
催人泪下  cuī rén lèi xià






  • 那部电影真的催人泪下(很感人)。
    That movie is a real tear-jerker.

  • 所造成的催人泪下的损失是惊人的。
    The emotional toll this is taking is just amazing.

  • 有关那个孩子之死的故事真是催人泪下
    The story about the death of a young child was one that really tugged at the heartstrings.

  • 在你能够催人泪下之前,你自己必须先流泪。
    Before you can move people to tears, you must burst into tears first.

  • 昨晚的真是催人泪下
    The movie last night was a real tear-jerker.

  • 这些孩子们的身后,究竟背负着怎样催人泪下的故事?
    These children behind, what carries the story of how the moving?

  • 一个骗子讲述的故事可以和最绝望的乞丐一样催人泪下的故事。
    A crook can tell the same sob story as the most desperate beggar.

  • 范思威干净柔情的嗓音把歌曲《下辈子再爱你》演绎的催人泪下
    Fan Siwei the clean tender feelings' voice "the Next generation Loves Again the song moving people to tears which You" deduct.

  • 那个叫花子先给我们讲了一个长而催人泪下的故事,然后向我们讨钱。
    The beggar told us a long sob story before she asked for money.

  • 在5·12汶川大地震中,类似的镜头还有很多很多,催人泪下的故事也有很多很多。
    12 in Wenchuan earthquake, similar scenes are still many, many, moving story and many, many.

  • 本书以中国贫困大学生问题为主题,催人泪下,在大学生中和社会各界引起强烈反响。
    Dealing with issues on poor college students, the present book has stirred strong repercussions among students and brought tears to the eyes of readers.

  • 一部催人泪下的《红楼梦》,曹雪芹先生运用现实主义手法演绎出感人至深的爱情悲剧。
    In his novel "A Dream of Red Mansions", a tear-moving masterpiece, Cao Xueqin presents a poignant tragical love story between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu.

  • 一部催人泪下的《红楼梦》,曹雪芹先生运用现实主义手法演绎出感人至深的爱情悲剧。
    One moves people to tears " Hong Lou Meng ", Cao Xueqin, using realistic way to interpret a touching love tragedy.

  • 他能够使用吟颂起来富有乐感的词语表达其诗意,这些词语以它们的韵律及语义联想可以催人泪下
    He can convey his meaning in words which sing like music, and which by their position and association can move men to tears.

  • 那一幅幅催人泪下的画面将永远留在我们记忆的深处,让我们为灾区人民祈福,向灾区人民致敬吧!!
    That's an increase Cuirenleixia screen will forever stay in our memory of the deep , So that we prayed for the people of disaster areas, disaster areas to pay tribute to the people! !

  • 她需要学习如何伪装,即便在那催人泪下的高潮部分,玛雅要不冷酷得像圣徒,要不情感到达崩溃边缘。
    She has yet to learn how to be false, even in a hankie-wringer of a climax that suggests Maya's headed for either sainthood or a nervous breakdown.

  • 我们应当从这一段美丽而忧伤的爱情故事,一首催人泪下的爱情绝唱中感受爱的春天,对爱的矢志不渝。
    From this we should be beautiful and sad love story of a love moves people to tears Masterpiece feel love in the spring, The persistence of love.

  • 普通的演员,平实的叙事,暖暖的春色,简单却曲折感人的故事,催人泪下的旋律,是这部电影给我的总体感受。
    The whole film impressed us like the following vision, such as: ordinary player, smooth narration simple but zigzag stories and weepy melody.

  • 剧中充满真挚与亲情、催人泪下、趣味横生、从开始的轻松搞笑,到渐渐的悲情,使观众们的心随着剧情跌宕起伏。
    Is a play full of sincerity and affection, moving, dangerous fun, funny from the beginning of the easy, to the sad truth gradually, so that the audience's hearts with the story ups and downs.

  • 大海幽暗角落里的一个孤独无助的幽灵,演绎一段催人泪下的情感剧,倾唱一曲凄美动人的歌,跳一场宛转伤感的舞。
    There was a helpless ghost in the dark corner of the sea acting in a moving drama, the ghost sang a sad song and danced sentimentally.

  • 《藏羚羊的故事》是一个催人泪下,引人深思的故事,讲述了一个老送羚羊为了让路过的人救他气息奄奄的孩子,冒死截车。
    "The story of Tibetan antelope" is a moving, thought-provoking story about the antelopes to send an old person in order to let pass by dying to save his children, risking cut-off vehicles.

  • 《输赢》 (连载)惊心动魄的销售小说,催人泪下的情感大戏。 序 一位老人带着爱犬行走在乡间小路,看着沿路的风景。
    Lose &Win (Continued story) Foreword An old man walked along the country lane with his pet dog, seeing the views down the road. The old man sensed suddenly that he had died off.

  • 奥巴马在各种大大小小的场合都发表过演说。他既能使人捧腹,也可以催人泪下。无论在什么场合,他的演讲总是那么得体,思想与文笔交相辉映。
    Obama delivers speeches to audiences large and small. He can make his audiences laugh or cry. His speeches are always thoughtful, well written, and just right for each occasion.

  • 斯皮尔伯格那部被低评的电影《人工智能》通过一个极其真实的机器男孩——现代版的皮诺曹——的视角,以一种催人泪下的形式问出了这个问题。
    The underrated Spielberg movie AI asked this question in a tear-jerk way from the point of view of an extremely realistic robot boy – a modern Pinocchio.

  • 地震后,全国都弥漫着一种悲伤,恐惧的气息!每当听见那些催人泪下的消息,由爱而生的感人事迹,让人为生命而感到震撼,为爱而感到温暖~!
    It was really a tragedy ! It makes everyone felt into a painful atmosphere! ~This suddent earthquake shock the whole country and the whole world ! !

  • 在议会大厦举办的展览,展示了苏联统治时期立陶宛遭受的大屠杀、驱逐、集体化运动、强迫放弃宗教信仰和持续不断的宣传洗脑,展览的内容催人泪下
    A poignant exhibition in the parliament building shows the mass murder, deportations, collectivisation, forced atheism and unrelenting propaganda inflicted on Lithuania under Soviet rule.

  • 根据合作集团在全英国进行的民意测验,贝蒂•米德勒演唱的《迎风展翅》荣登葬礼排行榜首位,这首歌来自1988年的一部催人泪下的电影《莫负当年情》。
    Bette Midler's Wind Beneath My Wings from the 1988 tearjerker Beaches topped the funeral chart in a Co-op poll conducted throughout Britain.

  • 根据合作集团在全英国进行的民意测验,贝蒂?米德勒演唱的《迎风展翅》荣登葬礼排行榜首位,这首歌来自1988年的一部催人泪下的电影《莫负当年情》。
    Bette Midler's Wind Beneath My Wings from the 1988 tearjerker Beaches topped the funeral chart in a Co-op poll conducted throughout Britain.

  • 但这个单薄的故事却足以撕破现代人心灵的厚茧,让你不得不佩服导演“讲述”的能力--他在简单中包含了人类最普遍的情感与最温柔的情怀,感人至深,催人泪下
    It just tells about the fortune and unfortunate that unprivileged people undergo in everyday life, but the simple story touches the chords of people's hearts owing to the director's skill and gift.

  • 《零下八度》是一部充满了友谊与忠诚、顽强与希望的影片,狗儿对人的信赖使我们感动,它们对逝去同伴的不舍与依恋更是催人泪下,而雪橇犬在困难时刻还能与同伴分享食物、不离不弃的可贵精神最值得我们学习。
    "Eight Below" is a film full of friendship , faith, tenaciousness and hope. We're touched and moved by the dogs' trust to human, their perseverance and emotional attachment to their dead companion.

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