
积重难返  jī zhòng nán fǎn




《国语·晋语》:“重,无乃难迁乎?” 明·沈德符《万历野获编·一三·旧制一废难复》:“此又皆势处极重之难返者。”




  • 二是停车难和绿化地少等问题积重难返
    Second, parking and green to less difficult issues such as bad;

  • 懒惰是我积重难返的恶习。
    Laziness is my besetting sin.

  • 民国的。大师教导的是,在下积重难返了!
    In Minguo dynasty. Master you're right!

  • 政治体制改革的滞后,使社会问题积重难返
    The political system reform lag, causes the social question to be difficult to change.

  • 出租车行业的改革,正面临积重难返的困境。
    The reform of taxi industry, the front faces the dilemma of bad old practices die hard.

  • 成本信息公开也难抑高房价楼市已积重难返吗?
    Cost information public property market has also explain high prices bad?

  • 但在这种科学的规定面前,很多高校的歧视观念“积重难返”。
    But in the face of the provisions of this science, many colleges and universities of the concept of discrimination, "cumulative."

  • 但尽管贸易系统不会在一夜之间崩溃,但多年之后也将积重难返
    But although the system will not fall apart overnight, with the years, the rust will set in.

  • 另一方面官僚主义的弊病积重难返,官僚制的非理性成为人们抨击的焦点。
    On the other hand, there are full of bureaucratism in the government, and the irrationality of bureaucracy becomes the focus of criticism.

  • 从时机上,在一张蓝图时规划好要比在积重难返危局中力挽狂澜有利得多。
    From the time, in a blueprint, good planning than in deep crisis, save much more favourable. 2.

  • 相比人类已经造成的破坏,即使两种途径的试验都得以实施,仍然积重难返
    In both cases, the experiments would be tiny compared with what people are already doing.

  • 当时我试着力挽狂澜,但那时我还涉世未深,加上积重难返,我的力量太小。
    I tried to make vigorous efforts to turn the situation, but I was a little child at that time, and the case was ingrained, I felt I was very weak.

  • 只是最近,由于许多我们无法解决的问题积重难返,导致这些危机集中显现。
    It is only now, under the crushing weight of many problems and man's inability to solve them that a crisis rapidly unfolds.

  • 如不重视土地管理工作,切实保护耕地,我国耕地问题就会象人口问题一样积重难返
    Failure to land management, and effectively protect farmland, and our land problem would be the same as the population itself.

  • 你所言极是,他很有自信,但是这些个问题积重难返,你不能期待他魔术般就解决了。
    Andy: Yes, he is a confident man, but these problems have been existing for so long, you can't expect miracle solutions.

  • 包括英国在内的欧洲国家,或许在给国民的医疗福利上的确都做过头了,因此形成了积重难返之势。
    European nations, including Britain, have perhaps gone overboard in providing its citizens with free medical care, something which they now find impossible to reverse.

  • 在承认经济羸弱积重难返等一系列问题的同时,他也描绘了一个拥有核动力飞船和超级计算机的俄罗斯。
    While admitting a vast array of problems, from economic weakness to alcoholism, he painted a picture of a Russia with nuclear-powered spaceships and supercomputers.

  • 认为,造成黄河流域千疮百孔、生态恶化、积重难返的原因是多方面的,但首当其冲的根本原因是林草植被的严重破坏。
    The conclusion is, there are many reasons which resulted in the Yellow River's serious ecological disaster, but the first and the basic one is the grievous damage to the forest and grassland.

  • 所有国家应该伸出援助之手,来推动建立一所世界大学,从而使学生置身于解决世界上最积重难返的社会问题这一进程。
    All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems.

  • 也许会有人怀疑这种趋势是否可以解决航空业积重难返的混乱,如果油价的下跌不能持续,那么这个理念很快就会被验证。
    Some doubt whether these are the answer to the industry's chronic instability. But if the drop in the price of oil is not sustained, that idea may be tested sooner rather than later.

  • 苏共的消亡,其主要根源在于过度集权的体制积重难返,难以寻求、开拓一条从发展党内民主着手,取得体制内改革成功之路。
    Disappearance of Soviet Communist Party mainly lies in the over-centralized system and in the fact that it is difficult to find a way for a successful reform in the system.

  • 过去,一些人封闭对他的评论,这个方法已使布朗先生在等待成为首相漫长的时光里,摆脱了众多积重难返的心结与蒙羞后出现的尴尬。
    This, as some close to him note, was Mr Brown's chance to cast off the complexes accumulated during his long wait to become prime minister, and the ones added by humiliations since.

  • 三农“成为”问题“,原因很复杂,而身份歧视制度和财产权利制度中对农民的不公正待遇是”三农“问题积重难返的深刻的制度原因。
    This paper proposes that the institutions of discrimination against farmers and the unfair treatments of their property-right are the deep institutional causes.

  • 而承保商在信息推广上的进步有助于整个问题的解决,然而由于问题的积重难返性,需要政府和其他力量采取协调行动才能得到纠正解决。
    While improved information from providers will go some way towards tackling this, the problems are more deep seated and require concerted action from Government and others to rectify.

  • 但难以测量而又影响深远的危机正在侵蚀着我们这个国家的信心——美国的衰落积重难返,我们的后代将士气低靡,这种担心如影随形困扰不已。
    Less measurable but no less profound is a sapping of confidence across our land — a nagging fear that America's decline is inevitable, and that the next generation must lower its sights.

  • 而金融产品的提供者在信息推广上的进步有助于整个问题的解决,然而由于问题的积重难返性,需要政府和其他力量采取协调行动才能得到纠正。
    While improved information from providers will go some way towards tackling this, the problems are more deep seated and require concerted action from Government and others to rectify.

  • 但是不可名状却又显而易见的危机正在动摇我们这个国家的信心——一种悲观而恐惧的声音不绝于耳,他们说美国的衰落积重难返,我们的后代将失掉自信。
    Less measurable but no less profound is a sapping of confidence across our land - a nagging fear that America's decline is inevitable, and that the next generation must lower its sights.

  • 然而这一制度却因亚洲及中东各国央行的投资政策而积重难返了,他们手中的大量外汇盈余都回流购买政府债券,使得发行国债的成本一直得以运行于低位。
    That discipline was undermined by the investment policies of Asian and Middle Eastern central banks, which recycled their surpluses into government bonds and kept countries' cost of borrowing down.

  • 在大多数病例,娈童癖者对儿童的性兴趣仍旧积重难返,但是,如果他学会控制自己的性冲动,而且不触犯法律的底线,这也被认为是一个能够让人接受的结果。
    In most cases, the pedophile's sexual interest in children remains, but if he learns to control his impulses and to stay clear of the law, one considers it an acceptable outcome.

  • 近年来,由于广东省长期的粗放型的经济增长方式使污染治理积重难返,带来了严重的环境资源问题,环境治理压力日益增大,令经济发展进入高成本时代,已成为广东省可持续发展的重要制约因素。
    Recently, as the result of the manner of the economic increase which is extensive economy for a long time in Guangdong Province, it is difficult for the pollution administration to get rid of.

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