
罪魁祸首  zuì kuí huò shǒu








  • 窗户是空气污染的罪魁祸首
    Windows a Culprit in Air Pollution?

  • 研究人员称,气候变化是真正的罪魁祸首
    Researchers say climate change is the real culprit.

  • 被打上罪魁祸首烙印的人是否有创造英雄壮举的潜能?
    Can a man branded a villain possess the quality of a hero?

  • 我们的物价上涨得太快,而生产成本高是主要的罪魁祸首
    Our prices are rising too quickly, and high production costs are the main culprit.

  • 一些分析人士争论说,通缩是银行资产平衡表恶化的罪魁祸首
    Some analysts have argued that deflation was the cause of the deterioration in banks' balance sheets.

  • 我怀疑这些仓库里的某一个人是这些货物神秘失窃的罪魁祸首
    I suspect that somebody in the stores is at the bottom of these mysterious thefts of stock.

  • 全世界大多数研究人员认为,温室气体是造成冰川融化的罪魁祸首
    Most researchers around the world agree that green house gases are to blame for the disappearance of ice.

  • 与产前诊断中心的医生沟通后,她发现“二手烟”可能是罪魁祸首
    Prenatal Diagnosis Center, and doctors to communicate, she found that "passive smoking" may be the culprit.

  • 事实上,某些经济学家认为货币过量已构成通胀上升的罪魁祸首之一。
    Indeed, some economists believe that excess money is already partly to blame for rising inflation.

  • 噪音中有大约一半是由引擎制造的,引擎内的排气系统和螺旋桨是罪魁祸首
    About half of this noise is generated by the engine, with the exhaust and the fans being the biggest culprits.

  • 但这里要说明一点:假设我们暂且认为保险公司并非这段故事中的罪魁祸首
    But here's the thing: suppose that we posit, provisionally, that the insurers aren't the main villains in this story.

  • 奥巴马总统有一个计划来处理经济危机的罪魁祸首——美国的问题房产市场。
    President Barack Obama has a plan to deal with a central cause of the economic crisis: America's troubled housing market.

  • 度假城市寒冷角的海岸保护以及环保机构主管皮门塔指出,污染才是罪魁祸首
    Pimenta, superintendent for the state coastal protection and environment agency in the resort city of Cabo Frio. , suggested pollution is to blame.

  • 生的番茄被怀疑是引发疾病的罪魁祸首,但是政府说一些种类的辣椒也与此有关联。
    Raw tomatoes are a chief suspect, but the government says some types of hot peppers may be implicated too.

  • 这是到目前为止得出的最强结论,使得宣称自然力量是罪魁祸首言论变得苍白无力。
    That was the strongest conclusion to date, making it nearly impossible to say natural forces are to blame.

  • 银行家、骗子、掠夺性保险公司:在惩罚导致全球衰退的罪魁祸首时,他们蜂拥而上。
    BANKERS, frauds, predatory insurers: there has been a stampede to punish the villains of the global meltdown.

  • 如果美国公立学校的二流教育是罪魁祸首的话,那么在这段时间,所有的商业才智从何而来?
    If America's mediocre public schools were the culprit, then where did all the entrepreneurial talent come from during this era?

  • 每日电邮撰文指出,中国的过度储蓄和美国的过度消费是造成目前全球金融危机的罪魁祸首之一。
    Telegraph Beijing: The over spending spree in US and over saving in China is causing a global economic imbalance at our age.

  • 个性压抑是导致大学生大部分心理问题的罪魁祸首,互联网又往往容易成为宣泄被压抑情绪的工具。
    Inhibition of personality is the chief reason leading to most of students mental problems, while internet is the tool for them to exhaust their depression.

  • 睡在他人身侧会带来额外的热量,由此造成的身体过热跟其他一些因素一样是无眠之夜的罪魁祸首
    Over-heating because of the extra warmth generated by sleeping beside another person may be just as blameworthy for a sleep-deprived night as other factors.

  • 老鼠增多的背后是往大街上而不是垃圾箱里乱扔快餐垃圾和残渣的行为--年轻人是其中的罪魁祸首
    The practice of dumping fast food litter and scraps on the street rather than in the trash - with young men the worst offenders - was behind the rise.

  • 当萨格拉斯的疯狂吞噬了他最后的一点高贵的灵魂之后,他开始认为泰坦才是导致造物失败的罪魁祸首
    By the time Sargeras madness had consumed the last vestiges of his valiant spirit, he believed that the Titans themselves were responsible for creations failure.

  • 被认为是金融危机罪魁祸首的银行业者成了最大的目标,他们在金融危机时,以及之后,都被猛烈地抨击。
    Bankers are the biggest target, blamed for causing the financial crisis in the first place and castigated for their conduct during and after it.

  • 他永远是最后一分钟用任意球得分的人,代表英格兰被红牌罚出场外的人或者是“黄金一代”种种不利的罪魁祸首
    He was always scoring a lastminute free-kick, getting himself sent off in England colours or carting the blame for the anti-climaxes of the golden generation.

  • 世界卫生组织称,在世界范围内,自杀是导致死亡的一个重要原因,也是导致25岁下青年死亡的三大罪魁祸首之一。
    The World Health Organization says suicide is a leading cause of death worldwide, and one of the three leading causes of death for young people under 25.

  • 一些国家指责美国是造成此次经济危机的罪魁祸首,因为他们对金融部门的监管不力,所以导致了信用紧缩并引发了经济衰退。
    Some countries are blaming the United States for sparking the economic crisis through the deregulation of its financial sector - a move that led to a credit crunch and sparked an economic recession.

  • 罪魁祸首是谁?懒惰!半个世纪以来,我们从各种节省人力的设备中得到很多便利,但这是以我们身体活动的大大减少为代价的。
    The culprit? Inertia. What we have gained in convenience from labour-saving devices over the past half-century, we have paid for in terms of a sharp decline in physical activity.

  • 美国监管机构本周将表示,对冲基金或养老基金等投机者不是将大宗农产品价格(包括小麦和大米)推升至创纪录高位的罪魁祸首
    Speculators such as hedge funds or pension funds are not responsible for pushing agricultural commodities' prices, including wheat and rice, to record highs, US regulators will say this week.

  • 研究报告的主要撰写者、比利时国家科研基金会的埃尔弗莱德·伯纳德说,罪魁祸首可能是清洁公共浴池所用的氯产生的一种化学物质--三氯胺。
    The lead author, Alfred Bernard of Belgium's National Fund for Scientific Research, said a possible culprit was the chemical trichloramine, a by-product of the chlorine used to clean public pools.

  • 尽管许多人士还始终相信齐贝吉总统是总统投票作假的罪魁祸首,但他们也答应不去催促采取立即的制裁,其目的是让安南先生的谈判能有机会成功。
    Though many believe Mr Kibaki is to blame for rigging the presidential vote, they have agreed not to press for immediate sanctions so as to give Mr Annan's negotiations a chance to succeed.

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