
肝肠寸断  gān cháng cùn duàn








  • 爱情原来是含笑饮毒酒,肝肠寸断,永不言悔。
    Drank the poisonous wine with a smile originally in love, extremely sad, it is repentant to never speak.

  • 她的眼睛确实是干的,但是她的肝肠好象已经寸断了。
    Her eyes indeed were dry, but her very soul seemed to be torn in pieces within her.

  • 母猪看到这行字肝肠寸断,人类听到这个凄美的故事也无不为之动容。
    After seeing the sentence, the sow was extremely sad. Human beings was also moved to tears.

  • 而且,伤痛也好,羞耻也好,肯定会让你觉得无力支持,让你肝肠寸断
    And certainly the pain and the shame are going to be overwhelming and devastating.

  • 近年来的一些流行歌曲唱的就是那些寡情薄义、令其情人肝肠寸断的冷血男女。
    Several popular songs in recent years were about cold-hearted men or cold-hearted women who without feeling, broke the hearts of their lovers.

  • 冷淡、有排斥心理的妻子原来是一个非常悲伤的女人,因为失去母亲而肝肠寸断
    Perhaps, as in one case that I know of, a distant, rejecting wife turned out to be a very sad woman, grieving the loss of her mother.

  • 对亡之爱犬,他会肝肠寸断,悲之欲绝;但他的绝情无义,铁石心肠会令罗马皇帝都不寒而栗
    He could be grief-stricken over the death of a pet dog, and he could be callous and heartless to a degree that would have made a Roman emperor shudder.

  • 凯文和阿普里尔大多数时间在一起。只要在一块,他们就“哭谈”那场婚外恋,搞得肝肠寸断
    When they're together, which is most of the time, Kevin and April have agonising "cry talks" about the affair.

  • 很多当天晚上睡的时候还是一切安好,可三更半夜却突然肚子痛的厉害,简直到了肝肠寸断的地步。
    A lot of time to sleep that night, or all the well-being can be middle of the night suddenly severe stomach pain, almost to the point of Ganchangcunduan.

  • 在深圳,你可以哭得肝肠寸断,也可以叹得气壮山河,但该往前走的脚步绝对不可以慢,更不可以停。
    In Shenzhen, you can cry so much quarrel with heart broken, but also can do a magnificent, but the move ahead of the pace should not slow, it is not stopped.

  • 如此肝肠寸断的誓言,被命运无情捉弄的爱情,使观众眼泪狂流,生死相守的悲情结局这让观众心碎。
    So Ganchangcunduan oath, was the fate of merciless fun of love, so that the audience mad tears flow, the sad truth of life and death spend the outcome of this heart-breaking audiences.

  • 说不定他们会让你肝肠寸断,或者你让他们伤心欲绝,到头来你再也不能用原本同样的方式看待你自己。
    Maybe they'll break your heart, or you'll break their heart and you'll never be able to look at yourself the same way.

  • 而精神上的痛苦,可谓撕心裂肺肝肠寸断,其痛将在心灵深处留下巨大的阴影,令人刻骨铭心万念俱灰。
    On the contrary, mental pains may overwhelm the one and meanwhile, the huge shadow will leave in one's deepest heart resulted in great despairs could never get rid of until the end of the life.

  • 我无法告诉你我对你那强烈的爱怎样才能收回,当我在九月踏上归途即将回到你身边时,内心真是肝肠寸断
    I cannot tell you how strong my love for you was back then, when I returned to you on leave in the September, feeling battered, bruised and fragile.

  • 你的那些肝肠寸断,伤心欲绝,对我来说又何尝不是呢?你的痛苦,你的难受同样也是我的痛苦,我的难受。
    Ganchangcunduan those of you, Yujue sad, for me and it not? »Your pain, your suffering is also my pain, my suffering.

  • 一滴泪滑落,砸在你熟睡的脸,梦中,你轻轻地呼唤着我,让我肝肠寸断,强忍着悲痛,挥挥手,我又回到了云端。
    Tear down, smashing you asleep at the face, a dream, you calling me gently, let me , endure the pain, wave, my back to the clouds.

  • 以撒的问题必定使亚伯拉罕肝肠寸断,但他仍能勉强支撑著,并预言到神必预备,毕竟他与神同行已有一段很长的时间了。
    Isaac's question surely cuts to the core of Abraham's being. But somehow he manages to prophesy that God will provide. He has journeyed with God a long time.

  • 你为一件事难过得肝肠寸断或者喜不自胜,而对别人则是风平浪静,感受是你自己的,很多时候,没人在意你的尴尬或风光。
    Sorry for the one thing you have to or , while others are calm, and feelings are your own, very often, no one care about your embarrassing or scenery.

  • 艾萨克的问题必定使亚伯拉罕肝肠寸断,但他仍能勉强支撑着,并预言到神必预备,毕竟他与神同行已有一段很长的时间了。
    Isaac's question surely cuts to the core of Abraham's being. But somehow he manages to prophesy that God will provide. He has journeyed with God a long time.

  • 但是,从根本上说,《断臂山》不是关于性(其中这方面的内容很少)而是关于爱的:爱悄悄地走近,爱被反对,爱令人肝肠寸断
    Yet "Brokeback Mountain" is ultimately not about sex (there is very little of it in the film) but about love: love stumbled into, love thwarted, love held sorrowfully in the heart.

  • 在死的魔爪下,有人号啕大哭,不肯受安慰,因他宝贝的儿女不见了。有人肝肠寸断,痛不欲生,因为相依为命的爱人已经先他而去。
    When confronted with death some will break down crying rent with heart-aches as their loved ones are snatched away by death.

  • 在死的魔爪下,有人号啕大哭,不肯受安慰,因他宝贝的儿女不见了。有人肝肠寸断,痛不欲生。因为,相依为命的爱人已经先他而去。
    When confronted with death some will break down crying rent with heart-aches as their loved ones are snatched away by death.

  • 他们也曾被爱情弄得神魂颠倒,也曾为爱情海誓山盟,也曾为爱情肝肠寸断,有些人会很崇拜书中的爱情描写,但那只是书,没有可能出现在现实生活中。
    They also have been captivated make love, have to love for love, some people will love the book description of worship, but only books, not possible in real life.

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