
惶恐不安  huáng kǒng bù ān







  • 我有些惶恐不安地等待着结果。
    I waited for the results in a state of some trepidation.

  • 不过这种态度会引发我们的惶恐不安
    Yet this attitude arouses fear in us.

  • 这一天同时又是令人惶恐不安的日子。
    This is also a time of trepidation.

  • 邮递员把电报交给我时,我惶恐不安
    When the postman handed me the telegram, my heart was in my mouth.

  • 那个阴沉的下午,我心里多么惶恐不安
    What a consternation of soul was mine that dreary afternoon!

  • 较低的国民收入却另债券持有人惶恐不安
    its weak capacity to generate revenue spooks bondholders.

  • 如果孩子在恐惧的环境中生活,他们学会惶恐不安
    If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive.

  • 而教会女多男少的窘境,更让姐妹对婚姻惶恐不安
    The church women outnumbering men in a small dilemma has kept and sisters live in fear of marriage.

  • 一些有过中风表现的人往往惶恐不安,于是四处看病。
    Some have had a stroke of the performance often fear, then four medical treatment.

  • 马利亚思前想后,都不明白这句话的意思,就惶恐不安
    Mary was very upset because of his words. She wondered what kind of greeting this could be.

  • 惶恐不安的说:这个钱不是我拿的,是我朋友提出来的。
    I fear to say : I take this money is not, to my friends.

  • 花旗暴跌的股价可能会令客户惶恐不安、令该行陷入危险中。
    Its plunging stock price threatened to spook customers and imperil the bank.

  • 像等待一位神秘友人的到来,惶恐不安地看着日渐长大的叶子。
    Like waiting for the arrival of a mysterious friend, insecurity grew up watching the growing leaves.

  • 一分钟后,索尼娅走进来,惶恐不安,六神无主,露出认罪的样子。
    A minute later Sonya came in, looking frightened, distraught, and guilty.

  • 平素在这种时刻,这所住宅里的人总是乱哄哄的,惶恐不安地期待。
    Preparations were being made for administering extreme unction, and the house was full of the bustle and thrill of suspense usual at such moments.

  • 半年过去了,他总觉得自己感染艾滋病,终日惶恐不安,晚上还做噩梦。
    Six months have passed, and he always felt that people living with HIV, live in fear all day, evening is also having nightmares.

  • 惶恐不安,嫉妒万分,然而,他却摆出热情友善的姿态来掩饰不安的嫉忌心理。
    He was extremely nervous and extremely jealous and he covered his nervous jealousy with an ebullient friendliness.

  • 假如与你说话的那个人直直的盯着你,好像要镇住你似的,你便会感到惶恐不安
    Much meaning can be conveyed, clearly, with our eyes, so it is often said that eyes can speak. Do you have such kind of experience?

  • 但即使这些人也惶恐不安:其中61%担心他们的失业救济金资格会在找到工作之前过期。
    Even for them, the anxiety is intense: 61 per cent worry their benefits will expire before they find a job.

  • 窃贼盗用他人身分来申请贷款或信用卡、找工作甚至上大学,都容易得让人吃惊又非常惶恐不安
    It's surprisingly ─ and frighteningly ─ easy for thieves to steal other people's identities to get a loan or a credit card, land a job or even go to college.

  • 俄国认为他有资格对欧洲边缘地区的实行现代影响范围的争论,对欧盟和其它地区产生了惶恐不安
    Russia's contention that it is entitled to a modern sphere of influence on the fringes of Europe has caused consternation in the EU and elsewhere.

  • 哎呀,你的脸色太苍白。”公爵小姐玛丽亚惶恐不安地说,她迈着沉重而柔和的脚步朝她面前跑去。
    Oh, you are very pale, " said Princess Marya in alarm, running with her soft, ponderous tread up to her sister-in-law."

  • 今后几年,对这些自由的真正威胁将来自惊慌失措的各国政府,而不是布鲁塞尔那些惶恐不安的官僚。
    In the coming years, the real threat to these freedoms will come from national governments in a panic –not from the dreaded bureaucrats of Brussels.

  • 缺少经验,不够老练以及无领导风范萨帕特罗被戏称为“小鹿斑比”,因为聚光灯下的他总是显得惶恐不安
    Mr Zapatero was inexperienced, ill-prepared and unprepossessing; he was nicknamed "Bambi", as he often looked like a startled fawn caught in the headlights.

  • 你也许会因此认为彭城一定是处于惶恐不安的气氛之中,然而这里丝毫没有乌云压城之感,倒是充满了喜洋洋的气氛。
    Because of this, you might have thought that Pengcheng was living in an atmosphere of dread and uncertainty. However, far from being gloomy, Pengcheng was in quite a gay and festive mood.

  • 但女人们不能过多地使用,因为面对女人的泪水,男人总是惶恐不安,不知所措,要么就不闻不问,要么就溜之大吉。
    But women have not excessive use, because in the face of a woman in tears, men always fear, shock, on either indifferent, or to leave the territory.

  • 有时,人们会迷失于书中的文字。读者在惶恐不安之中继续阅读,才恍然大悟,就像现实中经历的柳暗花明又一村那样的感觉。
    It is perhaps a failing—though a fitting one—that people sometimes get lost in this book, disconcertingly reappearing after long gaps, just as they reappeared in reality after alienating absences.

  • 这辆威尔•斯密斯汽车在世界任何地方都畅通无阻,但坐上去会叫你感到惶恐不安,片中汽车中途突然换挡,这着实叫观众心惊胆战。
    This Will Smith vehicle did well worldwide, but sat uneasily with many viewers, who found its abrupt change of gears halfway through the movie disconcerting.

  • 我感到丈二和尚摸不着头脑,惶恐不安,总有一种瘟神降临厄运当头的感觉。就在那星期的一天我被叫到俱乐部办公室,被告知有人投诉我出汗太多。
    I felt a bit paranoid but it was later in the week I was taken into the office to be told about the complaints.

  • 看看他整天畏畏缩缩,谨小慎微,惶恐不安,毫无神性和不朽可言,而以他的努力所获得的那些声望,不过是让他沦为了自己的思想的奴隶和囚犯而已。
    See how he cowers and sneaks, how vaguely all the day he fears, not being immortal nor divine, but the slave and prisoner of his own opinion of himself, a fame won by his own deeds.

  • 惶恐不安造句相关
