
羽毛丰满  yǔ máo fēng mǎn








  • 许都年过去了,小鹰已经羽毛丰满
    The years passed and the young eagle became fully grown.

  • 又有另一只大鹰,翅膀庞大,羽毛丰满
    But there was another great eagle, great of wing, rich in plumage;

  • 金翅鸟的幼雏在蛋中便已羽毛丰满,但在孵化前还无法飞。
    The garuda chick has all its wing feathers fully developed inside the egg, but it cannot fly before it hatches.

  • 有的鸟是不应该被关在笼子里的,因为它们的羽毛丰满了!
    Some birds aren't meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are just too bright…

  • 他在经济上又开始羽毛丰满了,因而他又打扮得漂漂亮亮地出入公共场所。
    Since his money-feathers were beginning to grow again he felt like sprucing about.

  • 传说它们羽毛丰满后会一直往南飞,不停地飞,只为在南焰山让天火将自己的羽毛点燃。
    After they are full-fledged legend will always fly south to fly non-stop just to let the sky in the South Hill Fire flame will be lit their feathers.

  • 每个人像羽毛丰满的小鸟,飞出了那个家,在不同的城市奔波着,但都是为了更好地筑巢。
    Each portrait full-fledged birds, flying out of that home, in different cities rush forward, but they are in order to better nest.

  • 小燕慢慢长大,待羽毛丰满,就随老燕在蓝天白云间穿梭飞行,成为乡村中一道美丽的风景。
    Xiaoyan slowly grew up to be full-fledged, on the old nest with blue sky and white clouds in the inter-shuttle flights, as a village in the beautiful scenery together.

  • 自然界中许多雄鸟的羽毛都比雌鸟来的漂亮,鹤鸵却恰恰相反,雌鹤鸵的羽毛更为丰满光艳。
    Many female birds do not share the same brightly colored plumage as the male of the species. The female Cassowary, on the other hand, does and is stronger and bigger than the male.

  • 在他再次猜错的时候,一位丰满的、帽子上插着一根鲜艳的橙黄色羽毛的妇女走近来也要试一下。
    When he guessed wrong again a plump woman with a bright orange plume on her hat stepped in to try as well.

  • 1993年4月,我的朋友、飞行器驾驶员乔·达夫和我一起饲养雏雁。到了7月,雏雁羽毛丰满
    In April 1993 Joe Duff, a friend and ultralight pilot, joined me in raising the geese, and by July they were fully feathered.

  • 鹧鸪的幼雏不像其余的幼雏那样不长羽毛,比起小鸡来,它们羽毛更快地丰满起来,而且更加早熟。
    They are not callow like the young of most birds, but more perfectly developed and precocious even than chickens.

  • 许多年过去了,小鹰已经羽毛丰满。一天,它向天空望去,看见万里无云的高空有一只硕大无比的鸟。
    So the eagle got a running start and leaped into the air, working his huge wings rhythmically and steadily as he had seen the huge bird do and like he had never done before.

  • 尽管雌犀鸟已经解除巢穴“禁闭”,雏鸟仍然再在巢里度过几周,依赖它的父母直到羽毛丰满能够飞翔。
    Though its mother has left the confines of the nest, the chick remains within for another few weeks, dependent on its parents until it fledges.

  • 在他再次猜错的时候,一位丰满的 、帽子上插着一根鲜艳的橙黄色羽毛的妇女走近来也要试一下。
    When he guessed wrong again a plump woman with a bright orange plume on her hat stepped in to try as well.

  • 看着我们的小家伙羽毛日渐丰满并开始蹒珊地走出它的小巢爬到为成年鸟准备的栖木上,我们是多么地为它骄傲!
    How proud all of us were when our fledgling tottered out of the nest onto a real grown-up perch!

  • 一种生活于北美西部的丰满且矮胖的鸟(珠颈翎鹑),长有灰白色和棕色的羽毛并在头冠部长有弯曲的黑色羽毛
    A plump, chunky bird(Lophortyx californicus) of western North America, having gray and brown plumage and a curving black plume on the crown of the head.

  • 你应宣讲说:吾主上主这样说:有一只大鹰,翅膀庞大,翅翼广阔,羽毛丰满,异彩灿烂,飞到黎巴嫩,啄下香柏的树梢。
    Thus speaks the Lord GOD: The great eagle, with great wings, with long pinions, with thick plumage, many-hued, came to Lebanon. He took the crest of the cedar.

  • 阳光灿烂的日子一天天过去。看着我们的小家伙羽毛日渐丰满并开始蹒珊地走出它的小巢爬到为成年鸟准备的栖木上,我们是多么地为它骄傲!
    The sunny days passed. How proud all of us were when our fledgling tottered out of the nest onto a real grown-up perch!

  • 羽毛丰满造句相关
