
乌烟瘴气  wū yān zhàng qì







  • 他们里应外合, 把时局搞得乌烟瘴气
    Working in collusion, one from within and the other from without, they created pandemonium.

  • 房间里乌烟瘴气于工作十分不利。
    A noisy smoke-filled room is not the best environment to work in.

  • 行星表面乌烟瘴气,能见度低。
    the miasma of foul-smelling fog limits visibility.

  • 公共汽车来了,车上人很多,乌烟瘴气
    Bus to the car were a lot of smoke.

  • 就是那个乌烟瘴气的家庭!
    Is the foul atmosphere of the family!

  • 嘿,他做梦也在想他的脚注,它们把他的头脑搞得乌烟瘴气
    Oh, he dreams footnotes, and they run away with all his brains.

  • 那吸毒的地方乌烟瘴气,我几乎产生了接触性的吸毒陶醉感。
    That place was smoky, I almost got a contact high.

  • 这些人把整个城市搞的乌烟瘴气,却不以为然自己在破坏环境。
    These people are engaged in foul the whole city, but disagree own damage the environment.

  • 2005年,房地产江湖剑光――频闪,乌烟瘴气,渐显晴朗。
    in 2005, real estate veterans producing -- reveal that prevailed, taking fine.

  • 令牌石:很久以前,古门山常年龙虎相斗,地脉相争,处处一片乌烟瘴气
    Token Rock:Long long ago, the constant war between the dragon and the tiger resulted in great chaos at Gumen Mountain.

  • 我有时候一连两三天都在说:『我拒绝这些乌烟瘴气,我要有主的喜乐。』
    Sometimes for two or three days I say, "I refuse this fog and I will have the joy of the Lord."

  • 自从我呆在这乌烟瘴气的通风井里以来,城里已经发生了好多引人注目的事件。
    Since I have been sitting in this miasmic air shaft, a good many rather splashy events have occurred in town.

  • 我们不难想象本已人口拥挤、交通不畅的城市再因满街轿车而乌烟瘴气时的情景。
    It is not difficult to imagine that this is the population density and traffic are sluggish due to the city streets, cars and household scenes.

  • 一位工作人员对记者说:“往年来扫墓的家属在园内随意烧纸放鞭,弄得乌烟瘴气
    A staff member told reporters: "The grave in previous years to the families of the park in the free release Shaozhi whip, made smoke."

  • 办公室里被烟鬼们搞得乌烟瘴气的,为了让空气清新一点,请问苏州那里有活性碳卖?
    office was heavy smoker who made the foul atmosphere, in order to let fresh air that I would like to ask Suzhou, where there is activated carbon to sell?

  • 就是强调团结和进步,以反对一切危害抗战的乌烟瘴气,以期抗日事业有进一步的胜利。
    It will be to stress unity and progress and oppose all the vicious practices which are detrimental to the war, so that further successes can be achieved in our cause of resistance to Japan.

  • 恐怖分子。城里被他们搞得乌烟瘴气的,现在你都没法随随便便地过桥了。你又没有签证。
    terrorists. there's been a big scare and you can't go across the bridges so good. you, without a visa.

  • 当今的娱乐圈鱼龙混杂、乌烟瘴气,很多艺人在光鲜的表面后还有着不为人知的黑色故事。
    Good and bad people mix in today's entertainment business, smoke, a lot of artists in the glossy surface of the unknown there is a black story.

  • 难道真的要等森林绿地都已成为纪录片,闻不到绿意盎然,只享受到乌烟瘴气时才懂得觉悟?
    We really have to have become such as forest green documentaries, smell less than green, only know how to enjoy a smoke when consciousness?

  • 更令人无法忍受的就是,每每他们把房间弄得乌烟瘴气之后都要我来收拾,而且从来没说过一声谢谢。
    More intolerable is that often after returning to their room if I came out, but have never said they Thank you.

  • “好莱坞是一个乌烟瘴气的地方,赛车是我逃避这一切的最佳方式。”1979年他对《人物》杂志说。
    "Racing is the best way I know to get away from all the rubbish of Hollywood, " he told People magazine in 1979.

  • 现在,在国外到处都是温州人,他们一个家族接着一个家族到国外开店、办公司,把市场搞得乌烟瘴气
    Now, be in abroad is lukewarm city person everywhere, they familial catch familial abroad department of set up shop, office, make the market foul atomsphere.

  • 第三是沟通能力,很多人很有才能,但是一来就把办公室弄得乌烟瘴气,原因是他缺乏沟通能力还瞧不起人;
    Third, communication. Many people are talents but they make office mess. The reason is that they lack of communication ability and think little of others; Fourth, innovation.

  • 那些以卷钱为目的的黑中介,当然要负主要责任,是他们“几粒老鼠屎坏了一锅粥”,把这个行业搅得乌烟瘴气
    Volumes for the purpose of money to those black intermediary, must bear the main responsibility is that they "pick the pot goes bad", the industry stimulating the appetite atmosphere.

  • 以一曲《朋友》展露头角的臧天朔,昨日传出涉及和命案和恶性事件,给原本就乌烟瘴气的娱乐圈蒙上了一层阴影。
    " To a "friend" to demonstrate the Zang Tianshuo Tau Kok, yesterday's news and a vicious murder and related events had to smoke on the entertainment business cast a shadow.

  • 寄托哀思不拘泥于形式,让生活充满鲜活的色彩,也是先人对后人的希望所在,我们又何必烧来烧去闹得乌烟瘴气呢?
    There is no restriction for people to express the grief. What the ancestors wish is that we can enrich our life.

  • 2007年台湾的第一个台风帕布,将大台北上空的乌烟瘴气吹的一乾二净,把握这绝佳的时机,到碧山岩撷取台北美丽的夜景。
    The first typhoon in 2007 cleared the air of Taipei. I held the seldom opportunity and captured the night view of Taipei.

  • 双方的“互掐”运动让歌曲《爱上汤加丽》的演唱者叶东瀚成了最大的困惑者,单曲的宣传还没开始就被这一连串的纠纷弄得“乌烟瘴气”。
    The two sides had "Qia" campaign to song, "love Shangjiali" Singing Dong Ye Han biggest confusion, the single publicity was not the beginning of a series of disputes that make "foul.

  • 像这样的说法在乌烟瘴气的移民政治氛围中不受任何重视。这种气氛产生极端有毒的副产品,以至于他们认为这个退税的错误不过是个小问题。
    Arguments like that do not fly in the polluted atmosphere of immigration politics, which has produced toxic byproducts so extreme that they make the rebate glitch seem like a mere annoyance.

  • 大学实际上是一个乌烟瘴气的场所,我在前面这两年里学到东西不少,但是也付出了不少代价,总之感觉这两年很浪费,没有吧时间花在学习上。
    That's a porblem. BUT You are the one made me trust. Security is the thing I'm always looking for. You are the one who make me strong and firm.

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