
聪明正直  cōng míng zhèng zhí








  • 国内还有不少聪明正直的人。
    There were still many wise and good men in the country.

  • 幽默风趣,聪明正直,无不良嗜好的朋友。
    Humorous charming, intelligent honest, does not have buliang the hobby friend.

  • 无知的人以愚妄为乐;聪明的人按正直而行。
    Folly delights a man who lacks judgment, but a man of understanding keeps a straight course.

  • 无知的人以愚妄为乐;聪明的人按正直而行。
    Folly is a joy to him who lacks sense, but a man of understanding walks straight ahead.

  • 聪明、敏捷、诚实、正直,有很强的责任心。
    Clever, agile, honesty, integrity and got strong sense of responsibility.

  • 归根结底,这良心也不是一个聪明正直的顾问。
    It was no just and sapient counsellor, in its last analysis.

  • 21无知的人以愚妄为乐,聪明的人按正直而行。
    Folly is joy to him who lacks sense, But a man of understanding makes straight his going.

  • 无知的人,以愚妄为乐。聪明的人,按正直而行。
    Folly delights a man who lacks judgment, but a man of understanding keeps a straight course.

  • 无知的人,以愚妄为乐。聪明的人,按正直而行。
    Folly is joy to him who lacks sense, But a man of understanding walks straight.

  • 无知的人、以愚妄为乐.聪明的人、按正直而行。
    Folly delights a man who lacks judgment, but a man of understanding keeps a straight course.

  • 无知的人,以愚妄为乐。聪明的人,按正直而行。
    Folly is joy to him that is destitute of wisdom: but a man of understanding walketh uprightly.

  • 我是一个成熟聪明,为人正直善良,待人热情而快乐的女人。
    I'm a woman who is intelligent, mature, honest, friendly, warm and happy.

  • 我是一聪明的,真诚的,正直的男人,希望能找到我的终生伴侣。
    I am smart and sincere and loyal, hope to find my life-partner.

  • 使学生阅读每一聪明正直的男人和女人都应当阅读的某些基本好书。
    To make the students read certain fundamental good books which should be read by every good and intelligent man and woman.

  • 就是在更为明亮的灯光之下,也难于认出面貌聪明、气概正直的梅尼特医生。
    It would have been difficult by a far brighter light, to recognize in Doctor Manette, intellectual of face and upright of bearing.

  • 当然其他品质像聪明、自信和正直也很重要,但他们不一定能保证你能成功。
    Other characteristics, such as intelligence, confidence, and honesty, are no doubt important, but they do not necessarily guarantee success.

  • 自此麻姑备受当地人崇拜,并以她作为长寿、健美、聪明正直、纯洁的象征。
    From now on the hemp paternal aunt will be subject to the native to worship, and takes the longevity by her, healthily, intelligent, honest, the chaste symbol.

  • 在你雇佣人之前,你需要确认他的三项素质:正直诚实,聪明能干,精力充沛。
    8226; In looking for someone to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy.

  • 在你雇佣人之前,你需要确认他的三项素质:正直诚实,聪明能干,精力充沛。
    In looking for someone to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy.

  • 在你雇佣人之前,你需要确认他的三项素质:正直诚实,聪明能干,精力充沛。
    I think he isn't. In looking for someone to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy.

  • 读小学时,看到有老师受贿,他就用左手写信举报,聪明正直的特点可见一斑。
    When reading elementary school, see the teacher takes bribes, he writes a letter to inform against with left hand, clever see one spot with just characteristic.

  • 我对里克无所不爱:他的温存体贴、他的聪明才智和正直诚恳以及他对家人的亲近。
    I loved everything about Rick: his kindness and warmth, his intelligence and integrity and his closeness to his family.

  • “我也同样地可怜你,”海丝特·白兰回答说,“因为仇恨已经把一个聪明正直的人变成了恶魔!
    "And I thee, " answered Hester Prynne, "for the hatred that has transformed a wise and just man to a fiend!

  • “我也同样地可怜妳,”海丝特·白兰回答说,“因为仇恨已经把一个聪明正直的人变成了恶魔!
    "And I thee, " answered Hester Prynne, "for the hatred that has transformed a wise and just man to a fiend!

  • 她第三个男朋友则是与她几乎同时进入中心的大学毕业生,那男孩(她的原话)单纯、正直聪明、谦逊。
    The third, she and her boyfriend is almost at the same time into the center of university graduates, the boy (her words) a simple, honest, smart, humble.

  • 不管怎样,都要选择对你具有挑战性的一流学校或工作场所。还要有一个由聪明、上进、正直的人组成的朋友圈子。
    In all cases, choose a first-class school or place to work that will challenge you, and then surround yourself with bright, motivated people with integrity.

  • 传统社会组织,是由成员共同推举聪明正直的人担任领导者,对外代表部落,对内维持部落的安宁和谐,解决仲裁纷争。
    In traditional society, the adult members of the tribe elected their leaders. Elected leaders served as the village spokespersons and maintained the peace within the village, mediating all disputes.

  • 不管怎样,都要选择一流的学校,一流的工作场所,这对你具有挑战性。还要有一个聪明、上进、正直的人组成的朋友圈子。
    In all cases, choose a first-class school or place to work that will challenge you, and then surround yourself with bright, motivated people with integrity.

  • 就在他做出这一批评奥巴马的失言之前,他还曾形容奥巴马为“第一个能言善辩、聪明伶俐、干净正直、英俊潇洒的主流非洲裔美国人。又一次失言。
    In another gaffe, he had also previously described Obama as "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy".

  • 就在他做出这一批评奥巴马的失言之前,他还曾形容奥巴马为“第一个跻身主流的非洲裔美国人,是一个能说会道、聪明伶俐、干净正直、英俊潇洒的家伙。”又一次失言。
    In another gaffe, he had also previously described Obama as "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy".

  • 聪明正直造句相关
