
全军覆灭  quán jūn fù miè







  • 当天,伦敦股市出现大跳水,银行股全军覆灭
    On the same day, a big diving London stock market, bank shares fall army.

  • 10日,伦敦股市出现大跳水,银行股全军覆灭
    the big London stock market diving, banking stocks fall army.

  • 在李云龙独特的战术指挥下,骄横的日军山崎大队全军覆灭
    In the unique tactical LiYunLong, under the command of dominating the Japanese army responding brigade.

  • 在李云龙独特的战术指挥下,骄横的日军山崎大队全军覆灭
    LI Yun-long unique in the tactical command, the arrogance of the Japanese Fumie Yamazaki Battalion of the army.

  • 同盟军就会背腹受敌束手就擒,李将不得不撤退或者全军覆灭
    The Confederate army would be caught between two powerful forces. Lee would have to withdraw, or lose his army.

  • 结果不出1年,国内维C厂家在激烈的国际市场竞争中陷入几乎全军覆灭的境地。
    The result does not go out 1 year, manufacturer of domestic dimension C is immersed in in intense international market competition almost the condition that horse and foot completes collapse.

  • 这招非常厉害,没经验的玩家往往就在那时被挂,严重时甚至可能整队玩家全军覆灭
    This trick is very powerful, not the experience of the players at that time was often linked to serious or even destruction of the armed forces as part of a team player.

  • 西摩尔事后回忆说:“如果义和团所用武器是近代枪炮,那么,我率领的联军必定会全军覆灭”。
    Seymour later recalled: "If weapons are used by the Boxers in modern guns, then I led the whole army of the coalition forces will collapse."

  • 西摩尔逃到天津后仍惊魂未定,心有余悸地哀叹说:“中国军民所用设为西式枪炮,则所率联军必全军覆灭。”
    Seymour fled after the shock of Tianjin, a lingering fear and lament, said: "China is set to Western military and civilian use of guns, then the rate of the coalition will collapse the whole army."

  • 据说这里曾是一百多年前太平天国运动时期,翼王石达开全军覆灭的地方,但同时又是长征时红军胜利渡过大渡河躲过敌人追击的有纪念的小镇。
    It was a place where the whole army of Yi Lord was totally destroyed during the political movement of Taipingtianguo more than 100 years ago.

  • 全军覆灭造句相关
