
行行出状元  háng háng chū zhuàng yuán






  • 条条大道通罗马(行行出状元)。
    All roads lead to Rome.

  • 条条大路通罗马,行行出状元
    All roads lead to Rome.

  • 行行出状元。条条大路通罗马。
    All roads lead to Rome.

  • 自古行行出状元,相信人人能成才。
    since ancient times I believe that everyone can talent.

  • 其实,三百六十行,行行可以出状元
    In fact , traffic can be a champion.

  • 行行出状元,我们大多数人都不只拥有一种技能。
    There are many sorts of hero, and most of us have more than one skill.

  • 三百六十行,行行出状元,劳动人民永远都是最光荣的!
    Every profession produces its own topmost master in 360 kinds, working people will be the highest honour forever!

  • 行业没有高低之分,只要自己努力,三十六行,行行出状元
    It is difficult to say which is the better trade. One can become the master of his trade provided he is diligent and tries hard.

  • 行业没有高低之分, 只要自己努力, 三十六行,行行出状元
    There are three hundred and sixty trades, and every trade has its master.

  • 我认为三百六十行,行行出状元,只要问心无愧,凭劳力挣得生活所需就行。
    I think all walks of life are equal, as long as we do an honest day's work to earn a living.

  • 俗话说:“三百六十行,行行出状元”。文凭并不是唯一开启成功大门的金钥匙,并不见得是通往天堂的金光大道。
    As the saying goes Diploma is not the only golden key to open the door to success, and not necessarily of the Cotai Strip is a gateway to paradise.

  • 所以他常常勉励年轻人“行行出状元”,先认真把份内的工作做好,一面累积经验,一面提升自己的技能,将来一定会有好的发展。
    That's why he often reminds young people that 'every trade has its master. ' One will eventually succeed if he takes his job seriously, accumulates experience and upgrades himself simultaneously.

  • 成功其实在于人本身而不在于干什么工作。行行出状元。无论你干什么工作,哪怕是最平凡的工作,一步一个脚印,也能够达到成功的巅峰。
    The real opportunity for success lies within the person and not in the job; that you can best get to the top by getting to the bottom of things.

  • 行行出状元造句相关
