
积年累月  jī nián lěi yuè







  • 不过积年累月的错误就是经验。经验带领成功。
    But year's later collection of mistakes is called experience, which leads to success.

  • 人体有一个免疫系统,积年累月对抗外来入侵,逐渐积攒了一套自身的防御体系。
    A human immune system, Jinian after year against foreign invasion, a gradual accumulation of a set of self-defense system.

  • 盛年时将所得一切存入其中,经过积年累月,它便会使白银变黄金,再使黄金变为白金。
    You put everything you have into it during your productive life, and over the years it turns from silver to gold to platinum.

  • 幸福有小大短长的区别,短小的幸福只要经常光临,天长日久,积年累月,自然会久长。
    Well-being of a small big difference between the short-long, short and well-being as long as the regular visit, Jinian after year, it will naturally Jiuchang.

  • 盛年时你将所得一切存入其中,经过积年累月,它便会使白银变成金子,再使金子变为白金。
    You put eVery abundancething you HAs into it within your productive life, and over the ages it changing s from silver to gold to platinum.

  • 盛年时你将一切所得放入其中,经过积年累月,它便会从白银变成黄金,再从黄金变成白金。
    You put everything you have into it during your productive life, and over the years it turns from silver to gold to platinum.

  • 处置的办法,给么不离是保守油墨和纸张身分,使不妨复制较不干、较清的颜色,不过这并否积年累月的事。
    The solution or the improvement of ink and paper, and are capable of copying the flavor, color, but that's it.

  • 任何能够撼动人心的东西均非朝夕之功,因此企业文化建设要求于细微处提炼精神,于繁琐中汲取精华,积年累月,常抓不懈。
    No one thing can shake one body and complete in a day so to construct the Corporation culture should be in details and perseverance.

  • 美满婚姻就像一笔丰厚得难以置信的退休金盛年时妳将一切所得放入其中,经过积年累月,它便会从白银变成黄金,再从黄金变成白金。
    A good marriage is like an incredible retirement fund. You put everything you have into it during your productive life, and over the years it turns from silver to gold to platinum.

  • 美满婚姻就像一笔丰厚得难以置信的退休金盛年时你将一切所得放入其中,经过积年累月,它便会从白银变成黄金,再从黄金变成白金。
    A good marriage is like an incredible retirement fund. You put everything you have into it during your productive life, and over the years it turns from silver to gold to platinum wow power leveling.

  • 美满婚姻就像一笔丰厚得难以置信的退休金盛年时你将一切所得放入其中,经过积年累月,它便会从白银变成黄金,再从黄金变成白金。
    A good marriage is like an incredible retirement fund. You put everything you have into it during your productive life, over the years it turns from silver to gold to platinum.

  • 美满婚姻就像一笔丰厚得难以置信的退休金。盛年时你将一切所得放入其中,经过积年累月,它便会从白银变成黄金,再从黄金变成白金。
    A good marriage is like an incredible retirement fund. You put everything you have into it during your productive life, and over the years it turns from silver to gold to platinum.

  • 美满婚姻就象一笔丰厚得难以置信的退休金。盛年时你将一切所得放入其中,经过积年累月,它便会从白银变成黄金,再从黄金变成白金。
    A good marriage is like an incredible retirement fund. You put everything you have into it during your productive life, and over the years it turns from silver to gold to platinum.

  • 动物从受精卵发育到能自体成熟能够制造卵子,多的要积年累月才能够完成,所以说,生物代码改动后的显现的效果,会依据发育的各个阶段而有不同评判。
    The development of an animal from fertilized egg, to egg producer may take years to complete; so the effect of that alteration can be judged differently depending on the stage of the growth.

  • 积年累月造句相关
