
凶多吉少  xiōng duō jí shǎo








  • 目前经济气候不佳,许多公司都将凶多吉少
    With the current poor economic climate, the writing is on the wall for many companies.

  • 罗将军听到这里,知道巧手此翻定是凶多吉少了。
    General Carneiro, heard here, know that this skill set over the odds are against us.

  • 在更加生猛的冯天薇面前,估计帖雅娜是凶多吉少
    In front of more aggressive Feng Tian Wei, estimated that Tieyana is more unfortunate than fortunate.

  • 任何时候只要是在惶恐之际做出的决策,总是凶多吉少
    Whenever people make decisions when they are panicked, the consequences are rarely pretty.

  • 从此以后,他在幻觉中看到她总是充满了阴郁,凶多吉少
    He had no vision of her after this that was anything but darkness and doom .

  • 在我面前展现出一条新的十年的凶多吉少、咄咄逼人的道路。
    Before me stretched the portentous, menacing road of a new decade.

  • 联想起上个客场惨败浙江,本场比赛长沙恐怕还是凶多吉少
    Reminiscent of the last away defeat in Zhejiang Province, Changsha in this game is probably dead.

  • 你看那个人,刚刚被水淹,现在又被雷打中,恐怕已经凶多吉少了。
    Look at that guy who just drowned and now he's hit by lightening. I doubt he'll survive.

  • 男单和分别对阵日本选手佐佐木翔与队友龚伟杰,陈郁挑战凶多吉少
    And the men's singles, respectively against Japan's Sasaki Xiang and teammate Gong Weijie, Chen Yu challenge odds are against us.

  • 他又喝了一口白兰地,摇了摇他那大脑袋,像是预先知道了未来凶多吉少
    And he took another swallow of the brandy, shaking his great fair head like a man who looks forward to the worst.

  • 大凡知道他品性的人,见他选好位置,拿稳战斧,知道俘虏这下可是凶多吉少
    Those who knew his character, thought the captive in imminent danger, when he took his stand, and poised the tomahawk.

  • 不能再依靠着运气的眷恋了,对手的拿分欲望更加强烈,青岛客场恐将凶多吉少
    Can no longer rely on luck of the attachment, opponents of stronger desire to get points, Qingdao away may be dead.

  • 四强中还有曼联、阿森纳没与曼城交锋,从现在的情况来看,曼城也是凶多吉少
    Manchester United are in the semi-finals, Arsenal against Manchester City and not, from the current situation, Manchester City is dead.

  • 但是,如果你作出你不能保持,并延迟或超出预算的承诺,你会使自己凶多吉少
    But if you make promises you can't keep and come in late or over budget, you do yourself more damage than good.

  • 大凡知道他品性的人,见他选好位置,拿稳 战斧 ,知道俘虏这下可是凶多吉少
    Those who knew his character, thought the captive in imminent danger, when he took his stand, and poised the tomahawk.

  • 男单鲍春来和陈金分别对阵日本选手佐佐木翔与队友龚伟杰,陈郁挑战陶菲克凶多吉少
    Bao Chunlai and Chen were the men's singles against Japan's Sasaki Xiang and teammate Gong Weijie, Chen Yu Taufik challenge odds are against us.

  • 但是正像所有从未收到过电报的人一样,送电报的人出现在门前,她便预感到凶多吉少
    But like all people who never receive telegrams the appearance of a messenger at the front door is full of terrible implication.

  • 但是正像所有从未收到过电报的人一样,送电报的人出现在前门,她便预感到凶多吉少
    But like all people who never receive telegrams the appearance of a messenger at the front door is full of terrible implications.

  • 这是指房屋的中部位不宜用作厕所,否则便有如人的心脏堆积废物,那便自然是凶多吉少了。
    This refers to the housing site should not be used in the toilet, or if there are people in the heart of the accumulation of waste, it will naturally the odds are against us.

  • 今天的量能是比昨天放大,经常提示要看量能的性质,是做多放量,还是套现放量,显然是放量杀跌,凶多吉少
    The turnover today is more than that of yesterday, whether its character is to raise, or to remind of making cash flows, obviously, it is to come in at low points with huge risks.

  • 但是,在场上表现和排兵布阵上在四分之一决赛第一回里都输给了罗马之后,曼联如果这次没有起色的话看来是凶多吉少
    However, it's doubtful that they'll get away with a performance along the lines of their most recent visit to Italy, when out-played and out-thought by Roma in the first leg of the quarter-final.

  • 但是恩迪科特当时却出于冲动,朝那罪犯愤怒地挥了一下他的宝剑——象他这样的人,做出这种动作,对方可是凶多吉少
    But Endicott, in the excitement of the moment, shook his sword wrathfully at the culprit-an ominous gesture from a man like him.

  • 与小黑+小白失联已超过十个多月,只要是知悉台湾这块土地上流浪动物处境的人大概都心底有个谱:小黑+小白多半是凶多吉少
    It has been over ten months since I have not seen them both. Anyone familiar with the circumstance of stray dogs of Taiwan almost can guess that their destinies are not optimistic.

  • 设想一下,当战斗已经结束,战士已经撤回的时候,你若再孤军奋战,自然就会凶多吉少,即使大难不死,恐怕也会被打得头破血流
    Imagine, when the fighting has ended, the soldiers had been withdrawn when if you go it alone, nature will be dead, even if survived, I am afraid, will be badly battered;

  • 如果麦凯恩用希拉里那套话来攻击奥巴马—指责他只会毫无实效地空谈—那么将会凶多吉少。因为希拉里的那套方法阻止不了奥巴马连战连捷。
    It hardly bodes well for Mr McCain that he is using the same line of attack against Mr Obama—eloquent but empty—that Mrs Clinton has used, so far without stopping her rival's run of primary victories.

  • 一些分析人士指出今日的中国看起来就像二十世纪八十年代末的日本一样,凶多吉少:他们表示,长期以来的过度投资已导致了产能过剩和低收益率;
    Some analysts claim that China today looks ominously like Japan in the late 1980s: chronic overinvestment, they say, has resulted in excess capacity and falling returns;

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