    japan is famous for its blossoms in spring.

  • 到五月时,我的花园里将是花团锦簇
    By May my garden will be a mass of blossom.

  • 我总觉得,贵族应该是穿得花团锦簇的。
    I think an aristocracy ought to be splendid.

  • 大街上花团锦簇,清新的空气扑面而来。
    Street flowers, fresh air blow against our faces.

  • 她用粉红色的小玩意儿将办公桌装饰得花团锦簇
    She sets about decorating her desk with many pink objects.

  • 有一种说法 …通向地狱的道路看起来总是花团锦簇
    There's a saying that states: 'The road to hell is paved with good intentions'.

  • 岩石滴水、圆拱和花朵的立面,把它装点得植物般花团锦簇
    The facade of stone drips, arcs, and blossoms as if it were vegetable.

  • 在不经意的明天,你的生活就会变得花团锦簇、笑脸缤纷了。
    At tomorrow pay no attention, you of life will become colorful decoration, smiling face in riotous profusion.

  • 岩石滴水、圆拱和花朵的立面把它装点得如植物般花团锦簇
    The facade of stone drips, arcs, and blossoms as if it were vegetable.

  • 山麓上满是杜鹃花、紫藤花和其他美丽的花朵,真是花团锦簇
    The mountain sides are ablaze with azalea, wistaria, and many other beautiful flowers.

  • 西印度群岛的多米尼加,彩虹横跨过生长在山侧花团锦簇的树。
    A rainbow arcs over trees blooming on a hillside in the West Indies island of Dominica.

  • 这条从前尘土飞扬、肮脏不堪的京顺路也已是绿树成荫、花团锦簇
    and the formerly dusty, dingy road is being lined with trees, bushes and flowers.

  • 但是悲伤是不必的,因为蜜蜂的生是花团锦簇的,她的死也是甜蜜的。
    But the grief is not necessary, because health is decorated with flowers and bees, and her death was sweet.

  • 前者将通过花团锦簇的绿化岛和大型主题雕塑反映奥林匹克体育精神;
    The Green Island and through the gathering of beautifully dressed women theme sculpture reflect the spirit of the Olympic sports;

  • 我心目中的北京农业职业学院,是漂亮的。那儿花团锦簇,是个花的海洋。
    Agriculture occupation college in Peking in my heart is a beauty. The colorful decoration is an ocean for spend there.

  • 它叫鸽子树,是因为花团锦簇中悬挂着的摇摆的苞叶,看起来就像鸽子在飞。
    It's called the dove tree because the fluttering bracts that hang down from the clusters and flowers look like doves flying.

  • 每当春天来临,在我每天开车上班的公路两旁,沟渠里野花绽放,花团锦簇
    Each spring brings a new blossom of wildflowers in the ditches along the highway I travel daily to work.

  • 以后接着来的是桃花、杏花、海棠、榆叶梅、丁香等等,院子里开得花团锦簇
    What follows were peach blossom, apricot blossom, Chinese flowering apple, flowering almond, clove, and so on.

  • 锦江山公园绿茵覆盖,花团锦簇,一山尽得天下秀,素有“东北八景之首”的美誉。
    Jinjiang Park Lvyin coverage of flowers, one mountain in the world to show, known as "the head of the Northeast eight scenic spots" reputation.

  • 中国已经准备好迎接这些客人,花团锦簇的街道,超过100万志愿者笑迎八方来客。
    The Chinese are well-prepared for these guests. Colorful flags fly on flower-decorated streets and more than one million volunteers greet visitors with smiles.

  • 校园内花团锦簇,绿树成荫,办学设施齐全、先进,为学生创造了一流的学习和生活的条件。
    Moreover, our complete and advanced teaching equipment offers students a first-class studying and living condition.

  • 那时你的话语,将在我的每一个鸟巢中伸展双翅鸣叫,你的音乐也将盛开在我花团锦簇的丛林中。
    Then thy words will take wing in songs from every one of my birds' nests, and thy melodies will break forth in flowers in all my forest groves.

  • 广州乃美丽都市,这里常年绿树成荫,花团锦簇,有许多旅游景点,像公园,纪念馆与寺庙也为数不少。
    August is the hottest mounth and February is the coldest mounth. Guangzhou is a very beautiful city. You can see green trees and flowers all the year round. There are many intersting places to visit.

  • 你知道吗,有时候我去参加八年级(初中)毕业典礼,那里张灯结彩、花团锦簇、学生一个个礼服盛装。
    You know, sometimes I'll go to an eighth-grade graduation and there's all that pomp and circumstance and gowns and flowers.

  • 运用了五种花开的状态,从左往右依次是:春暖花开,含苞待放,暗香浮动,花团锦簇,和最后的开花结实。
    The use of the five state flowers, from left to the right are: Chunnuanhuakai, Hanbaodaifang, Anxiang floating flowers, and the final flowering of the firm.

  • 四季花坞更是花团锦簇:玫瑰争娇、紫荆吐艳、含笑怀春、茉莉生香、杨柳摇风,正是疏影横斜,暗香浮动;
    Hollywood is a Four Seasons flower flowers: roses for Johnson, beautiful bauhinia, Michelia Huaichun, jasmine aroma, swaying willow wind, it is Shu-Ying cross fall, subtle fragrance floating;

  • 只有当你为其所诱,逼视画面的时候,才会发现你正面对着花团锦簇中的血腥,甚至那些血腥的伤口仍然漂亮好看!
    Only when you are attracted by the tableau to stare at it, can you find the bloodiness in the brilliant splendor. And even the bloody wounds, then, are still so attractive.

  • 那年春天来得很早,下了几阵暖和的骤雨,一下子粉红的桃花,星星点点雪白的山茱萸花都绽放开了,把暗淡的河沼和远处的群山点缀得花团锦簇
    Spring had come early that year, with warm quick rains and sudden frothing of pink peach blossoms and dogwood dappling with white stars the dark river swamp and far-off hills.

  • 花团锦簇造句相关
