
自投罗网  zì tóu luó wǎng








  • 她说“我们都是这里自投罗网的囚犯”
    And she said'We are all just prisoners here of our own device'

  • 「圣」,许愿后才反省,这是自投罗网
    It is ruin to a man to devour holy ones, and after vows to retract.

  • 自投罗网这事,如果干得好,就叫结婚!
    Bit the hook this matter, if stem good, call to get married!

  • 我们设下十面埋伏,专等敌人自投罗网
    We set an ambush on all sides, waiting for the enemy to come into the trap.

  • 一个英国渔夫希望捕到一条自投罗网的鱼来充饥。
    An English fisherman wishes to get a foolish fish for a cold dish.

  • 因为有个大个子|正候着他们自投罗网,不是吗?
    'Cause this big motherfucker, |he's just waitin' for 'em, right?

  • 然而在他的审判上,第罗伦辩解说是政府设陷才使他自投罗网
    However, at his trial, DeLorean argued that the government had entrapped him.

  • 她以财宝为诱饵,引诱人们自投罗网,成为她那些蜘蛛奴仆的食物。
    With treasure, Arachna lures men into the slavery of her webs to embrace death and feed her spider minions.

  • 只要是去救伊莎贝尔!即使她是圈套里的诱饵,我也甘愿自投罗网
    Not with Isabel inside! If she is the bait in the trap, I'm willing to spring it.

  • 他们不知道着了什么魔,就像自投罗网的虫儿似的被你真实的一面迷住。
    They won't know what hit them and like a fly to a spider's web be hypnotized by your truth.

  • 既然进货阶段不好把握,那么买入出货阶段有量的股票不就是自投罗网吗?
    Since the purchase stage not grasp, then shipped to buy the stock volume stage Zitouluowang is not it?

  • 狄克和他的同伴就这样结束了他们的跟踪侦察,除非是他们自投罗网,爬过围墙。
    Dick and his men were thus excluded from any farther following, unless they should scale the wall and thus put their necks in a trap.

  • 我心里老是暗暗感到害怕,生怕我这样自作主张,擅自行事,会有自投罗网的危险。
    A private fear had haunted me that in thus acting for myself, and by my own guidance , I ran the risk of getting into some scrape.

  • 他站在一块突出的岩石上,吹了几只曲子,希望鱼儿会被他的笛声吸引,自投罗网
    Standing on a projecting rock, he played several tunes in the hope that the fish, attracted by his melody, would of their own accord dance into his net, which he had placed below.

  • 在南太平洋法属卡列多尼亚岛上的一只金蛛正在它华丽的网中等待着猎物自投罗网
    An argiope spider awaits prey in its ornate web in the French South Pacific territory of New Caledonia.

  • 他狠狠咒骂着自己;他直接来到这些人的篝火旁,象是投身于烛光的飞蛾,自投罗网
    He cursed himself bitterly: he had come straight to their fire, like a moth flinging itself into the candle flame.

  • “船。”尼可莱说,“而且不能租。他们大概正等着我们自投罗网呢,所以不会有斗争。”
    "A boat, " said Nikolai. "And not a rental. They're probably waiting for us to put ourselves in their hands, so there won't be a struggle. "

  • 机场常常是求婚的地方,女人从外面回来,来接机的男人想她想得疯了,自投罗网说:“我们结婚好吗?”
    Airport is usually  the place appropriate for proposing. when woman come back , the man who meets her in the airport will hurl himself willingly into the net"will you marry me ?"

  • 固定式的,藉由围索引导鱼进入网内,由两艘独木舟操作,并且利用重铅绳快速举起至表面而使鱼自投罗网
    anchored, with fish guided into the net by leads of rope, operated by two canoes, and the weighted lead line raised quickly to the surface to entrap the fish.

  • 所以,我就自投罗网,从面试要做中国这边企业的一个高管,阴差阳错就到了英特尔投资这边,也开始了我做VC的生涯。
    Therefore, I Zitouluowang, the Chinese side to do interviews from a corporate executive, Yinciyangcuo on Intel to invest here, I started to do the VC career.

  • 征求他们允许你给他们发信的第三个方法就是让他们“自投罗网”:在你的公司网站上注明你的公司有定期的新产品发布,如果感兴趣的话,他们会预定你的服务并主动联系你。
    On your web site you will a ounce that you have periodic a announcements of your products and if the viewer wants to get on (or opt in) the mailing list that they should contact you.

  • 征求他们允许你给他们发信的第三个方法就是让他们“自投罗网”:在你的公司网站上注明你的公司有定期的新产品发布,如果感兴趣的话,他们会预定你的服务并主动联系你。
    On your web site you will announce that you have periodic announcements of your products and if the viewer wants to get on (or opt in) the mailing list that they should contact you.

  • 自投罗网造句相关
