
至圣先师  zhì shèng xiān shī







  • 备受尊崇的孔夫子,历代被称为「至圣先师」,至今仍是教师们的典范。
    Confucius was the most respected, and still serves as an exemplary model teacher.

  • 崇拜他的人把他奉为“至圣先师”、“万世师表”,当作神灵隆重祭拜;
    The people who admired him regard him as "a great sage" and "a model of virtue", pay homage to him;

  • 而持亚洲价值观之解释者们,却是极有选择地引用了至圣先师孔夫子的言论。
    And exponents of Asian values cite that great authority, Confucius, very selectively.

  • 教师节是为了纪念中国最伟大的至圣先师─孔子。教师节这一天也是他的诞辰。
    Teacher's Day is in honor of the greatest teacher of China, Confucius. Teacher's Day is his birthday, too.

  • 至圣先师孔子的时代,邾国归鲁,也是经他的弟子子路一诺而定,连盟约都不须签。
    In the time of Confucius, that Great Sage and teacher, the state of Zhu was returned to the State of Lu merely on the promise of his disciple Zi Lu, without even a contract needing to be signed.

  • 看出至圣先师名字拼错的,个个得满分。请先自我表扬一番;功劳簿上,再大记一笔。
    Full mark for those who saw the spelling error in the name of the Great Teacher! Pat yourself on the back and award yourself a gold star.

  • 看出至圣先师名字拼错的,个个得满分。请先自我表扬一番;功劳簿上,再大记一笔。
    Full marks for those who saw the spelling error in the name of the Great Teacher! Pat yourself on the back and award yourself a gold star.

  • 孔子作为儒家的至圣先师,他在治学、为政、做人、交友等多方面给我们提供了宝贵的思想。
    Confucius, as the greatest stage and teacher confucian school, provides us with the valuable thoughts of the academic pursuits, being in power, being an upright person, making friends etc.

  • 至圣先师孔子的星座我已知道是跟我一样的天秤座了,如今,是时候将其它三人的星座给找出来了。
    I already knew that the greatest teacher of our history Confucius' star sign is Libra just like me, and now, it is time to find another three is.

  • 孔丘(前551年----前479年)字仲尼,鲁国(今曲阜)人,伟大的思想家,教育家,政治家,儒家的创始者,被尊为“至圣先师”。
    551BC—479BC Philosopher and educator, founder of the Confucian Shool , whose Words are read as The Analect of confucius.

  • 孔丘 (前551年----前479年)字仲尼,鲁国(今曲阜)人,伟大的思想家,教育家,政治家,儒家的创始者,被尊为“至圣先师”。
    551BC—479BC  Philosopher  and  educator, founder of the Confucian Shool , whose Words are read as The Analect of confucius.

  • 至圣先师造句相关
