
繁花似锦  fán huā sì jǐn







  • 日常的繁多小事能让生活变得繁花似锦
    That it's those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular.

  • 神州大地繁花似锦,祖国长空乐曲如潮。
    Vast land of beautiful flowers, the sky of the motherland music rave reviews.

  • 那座花园是一个繁花似锦,香气袭人的仙境。
    The garden was a fairyland of beautiful flowers and sweet odors.

  • 四月里的倾盆大雨,会造就五月的繁花似锦
    The torrential rains in the month of April, give rise to the glorious flowers in the month of May.

  • 由他侍弄的植物生长开花了,玫瑰也繁花似锦
    The plants he tended grew and blossomed, and the rose trees blossomed.

  • 花园里繁花似锦
    Flowers filled the garden.

  • 这里春日繁花似锦、夏时凉爽宜人、冬来银妆素裹。
    Here spring flowers, nice and cool in summer time and winter makeup to silver-wrapped.

  • 春天繁花似锦
    The flowers are profuse in spring.

  • 繁花似锦的植物,形形色色的动物把地球装扮得异彩纷呈。
    Colourful plants and various animals make the earth extraordinarily beautiful.

  • 阳春三月,此园繁花似锦,五彩缤纷,犹如置身于花的海洋之中。
    Yangchun in March, this garden of beautiful flowers, colorful, like exposure among a sea of flowers.

  • MEC正如五月繁花似锦,每个分区的俱乐部正在相继成立,太好了!
    MEC is blossoming now like the May, every district club is build now, so great.

  • 八大关内树木成荫,繁花似锦,尤其是青岛的市树—-雪松更是四季常青。
    Within Colorado, shady trees and colorful flowers, in particular the city of Qingdao —- cedar tree is perennial.

  • 春夏是前往这里的旅游最好的季节,气温适中,草甸上繁花似锦,景致迷人。
    Spring and summer is here to the best tourist season, moderate temperatures, the meadow flowers, and beautiful.

  • 荷兰设计师托德·邦耶以自然有机的形式为母题,创造了许多繁花似锦的漂亮产品。
    Holand stylist holds De Bangye in the palm to be inscribed for the mother with natural and organic form, created a lot of beautiful products of numerous Hua Shijin.

  • 如果说他的命运是那破旧的花架,那么因为他的坚强意志,变得繁花似锦,光艳夺人;
    if we say that is the fate of his old flower, then because of his strong will become flowers, Guangyan away;

  • 在显微镜下看起来,它就像一幅繁花似锦的那伐鹤地毯,或是一幅铁路调车场的鸟瞰图。
    Under a microscope, it resembles a stylized Navaho rug or the aerial view of a railroad switching yard.

  • 一草一木,尽得维护,绿地面积占39%,天然树木多达千余株,层层叠翠,繁花似锦
    Plants, do a safeguard, green area accounts for 39%, up to 1, 000 trees natural trees, layers of green, it should continue.

  • 贪婪与信任的结合,成就了华尔街长期以来繁花似锦的心理基础——“人能战胜市场”。
    The combination of greed and trust, a Wall Street success for a long time the flowers were the basis of the psychological - "one can beat the market."

  • 神州大地繁花似锦,祖国长空乐曲如潮。在这美好日子里,我们最真诚地祝福:祖国繁荣昌盛!
    Vast land of beautiful flowers, the sky of the motherland music rave reviews. In this beautiful day, our most sincere blessing: the prosperity of the motherland!

  • 买花种花,每年春天的必修课。家家户户繁花似锦,倒也爽心悦目。处处彩色点缀,也算是涂鸦…
    Every Spring, every family is busing planting all different flowers and the neighborhood becomes colorful quickly.

  • 园内湖光山色,参天树木,绿草如茵,繁花似锦,鸟语花香,多种棕榈科植物营造了热带风情景象。
    Park Huguangshanse, towering trees, green grass and Fanhuasijin, Niaoyuhuaxiang, a variety of palm plants to create a tropical scene.

  • 用不着多举例,即使高明的画家,也难以形象地勾勒出这秋天原野的繁花似锦、五彩斑斓的景象来。
    Do not need more than, for example, even if the brilliant painter, it is difficult to outline the image field of flowers this fall, gorgeous color to the scene.

  • 我倦了,慵懒地卧于床榻,幻想着全部工作都已终结。拂晓醒来,却发现我的园中繁花似锦,奇妙非凡。
    I was tired and sleeping on my idle bed imagined all work had ceased. In the morning i woke up and found my garden full with wonders flowers.

  • 春天美不胜收,而五月也是一个明媚清新、繁花似锦的月份,但这些时节的魅力是由于与冬天的对比而增强的。
    Spring has many beauties, and May is a fresh and blooming month, but the charms of this time of year are enhanced1) by their contrast with the winter season.

  • 您披一身星光,耕耘于繁花似锦的田野。我们的童年,记满您热情洋溢的诗句;我们的未来,就酝酿在您的怀里。
    You cultivate in the field with looming like brocade in the moonlight. Our childhood record your ebullient poem. Our future is brewing in your bosom.

  • 您披一身星光,耕耘去繁花似锦的田野。我们的童年,记满您热情洋溢的诗句;我们的未来,就酝酿在您的怀里。
    You cultivate in the field with blooming like brocade in the moonlight. Our childhood record your ebullient poem. Our future is brewing in your bosom.

  • 神州大地繁花似锦,祖国长空乐曲如潮。在这美好日子里,让我用最真挚的祝福伴您渡过。祝:万事大吉,心想事成!
    Throughout the carpet of flowers forms the sky music critics. In this beautiful day, let me with the most sincere blessings with you through. Chu: everything is, come!

  • 六月的伊犁河谷,正是草长莺飞、繁花似锦的时节。“新世纪的新疆”采访组慕名采访了伊犁州工商局斯拉木·哈孜局长。
    "The Xinjiang of new century " interviewed group of Mu Mingcai to visit Yi to plow a city Director Silamu Hazi of industrial and commercial bureau.

  • 梦里繁花似锦,金玉满堂,崇拜者众,食客三千,华灯璀璨,掌声雷动,挥霍纵情,男欢女爱,如痴如醉,欲仙欲死……就是不愿醒来。
    So much beautiful flowers in dream, full of prosperity, admirers everywhere, guests over 3, 000, full of glamour, thunderous applause, indulge in luxury and romance…just do not like to wake up.

  • 而今迈步从头越,我们坚信,有一批批执著于教育事业的辛勤园丁的不懈努力,再过二十年,铜陵的教育事业必将更加蓬勃兴旺,繁花似锦
    We are determined to refresh ourselves. We believe the future of Tongling's education will be more and more brilliant in the next 20 years through devoted teachers' persistent efforts.

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