
恨铁不成钢  hèn tiě bù chéng gāng







  • 刘星看着对方说道,一副恨铁不成钢的样子。
    Said Liu Xing, watching each other, Hentiebuchenggang a look.

  • 我知道我对你管教很严,那是因为我恨铁不成钢
    I know I have been hard on you, but that is how your make a soft metal into steel.

  • 没有必要因为对某些国人素质的恨铁不成钢,而往自己头上泼粪。
    We don't have to splash shit upon ourselves simply because we hate a few Chinese savage.

  • 这样的生活有时我感觉到确实很累,甚至也会有恨铁不成钢的情况出现。
    Sometimes this kind of life I feel really tired, and even the will happen.

  • 交代我们一点点小事情,我们都没做好,她当然很生气,恨铁不成钢啊!
    We explain a little bit of the little things, we are no good, and she of course, very angry ah!

  • 对于孩子,我们常有恨铁不成钢的报怨,校长的一句教育格言提醒了我“疼爱自己的孩子是本能,而热爱别人的孩子是神圣。”
    For children, we often complain about the the Vice-Chancellor for Education and a motto to remind me "love their children is the instinct, and love other people's children is sacred."

  • 中国的许多家长望子成龙心切,因而超越孩子实际水平的高要求、拔苗助长的教育方式、恨铁不成钢的态度在家庭里到处弥漫。
    Many Chinese parents hope their son, thus beyond the high level of the child, Destructive Enthusiasm way of education our high attitude prevails in the family.

  • 爸爸,管您打过我也好,骂过我也好,我知道都是为了我好,恨铁不成钢,我心里一点也怪你,我要告诉您,您是我永远的好爸爸。
    Dad, whatever you beat me or scolded me, but I know are good for me, wish iron could turn into steel. I can not blame you, I must tell you, You are always a good father.

  • 那你就要说话,家长总是希望孩子能有一天出人头地的,他们有时候也是有点恨铁不成钢的意味,冒昧问一下:您是是成绩怎么理想?
    Some people laugh, some cry. Some give up, some always try. Some say goodbye, while some say hi. Others will forget you, but never will I.

  • 他拿出一品脱树叶子酒舍命陪君子,一边喝,一边说“真他妈的便宜”,她的眼睛喜洋洋。水灵灵的,用恨铁不成钢的眼神温柔地指责他。
    and he got out a pint of spruce-beer and made sacrifice, he saying "Damn the expense, " and she rebuking him gently with reproachful but humid and happy eyes.

  • 当那个说爱你的人,为其他女人穿上嫁衣的时候,你应该祝福,或者憎?当你对你身边的人大呼小叫的时候,你心里是怎么想的?心安理得,还是恨铁不成钢?
    When the person who say love you, marry the other women, you should wish,  or hate?When you shout at the person around you, what do you think?Feel at ease, or cry in your heart?

  • 恨铁不成钢造句相关
