
针尖对麦芒  zhēn jiān duì mài máng







  • 双方的心理状态“针尖对麦芒”,导致成功率极低。
    The psychological state "to get the point of a needle", resulting in very low success rate.

  • 一旦他的国格人格受到污辱,就同苏联这个大国的高个子针尖对麦芒了。
    Once his country style moral quality gets defilement, be the same as Russia the tall man of this big country is pinpoint to Mai Mang.

  • 刚体-流线减少阻力,增加核心动力与游进中的有张有驰也非针尖对麦芒吧?
    Move the body into a straight line to reduce drag and increase core power.

  • 市场上最大的两家公司新浪和搜狐针尖对麦芒,不放过任何一次竞争的机会。
    The biggest two companies sina on the market and Sohu are pinpoint to Mai Mang, do not let off any opportunities that compete.

  • 于球员在抗赛中的针尖对麦芒,禅师杰克逊球员的拼劲感到非常满意。
    For players in the match in the tip of wheat, the Zen Master, Jackson's spirit of the players are very satisfied.

  • 麻生首相和日本民主党党魁鸠山由纪夫星期三在东京的辩论会上针尖对麦芒
    Prime Minister Taro Aso and Democratic Party of Japan President Yukio Hatoyama faced off in a debate in Tokyo on Wednesday.

  • 两种打法犹如针尖对麦芒,从以前的表现来看,丁俊晖面这类型选手胜率并不高。
    Two play as if the needle on the wheat from the performance of the past, to face this type of player Ding Junhui winning was not high.

  • 08中网男单决,超级黑马塞拉阵美国大炮罗迪克,这是一场针尖对麦芒的比赛。
    08 net men's singles to decide, super dark horse Beisela confronts American cannon Rodieck, this is a needle-tip to wheat awn's competition.

  • <一>经济学家都爱认死理儿。争论中双方各自坚持自己的观点,针尖对麦芒,各不相让。
    At issue both sides holds to his viewpoint severally, pinpoint to Mai Mang, refuse to give up.

  • 在两人针尖对麦芒中,屏幕上的小行星只剩下一粒不起眼的光点了,古噜噜一见,立刻说:「唉!
    Just when the two of them were exchanging sharp words, on the screen only a small point of light remained of the minor planet.

  • 周六,墨西哥蒂华纳,小查韦兹与善战的手库罗针尖对麦芒,血战10回合,最后小查以一致点数胜出。
    Chavez stood toe-to-toe with a capable opponent in Luciano Cuello and gutted out a unanimous decision in a blood-filled 10-round junior middleweight bout Saturday in Tijuana, Mexico.

  • 腾讯体育牛志明、杨露莎报道08中网男单决,超级黑马塞拉阵美国大炮罗迪克,这是一场针尖对麦芒的比赛。
    Leaps news sports Niu Zhiming, Yang Lusha to report that 08 net men's singles to decide, super dark horse Beisela confronts American cannon Rodieck, this is a needle-tip to wheat awn's competition.

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