
不能自拔  bù néng zì bá








  • 如果坠入情感不能自拔怎么办啊?
    If drop into affection cannot how does extricate oneself do?

  • 美酒佳酿让多少人沉醉其中,不能自拔
    Good wine is irresistible to many people and tempts them to indulge.

  • 在这个世界中许多人都会为它深陷其中不能自拔
    In this world many people can for its depth is inescapably involved.

  • 你是否也吞了磁铁﹖我感觉到自己已经不能自拔了。
    Did you swallow a magnet too? I feel like I can't pull away.

  • 想读懂它的人往往被其感动,坠入其中而不能自拔
    Want to read it often moved by his crashed into them and unable to extricate themselves.

  • 期中后,你将只会使自己陷入更大的困境而不能自拔
    You will only get yourself into more trouble than you can climb out of by mid-semester.

  • 被众多朋友要求拜访其博客并留言,而深陷其中不能自拔
    Bloggle:To be overwhelmed by requests to visit and comment upon your many friends blogs.

  • 有很多人,即使曾经爱到不能自拔,我们总有一天会淡忘。
    Many people, even if unable to have love, one day we will forget.

  • 一不留神就会钻进你的脑海里,折磨得人百感交集不能自拔
    Drilling will be a inattentive mind you, find themselves unable to torture people with feelings.

  • 也许不是感情,只是一种感觉,一种让我留恋的不能自拔的感觉。
    I love you not because of who you are , but because of who I am when I am with you.

  • 现在的我们不再自怨自艾,不会再陷在改变不了的悲剧里不能自拔
    There was no feeling sorry for ourselves. No dwelling on things we couldn't change.

  • 选择向前看而不是沉浸于过去或反复地回忆你曾经的错误而不能自拔
    Choose to move forward instead of remaining stuck in the past or replaying a mistake you made over and over again in your mind.

  • 我们需要人们齐心协力,但我们沉迷于在民粹主义上的分歧不能自拔
    We need people to come together, but we engage in populist divisiveness.

  • 但是如果你对最后真实的结果思考的太多,那你将陷进去,不能自拔
    But if you think too much of real results, you will wallow in the details and never come through.

  • 起初她爱我爱得不能自拔,可后来她就变得好挖苦人了,她说她见到我就够了。
    She was all loving to me at first, but then she got sarcastic and said she couldn't stand the sight of me.

  • 这些东西一旦得到,你会发现是那么的虚伪,你会驾在虚伪的名誉上面不能自拔
    These thing once get, your will discover is so of false, you will drive in the reputation top of false can't from pull out.

  • 贩卖毒品的人才应该受到严惩,瘾君子们常常陷入吸毒—戒毒的恶性循环而不能自拔
    The people who traffic drugs, and the ones who sell them should be severely punished, but addicts are often caught in a helpless cycle of crime, addiction and rehabilitation.

  • 最终你绝望的躺子地上,企求地球将你吞没,或是沉迷在比利·乔的蓝调音乐中不能自拔
    Until you get to depressed that you lie down and beg the earth to swallow you up or, ever worse, become addicted to Billy Joel songs.

  • 如果我们总是停留在旧的伤口中不能自拔,我们也就无法感受到成长的辛酸所带来的甘甜。
    When someone hurts us, we want hurt them back; when someone wrongs us, we want to be right.

  • 即使女士们在遭受爱情的折磨不能自拔时,她们也会在内心问自己:“我能够指望这个男人吗?
    Even though women may ache for love, they carry around an inner evaluator who asks, Can I count on this man?

  • 性焦虑是男科疾病中常见症状,既可造成心理负担,又可加重病而不能自拔,治疗上较为棘手。
    As a common symptom in andrology, sexual anxiety causes psychological strain and may aggravate disease conditions.

  • “我循着这上帝的召唤来到附近的一所教堂,一进教堂我就被那钢琴的乐音吸引住了,简直不能自拔”。
    Tracing that call of God into a neighboring church, I found myself inexorably attracted by the melody of piano. It has since become my obsession.

  • 汤姆很快发现了拼音课本上的墨迹,于是有一段时间,他一直不能自拔,老是想着自己的事,显得郁郁不欢。
    Presently the spelling-book discovery was made, and Tom's mind was entirely full of his own matters for a while after that.

  • 这种改良的道路使农民长期遭受资本主义和封建制度的双重剥削,并把德国带入军国主义的泥潭而不能自拔
    This way of evolution had brought about double exploitation to the peasants over a long period of time, and had landed Gemany into militarism as well.

  • 惠子一生夹在这种诡辩中而不能自拔,他的儿子又继承了这样的观点,为此整天辩论不休,弄了一辈子也没有什麽建树。
    Huizi indulged himself into sophism, as did his son. His son succeeded to his opinion and kept arguing everyday. As a result he bore no fruit in his life.

  • 光明的未来往往建立于对过去遗忘的基础上。如果你总是沉溺于过去的失败和痛楚中不能自拔,生活就不可能变得更美好。
    The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heart aches.

  • 光明的未来往往建立在对过去遗忘的基础之上。如果你总是沉湎于过去的失败和痛心中不能自拔,生活就不可能变得更加美好。
    The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failure and heartaches.

  • 光明的未来往往建立在对过去遗忘的基础之上。如果你总是沉溺于过去的失败和痛心中不能自拔,生活就不可能变得更加美好。
    The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartache.

  • 与其整日因为惧怕亏蚀而忧心忡忡,不能自拔,还不如去设想你能创造什么;尽自己想象之所能,全方位地将创造的成果描绘得绚丽多彩。(补上了)
    Instead of obsessing over what you could lose, imagine what you can create. Visualize the magnificent details of the best outcome you can imagine.

  • 向欧洲方面输送资金在美国看来就如打水漂一般,毕竟那时欧洲诸国正身陷世界大战的深渊之中不能自拔,而这场战争也就是造成世界经济混乱的根源所在。
    Sending more money to Europe was seen as pouring money down the drain, and after all, Europeans had fought the world war that had been the root cause of the financial mess.

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