
自食其言  zì shí qí yán








  • 你答应过要帮忙的,你不应该自食其言
    You promised to help — you must n't back out now.

  • 保持言语温和,说不定明天你就自食其言
    Keep your words soft and tender because tomorrow you may have to eat them.

  • 可是,西方发达国家就是自食其言,无动于衷。
    But, the Western developed country is self-supporting its word, aloof.

  • Google公司正齐心协力,就是为了“自食其言”。
    The company is making a concerted effort to do just that.

  • 4点钟——又一次——他们自食其言。幸好现在终于踏实了。
    awarding him the presidency, and retracted it again at 4a. m… Fortunately , they are quiet now.

  • 以“别干坏事”自诫的Google公司,用不着自食其言,能在中国做成生意吗?
    Can Google—with its motto "don't be evil"—do business in China without betraying its soul?

  • 微软强硬地表示不会主动抬高收购价,不过之后却自食其言,把收购价从每股31美元提高到了33美元。
    Microsoft vowed it wouldn't bid against itself, and then did just that, raising its bid from $31 a share to $33.

  • 尽管有许许多多种族歧视的口号和不断出现的红黑色“万”字旗,但是,欧文斯以4枚金牌的成绩让希特勒自食其言
    Despite the endless racial epithets and the constant presence of the red and black swastika, Owens made Hitler eat his words with four gold medals.

  • 这个人说:“麦克,这回我不得不自食其言了.我真是感到非常难为情.我估计上个星期能收到一笔钱,但是没有到.不过,我肯定是在邮寄的路上.所以星期六之前我会把钱还给你的。”
    Michael, I'm really embarrassed that I have to eat my own words. The money I expected to receive last week didn't arrive. But I'm sure it's in the mail sol can pay you back before Saturday.

  • 自食其言造句相关
