
罪大恶极  zuì dà è jí




宋·欧阳修《纵囚论》:“刑入于死者,乃罪大恶极。”宋·罗大经《鹤林玉露》卷五:“矧如(秦)桧者,密奉虏谋,胁君误国,罪大恶极 ,岂可赦乎。”




  • 那个罪大恶极的叛徒被判处死刑。
    The infamous traitor was sentenced to death.

  • 谋杀犯由于罪大恶极被处以绞刑。
    The murderer was sent to the gallows for his crimes.

  • 他们是罪大恶极死有余辜的叛徒。
    They are traitors who have committed towering crimes and deserve more than death.

  • 他是个罪大恶极的地主,他反攻倒算。
    He is a sinful landlord and made a counter settlement.

  • 那个罪大恶极的叛徒被“判处”死刑。
    The infamous traitor was sentenced to death.

  • 而且公众支持对罪大恶极的人处以死刑。
    And there is widespread public support for the principle of executing egregious criminals.

  • 这个罪犯罪大恶极,广大群众要求处决他。
    The broad masses demanded the execution of the criminal for his atrocious crimes.

  • 人们喜欢外表的虔诚,可是里面却罪大恶极
    People like to be religious at the outside but are sinful at the inside.

  • 死刑应是对罪大恶极的犯罪分子的一项选择。
    The death penalty should be an option for the most serious crimes.

  • 创十三13所多玛人在耶和华面前罪大恶极
    Gen. 13:13 Now the men of Sodom were very wicked and sinful toward Jehovah.

  • 十九世纪的时间,美国西部有很多罪大恶极的罪犯。
    There were many infamous criminals in the Old West.

  • 真要深究的话,「违反信任原则」的人是罪大恶极的李明博吧!
    If we talk about the 'breach of trust, ' isn't Lee Myung Bak's crime bigger?

  • 绿水螅害死同胞,罪大恶极,证据确凿,判处死刑,立即执行。
    Green ShuiXi slay compatriots, the most solid evidence, and sentenced to death penalty with a knife immediately executed.

  • 尽管我们罪大恶极,但只要我们诚心求祂怜恤,祂就愿意赦免我们。
    As horrible as our sins can be, God is willing to forgive any of us who sincerely seek his mercy.

  • 对于叛徒,除罪大恶极者外,在其不继续反共的条件下,予以自新之路;
    As for renegades, except for those who have committed heinous crimes, they should be given a chance to turn over a new leaf provided they discontinue their anti-Communist activities;

  • 「这实在是罪大恶极,因为这是恐怖行径,他是恐怖分子,」伊卡比说。
    "It is a big crime because it is a terrorist act and he is a terrorist, " Iqabi said.

  • 罪大恶极的犯罪分子不可不杀,但又必须坚持少杀,防止杀错,严禁乱杀。
    For the most heinous criminals can not kill, but must adhere to the less kill, kill to prevent wrong, no-kill indiscriminately.

  • 他受着幸福的梦境的诱惑,经过周密的选择,居然前所未有地屈从于明知是罪大恶极的行径。
    Tempted by a dream of happiness, he had yielded himself with deliberate choice, as he had never done before, to what he knew was deadly sin.

  • 对于罪大恶极的犯罪人。为实现正义。必须处以死刑。始能平息及满足被害人或其遗族的心理。
    For the most heinous crimes. for the realization of justice. must be sentenced to death in order to take down and meet the victims or their survivors psychological.

  • 联合了联邦、州及地方有关机构的联邦执法官署,此次将把目标放在那些罪大恶极的的逃犯上。
    The Marshals Service, joined by many federal, state, and local partners, targeted the worst-of-the-worst fugitive felons in the country.

  • 亚伯兰住在迦南地,罗得住在平原的城邑,渐渐挪移帐棚,直到所多玛。所多玛人在耶和华面前罪大恶极
    Abram went on living in the land of Canaan, and Lot went to the lowland towns, moving his tent as far as Sodom.

  • 随著我们渐渐学会宽恕那些看起来罪大恶极之事,我们就等于向世人证实了痛苦和死亡之念的虚幻与无用。
    As we learn to forgive what seems unforgivable, we will become witness to the unreal and unnecessary thoughts of pain and death.

  • 卡莉恩·法恩米尔正在调查一个传言,即她本人已被一笔商业交易出卖给了罪大恶极的普苏桑狂热信徒领袖。
    Kalyn Farnmir was investigating a rumor that a business association had sold her out to the criminal cult-leader of the Zealots of Psusan.

  • 我所爱的既然行了罪大恶极的事,还有什么资格在我的殿里呢?难道祭肉可以消除你的灾祸,使你得着欢乐吗?
    What hath my beloved to do in mine house, seeing she hath wrought lewdness with many, and the holy flesh is passed from thee? when thou doest evil, then thou rejoicest.

  • 死刑固然“传递的是一种暴力信息”,但贸然废除死刑可能传递的是一种绥靖信息,即对罪大恶极犯罪人的妥协。
    Though DS passes a signal of violence, a rashly abolition might passes sort of appeasement signal, or, compromise to heinous criminals.

  • 种族屠杀监控组织总负责人格瑞格雷·H·斯坦顿教授写道:“纳粹屠杀位于历史上最罪大恶极的种族屠杀之列。
    Dr. Gregory H. Stanton, president of Genocide Watch, wrote: "The Nazi Holocaust was among the most evil genocides in history."

  • 如果罪大恶极,如果地方民情高涨,如果过度的舆论会影响挑选组成公正的陪审团,那么是否应该把新闻界排除在法庭之外?
    If the crime is particularly heinous, if local emotions are running high, if excessive publicity may damage the prospects for selecting an impartial jury, then should not the press be excluded?

  • 至于能源政策,这几乎和工党12年执政期间任何计划流产一样糟糕甚至罪大恶极(尽管对头托利党几乎挤不出什么点子)。
    In terms of energy policy, this is almost criminal—as bad as any other planning failure in New Labour's 12-year reign (though the opposition Tories are hardly brimming with ideas).

  • 倘若有人娶了一个妇人,却又娶了这妇人的母亲,这是罪大恶极的行为;他们三人都要用火烧死,把这种败坏的事情从你们当中除掉。
    And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people.

  • 每个人都认为它是令人作呕的以及罪大恶极的,因为他们这么说:就像狗一样,其理所当然地应该获得一个恶名,但是其却没有被吊死;
    Everybody believe it to be odious and abominable because everybody says so: and so the dog, and most deservedly, gets a bad name, but he is not hanged; he is simple avoided.

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