
相敬如宾  xiāng jìng rú bīn




《左传·僖公三十三年》:“臼季使过冀,见冀缺耨,其妻 之,敬 ,相待如宾。”




  • 爱情如不能相敬如宾,则无结果。
    Without respect, love cannot go far.

  • 乔和苏真是一对相敬如宾的老夫妻。
    Job and Sue are a real old Darby and Joan.

  • 最后才轮到夫妻关系,妻子是客人相敬如宾
    Final ability is turn for spouse concern, the wife is guest photograph Jing Rubin.

  • 大家都很客气,算是相敬如宾,但无法分享心中真正感受。
    Every one is courteous and treats other members with much respect, but cannot share the inner feelings.

  • 规劝为人夫妻应彼此尊重,相敬如宾,不要用暴力解决问题。
    It exhorts husband and wife to show consideration and respect for each other and not to try to solve their problems with violence.

  • 没有比他更关怀备至、相敬如宾、充满爱意的丈夫和父亲了。
    I could not have asked for a more caring, adoring and loving husband and father.

  • 你们是一对快乐的夫妻。我从你们那里懂得了相敬如宾举案齐眉
    You are a happy couple, and what I have learned form you are respecting each other as if the other were a guest and treating each other with respect.

  • 后来,人们用“相敬如宾”来表示夫妻之间互相尊重,好象客人一般。
    Later, this idiom means a couple treats each other with respect like guests.

  • 后来,人们用“相敬如宾”来表示夫妻之间互相尊重,好象客人一般。
    Later, this idiom means a couple (treating )each other with respect like guests.

  • 爱是夫妻间的相互尊重,耳鬓厮磨又相敬如宾,人格平等又互不干涉个人隐私。
    Love is mutual respect between husband and wife, Erbinsimo also Xiangjingrubin personality, equality and mutual non-interference in personal privacy.

  • 许多中国男人习惯和妻子相敬如宾,其实是在尽可能创造一种完美的夫妻感情。
    A lot of Chinese man habits and wife photograph Jing Rubin, it is actually creating feeling of a kind of perfect husband and wife as far as possible.

  • 尽管这是一个很有诱惑力的观点,但其他总统伉俪也有既相亲相爱又相敬如宾的。
    While this is a seductive viewpoint, other Presidential couples have been both loving and respectful.

  • 一对夫妻关系好不好,不在于表面上是否相敬如宾,而在于床上是否仍然充满激情;
    Never be fooled by how romantic a couple may appear in public, whether they are still passionate on bed counts;

  • 从没想过我们会走到今天这一步,对彼此相敬如宾,记忆,彷佛是好久以前的事情。
    We used to think it was impossible. Now you call me by my new last name. Memories seem like so long ago.

  • 也许你也同时体验了配偶的改变,夫妻今日相敬如宾,隔日反目成仇的现象是很普遍的。
    Probably you have experienced his or ber sudden shifts at times. It is very common for two people who are madly in love one day to hate each other or fight the very next day.

  • 爱的双方要学会欣赏对方,经常赞美对方,而且要相敬如宾,互相珍惜爱怜,要有些亲情的感觉。
    Love of the two sides should learn to appreciate each other, often praise each other, but also to Xiangjingrubin, Ailian cherish each other, to feel some kinship.

  • 所以我从来都不认为恋人夫妻之间应该相敬如宾,一天到晚把自己的爱人当做客人一样,这样的生活未免太虚伪了。
    A: That why I oppose that there should not be too much proprieties between couple and lovers. It is too hypocritical to treat your mate as a guest with whom you are not familiar.

  • 所以我从来都不认为恋人夫妻之间应该相敬如宾,一天到晚把自己的爱人当做客人一样,这样的生活未免太虚伪了。
    A: I never think that love between husband and wife should be Xiangjingrubin, his wife all day long as the guests, such a life would be too hypocritical.

  • 正因为不爱,就相敬如宾;正因为不爱,就让他去做任意飞翔的鸟。淡淡的相处,给了对方一份自由,也给了自己一片宁静。
    Because of loveless, you will respect each other; you will let him be a free bird. Get along with each other slightly, giving each other a freedom.

  • 已婚人士不会再对配偶表现出温情,你会看到:他们之间能相敬如宾已然不错,除了身体接触外,他们的关系并不是很亲密。
    Married people are not ever tender with each other, you will notice: if they are mutually civil it is much: and physical contacts apart, their relation is that of a very moderate intimacy.

  • 这听起来似乎相敬如宾,可我总替他们感到有点悲哀,我坚信他们的生活味同嚼蜡,甚至是泡在泪水里的,至少曾经是这样。
    This sounds affectionate, I always feel a little sad for them, I firmly believe that their lives Weitongjiaola, even dwell in tears Lane, at least once the case.

  • 甚至当情人将这种离开处理得非常平和,真诚和具有同情心,像家人一般关照对方或者相敬如宾,很多被拒绝的人仍然要从难忍的悲伤中转而开始暴躁。
    Even when the departing lover severs the relationship with honestly and compassion, and honours social and parental obligations, many rejected lovers swing violently from heartbreak to fury.

  • 恋人之间互相迁就,本来就是天经地义相敬如宾以礼相待,凡事都以对方为先的想法当然美满,但无奈世事从来不完美,能找到凡事迁就你的男人,是不是一定美满幸福?爱情关系中究竟迁就人的一…
    I don't wanna go another day So I'm telling you exactly what is on my mind Seems like everybody is breaking up Throwing their love away But I know I got a good thing right h…

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