
破罐破摔  pò guàn pò shuāi






  • 但是,更加被孤立的朝鲜会不会破罐破摔
    But might a more isolated North Korea behave even more badly?

  • 大约1/3成年人患有高血压,因药价昂贵,许多人破罐破摔,并不采取有效控制措施。
    About 1 in 3 adults has high blood pressure, but many people don't do a good job of controlling the problem because medications can be pricey.

  • 大约1/3成年人患有高血压,因药价昂贵,许多人干脆破罐破摔,并不采取有效措施进行控制。
    About 1 in 3 adults has high blood pressure, but many people don't do a good job of controlling the problem because medications can be pricey.

  • 看着一个个感染者失落、绝望、憔悴、痛苦的面容,看着个别人因患病而抱有破罐破摔想法的眼神;
    Looking at a lost-infected people, desperate, haggard, suffering face, looking at individual people have contracted the disease and the idea of Poguanposhuai eyes;

  • 惊恐中,联盟通过各项规定提高了烂队成为选秀前三名的几率,于是为“破罐破摔”的球队再次打开了方便之门。
    Panicking, the league significantly increased the odds that bad teams would finish in the top three, leaving the door open for tanking again.

  • 我发现日本人有破罐破摔精神,这跟往常我们心目中的暗自较劲的日本人还是挺不一样的,大概他们也悟出放弃的爽了。
    I notice the Japanese have a pretty kamikaze attitude, not quite what we expected of them. Seems they've lost their cool.

  • 我发现日本人有破罐破摔的精神,这跟往常我们心目中的暗自较劲的日本人还是挺不一样的,大概他们也悟出放弃的爽了。
    I notice the Japanese have a pretty kamikaze attitude, not quite what we expected of them. Seems they've lost their cool.

  • 两个月前我向大家介绍了“虚拟破罐破摔”的概念,并认定正因如此,凯尔特人已经为了奥登放弃本赛季,我发誓当时我的心态还很平和。
    Two months ago when I introduced the concept of 4) "fantanking" and rooted for an Oden-inspired Celtics collapse, I swear, my heart was in the right place.

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