
出人头地  chū rén tóu dì








  • 没人会爱上一个窝囊废,我要出人头地
    But nobody loves a nobody. I wanna be a somebody!

  • 我想知道他如何出人头地
    I wonder how he came to the fore.

  • 她的人生目标是出人头地
    Her goal in life was to come to the top.

  • 一个人要想出人头地,就得自己去打天下。
    A man has to strike out for himself if he wants to get ahead.

  • 一个缺乏勇气和耐力的人不能指望出人头地
    A man without courage and endurance cannot expect to rise high in life.

  • 工作中一个有能力有个性的人总会出人头地的。
    A worker with ability and character will always come to the fore.

  • 出人头地的方法就是让屁股离开椅子。------爱德华兹。
    The way to get to the top is to get off your bottom.

  • 在美国,几乎每个人都了解,若想要出人头地,必须精通英语。
    Nearly everyone recognizes the need to deelop proficiency in English in order to do well in America.

  • 那些想通过小聪明闲混到出人头地的人最终会落个失败的下场。
    The men who thinks to get on by mere smartness and by idling meets failure at last.

  • 想要在这家公司出人头地,就得努力工作。你明白我的意思了吗?
    You need to work hard to get ahead in this company . Do you understand me?

  • 在这家公司想要出人头地,就得努力工作。你听清楚我的话没有?
    You need to work hard to get ahead in this company. Are you followong me?

  • 那种妄想凭借小聪明闲混到出人头地的人最终只会落得失败的下场。
    The man who thinks to get on by mere smartness and by idling meets failure at last.

  • 有些父母选购神童故事给孩子看,希望孩子将来有一天会出人头地
    Some parents buy child prodigy story to the children, the hope that his children would one day be notoriety.

  • 我个人的成长道路包括凭借职场晋升出人头地,追逐成功中的陷阱。
    My particular route included climbing the corporate ladder and chasing the trappings of success.

  • 我们的社会非常重视一纸文凭,大家都希望通过优异的成绩出人头地
    Singapore is a highly paper qualification-oriented country, and nothing succeeds here like success.

  • 取得高分数,进入一所精英大学是我能看到出人头地的为数不多的路之一。
    Getting perfect grades and attending an elite college was one of the few ways up I could see.

  • 这可能引起过度工作,生活过于认真,“出人头地”的逻辑观念及摆脱外界压力。
    This may lead to overworking and taking life too seriously and logically in an effort to "get ahead" and break free from these stressful external situations.

  • 并且她说,对女性在候选人名单中出人头地“它”始终很困难-这其中有太多障碍。
    And she said, "It"s still so hard for women to even get on to short lists -there are so many hurdles and barriers.

  • 第一,要珍惜你的工作。像珍视礼物珍视它。它是你的“饭碗”。它是你出人头地的机会。
    First, cherish your job. Appreciate it like a gift, it's your "bread and butter. "  It's your opportunity to shine.

  • 自古以来,人们一直致力于用各种丰功伟业以求独树一帜,出人头地至今仍是许多人的梦幻。
    From ancient times, man has tried to distinguish himself through monuments of all kinds. It is still the dream of many today.

  • 考虑到曼城囤积了许多前锋,因此他在切尔西一线队出人头地的机会其实比在老东家还要多。
    The teenager actually stands more chance of making a mark at first-team level with Chelsea than he did at Eastlands given City's recent outlay on forwards.

  • 相书上论,这种人个性受之豪迈,自我意识很强,容易出人头地,中年可能会有破财或者大难之相。
    Relative to book theory, such a person affected by the heroic personality, self-conscious, easy to succeed, middle-aged or a disaster or even bankruptcy may be the phase.

  • 他们都拥有一幢漂亮的住宅,置起了四轮大马车或者二轮马车,也许还穿得衣冠楚楚地在商界出人头地
    They had regard for the ability which could amass a small fortune, own a nice home, keep a barouche or carriage, perhaps, wear fine clothes, and maintain a good mercantile position .

  • 从某种意义上讲,生活就是一场战役。那种妄想凭借小聪明闲混到出人头地的人最终只会落得失败的下场。
    Life is in a sense a battle. The man who thinks to get on by mere smartness and by idling meets failure at last.

  • 在我小的时候,我认为生活的一切都是以我为中心--关于如何出人头地,如何去成功,如何得到我所想要的一切!
    When I was a young man, I thought life was all about me - about how I'd make my way in the world, become successful, and get the things I want.

  • 成功的高阶主管会主动找方法,取得出人头地所需要的重要经验。方法通常是见人所未见,掌握别人完全错失的机会。
    Successful executives take charge and find ways to get the critical experiences they need to get ahead, usually by seeing the opportunities other are missing completely.

  • 孩子们看上去一脸茫然。出人头地?多奇怪的话。我知道他们在想:那不是爸爸在叫喊,那是他饭前喝的马提尼酒在作怪。
    The children looked blank. Amount to something? What a strange expression. I could see their thoughts: That isn't Dad yelling. That's those martinis he had before dinner.

  • 孩子们看上去一脸茫然。出人头地?多奇怪的话。我知道他们在想:那不是爸爸在叫喊,那是他饭前喝的马提尼酒在作怪。
    The children looked blank. Amount to something? What a strange expression_r. I could see their thoughts: That isn't Dad yelling. That's those martinis he had before dinner.

  • 这位老师目前仍健在,虽然年迈,但还是耳聪目明,教授找到她后,问她到底有何绝招,能让这些在贫民窟长大的孩子个个出人头地
    The teacher was still alive, so he sought her outasked the old still alert lady what magic formula she had used to pull these boys out of the slums into successful achievement.

  • 如果个人的野心被人看得很重,那么野心带来的好处—荣华富贵,出人头地,命运自主—都应被认为是值得为了这雄心壮志而做出的各种牺牲。
    If ambition is to be well regarded, the rewards of ambition ~ wealth, distinction, control over one's destiny ~ must be deemed worthy of the sacrifices made on ambition's behalf.

  • 出人头地造句相关
