
马前卒  mǎ qián zú







  • 父亲做了将军,儿子还是马前卒
    Father made a general, his son or a pawn.

  • 那个总理只不过是该国总统的马前卒
    The prime minister was a mere tool in the hands of the country's president.

  • 父亲已做了将军,儿子还只是马前卒
    Father has already acted as General , the son has been only a pawn.

  • 于是他放下尊严,甘愿到吴国去当马前卒
    So he put aside his dignity, they are willing to Wu to become a pawn.

  • 春秋战国时代,一位父亲和他的儿子出征打战。父亲已做了将军,儿子还只是马前卒
    In ChunQiu era, there is a father and his son going for a war.  The father is always a captain, while his son is still a soldier.

  • 中国政府声称这位政治领导人的“世界维吾尔大会”是东突分裂主义恐怖分子的马前卒
    China's government says the political leader's World Uighur Congress is a front for terrorists pushing for a separate East Turkistan homeland.

  • 再加上4万亿刺激经济的“马前卒”,人们自然渴望本次会议带来“万马齐喑”的效果。
    Plus 4 trillion to stimulate the economy, "pawn", it is a natural desire to bring about this meeting, "ten thousand horses stood".

  • 一位前美国驻泰大使直言不讳道,中产阶级“蔑视农村大众,认为他们甘为买选票的腐败分子当马前卒。”
    S. ambassador to Thailand puts it bluntly: The middle class "disdain[s] the rural masses and see[s] them as willing pawns to the corrupt vote buyers."

  • 对此,旅德著名华人学者关愚谦曾馔文指出,像《明镜》周刊那样的德国媒体充当了这场反华浪潮中的“马前卒”。
    To dealing with it , the famous Chinese scholar Guan Yuqian pointed that in his articles, these German medias like Mirror Weekly is ' the pawn of this anti-China tide.

  • “这是一个很容易被盗,而且东西很容易马前卒” ,帕诺斯补充说,嫌疑人并不总是在家里一起,但被视为逃离在一起。
    "It's an easy theft and that stuff is easy to pawn, " Panos said, adding that the suspects don't always come in the house together, but are seen fleeing together.

  • 首先,保险公司在国会的马前卒会尽力阻止公众的选择权,用老一套进行游说口号的宣称:市场私营是好的,政府不应干预。
    At first the insurance lobby's foot soldiers in Congress tried to shout down the public option with the old slogans: private enterprise good, government bad.

  • 我们几年之后就会离开,把国家交到伊拉克人手中,而恐怖分子---他们中的许多人是外国势力的马前卒---打算把伊拉克变成外国的版图;
    We're going to leave in a few years, and put the country in Iraqi hands, while the terrorists -- many of whom are the cat's-paws of foreign powers -- intend to turn the place into an alien domain.

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