
衣来伸手,饭来张口  yī lái shēn shǒu,fàn lái zhāng kǒu






  • 我们自立,不想过“衣来伸手饭来张口”的生活;
    We are independent,not think" dress to stretch hand,rice to a life for";

  • 在家的时候呢,也是坐在电视机前,饭来张口衣来伸手
    When he is home,he sits in front of the TV and expects to be waited on hand and foot.

  • 快乐源于劳动。让孩子从衣来伸手饭来张口转变到生活学习都能够自理。
    Happiness comes from work. . Thus,Children can learn to take care of themselves in the school.

  • 现在的孩子大多数是独生子女,几个大人围着一个孩子转,饭来张口衣来伸手
    Most of today's children are only children,several adults and a child around the turn,opening rice and clothing to hand.

  • 但对我们这些衣来伸手饭来张口的孩子们,根本不知道风筝该怎么做,所以我请教了妈妈。
    But for those of us asking for the rice to mouth clothes to the children who do not know how to do this kite,so I ask his mother.

  • 正当汤姆过着衣来伸手饭来张口的日子时,爱德华却沦落街头,他告诉别人他才是真正的王子。
    While Tom was being waited on hand and foot,Edward was out on the street telling people he was really the prince.

  • 要成功,就应有自立自强的精神,不能做温室里的花朵,做父母身边“衣来伸手饭来张口”的小皇帝、小公主。
    " To succeed,there should be self-reliant spirit of self-improvement,do not hothouse flowers,so parents "to hand clothes,rice mouth opening to the" little emperor,Princess small.

  • 当运动员这么多年,吃惯了大锅饭,胡卫东过惯了饭来张口衣来伸手的生活,他并不是一个能够照顾自己的人。
    When the athletes for so many years,used to eat a big,Hu Weidong used to have a mouth to eat,clothes to reach the living,he is not able to take care of themselves.

  • 当运动员这么多年,吃惯了大锅饭,胡卫东早已过惯了饭来张口衣来伸手的生活,他并不是一个能够照顾自己的人。
    When the athletes for so many years,used to eat a big,Hu Weidong had long been accustomed to opening the rice and clothing to reach the living,he is not able to take care of themselves.

  • 可能很多人不愿意听,其实我不是在贬低所有的应届毕业生,我就是感觉现在的人生活都是在温室过来的,饭来张口衣来伸手
    Fry HR Many people may not willing to listen to,but I am not belittle all graduates in,I was feeling now living in greenhouse,without food and dress.

  • 因为中国那时侯思想后,孩子的路都是家人铺好了的。该干什么不应该干什么都得家人同意。饭来张口衣来伸手。什么家务都是家人全包。
    Their family did all the housework,,the children did not know where the rice was from at last,and did not know how to tie shoe laces.

  • 在日常生活上:以前我是一个衣来伸手饭来张口的小孩子,而通过7天军训生活和这半年老师和同学们的帮助,使我养成了独立性,不再娇生惯养,现在我已经能做一些力所能及的家务了。
    Life: I used to be a kid who cannot depend on my self,however,after the seven-day military training and help of teachers and classmates,i became independent and I can do some housework now.

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