
真知灼见  zhēn zhī zhuó jiàn








  • 我发现前人对于爱的描述都是真知灼见
    I have found almost everything ever written about love to be true.

  • 我们需要具有真知灼见的人来领导这个党。
    We need someone with real vision to lead the party.

  • 它对复苏的最好方式能提供什么真知灼见吗?
    Does it offer any insight into the best means of recovery?

  • 现代通讯系统的历史,早已刻划了惊人的真知灼见
    The history of modern communications systems has been marked by flashes of startling insight.

  • 我听说你有神的精神,具有真知灼见,和卓越的智慧。
    I have heard of thee, that thou hast the spirit of the gods, and excellent knowledge, and understanding, and wisdom are found in thee.

  • 真知灼见的经营管理理念,是名牌企业创业文化的精华。
    The real knowledge and deep insight a of management is the essence of the pioneering culture.

  • 说的很有道理,虽然言辞激烈,但确实是楼主的真知灼见
    It's very reasonable. Your words are critical, but you tell the truth.

  • 他可不能冒失地以自己的愚昧无知来对抗这人的真知灼见
    And he could not take the chance of putting his certain ignorance against this man's possible knowledge.

  • 学员以参观,座谈形式进行交流探讨,思想碰撞而获得真知灼见
    The students exchange and discuss their knowledge in the forms of visits and symposiums, and get penetrating and correct judgment through collision of ideas.

  • 睿智及知识的大众象征。猫头鹰魔宠因它们的真知灼见而闻名天下。
    A common symbol of wisdom and knowledge. owl familiar s are known for their good counsel and insight.

  • 成功的公式包含汗水,信心,坚持,毅力,技巧,雄心还有真知灼见
    The formula of success consists of sweat, confidence, perseverance, stamina, skill, ambition as well as insightful vision.

  • 他必须同时接触具体和抽象的现象,并根据这些形成自己的真知灼见
    He must contemplate the particular in terms of the general, and touch abstract and concrete in the some flight of thought.

  • 从职业经理人制度到企业如何保持旺盛生命力,林少洲总不乏真知灼见
    From the professional managers of enterprises to maintain a full vitality to the system, Lin Chau less total lack insight.

  • 在法国人心目中,坡的这类真知灼见使坡成为现代文学伟大的先驱者之一。
    For the French, such insights established Poe as one of the great forerunners of modern literature.

  • 这样,学生可以从同龄人那里获得真知灼见,既向老师求教,又互相学习。
    In this way, students gain great insight from their peers, learning from each other as well as the instructor.

  • 将心理学的真知灼见应用于金融学的行为经济学,在过去的十年里蒸蒸日上。
    Behavioural economics, which applies the insights of psychology to finance, has boomed in the past decade.

  • 伟大的自由市场思想传导者之一赫兹亨利曾说,真知灼见须经过每一代人的反刍。
    HENRY HAZLITT, one of the great popularisers of free-market thinking, once said that good ideas have to be relearned in every generation.

  • 沃尔夫说,巴菲特多年的经验以及当前的真知灼见将给我们带来难以估价的收获。
    'We think we will be able to gain invaluable insights from his years of experience and current insights and perspectives, ' she said.

  • 当选为世界最具显赫地位的总统之位、震撼大陆的非洲之子所述,被奉为真知灼见
    Said by a son of Africa whose election to the world's most powerful post thrilled the continent, it was taken at its respectable face value.

  • 你从圣经中得到哪一个最棒的真知灼见,让你能实际地应用在工作的责任与挑战中?
    What, if any, have been the greatest insights from the Bible that you have gained that apply to your work responsibilities and challenges?

  • 如果多年的人工智能研究给了我们启示,那就是带给人类真知灼见的事物往往无法复制和组织。
    If years of work on artificial intelligence have taught us anything, it is that what makes for human insight is extremely difficult to replicate or systematize.

  • 中国(绍兴)国际纺织论坛在绍兴举行,使我们有机会聆听与会的各位领导、专家和业内行家的真知灼见
    Fortunately, the China (Shaoxing) International Textile Forum enables us to hear the correct and penetrating views of all the leading officials, experts and insiders present at the meeting.

  • 据此,我认为审理本案的法院和法官对这个案件的判决,是很有勇气的,体现了法官对法律理解的真知灼见
    Therefore, I think the court and the judgers hearing the case are innovative to determine this case in this way. It embodies the judgers' penetrating understanding of law.

  • 译文:他们说,科学的进步与其说源于天才伟人的真知灼见,不如说源于诸如改进的技术和工具等更为普通的东西。
    Science moves forward , they say , not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools.

  • 附录:妈妈告诉我男孩子更喜欢看看女孩童年时候的照片,因为你从不知道她对自己做过了什么。哇,还是妈妈有真知灼见啊!
    Addendum: My friend's mom told me that guys also better look at a girl's childhood pictures because you never know who's had what done! LOL. Mama knows best! !

  • 大学校长们,对于大学的问题、教育的问题更是感同身受,他们知道得最多,理应说出更多的真相、为改革提供更多的真知灼见
    University, who, for the University of problems, education problems are more acutely aware that they know the most, should have more to say the truth for reform to provide more insight.

  • 如果你理解了我的想法,如果你能给我点建议,说点话给我,那么,对你的真知灼见,你的经验,你的任何建议,我都是无比感激的。
    If you understand what I mean or am trying to say and could offer any advice I would greatly appreciate your insight and experience or any suggestions you maybe able to extend.

  • 丽洛和杰里·利兹,这对相伴56年的伉俪,在他们的新书《美满婚姻》中,便跟我们分享了他们对于婚姻长久、感情牢固的真知灼见
    In their new book, Wonderful Marriage, Lilo and Gerry Leeds, who've been married for more than 56 years, share their wisdom on how to build and sustain a strong and lasting partnership.

  • 在奥巴马沉静的多边真知灼见中,每个国家都为了大局利益而作自己分内的事情,那么这样的远见卓识又如何具体在实际中发挥作用呢?
    And how exactly will Mr Obama's quiet multilateral vision, in which each nation does its bit for the good of all, work in practice?

  • 在第二次世界大战以后,正是这种真知灼见给了《世界人权宣言》(UniversalDeclarationofHumanRights)的起草者们以动力。
    It was this insight that drove drafters of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights after the Second World War.

  • 真知灼见造句相关
