
不攻自破  bù gōng zì pò








  • 这种谣言在事实面前将不攻自破
    Facts will eventually scotch these rumours.

  • 超级女人曾经存在的神话几乎迅速不攻自破
    All but a rate few quicky dispel the myth that superwoman ever existed.

  • 因此,关于刘翔乍伤的猜测也就不攻自破了。
    As a result, Liu Xiang's injury on speculation it had its own destruction.

  • 补丁间歇问题,而笔记本电脑的权力就不攻自破
    Fixes intermittent issue where the notebook powers on automatically.

  • 但是如果仔细看看中国,这一论点就不攻自破了。
    But if one takes a closer look at China, this argument disintegrates.

  • 对标准化或消除应用整合问题的预言终将不攻自破
    Predictions for the standardization or elimination of the application integration problem will fail to materialize.

  • 铺天盖地的郭晶晶退役新闻,因为这句话不攻自破
    Blots out the sky Guo Jingjing retires the news, because these words collapse of itself.

  • 这也让昨天某媒体流传的“孙悦恐怕被裁员”的消息不攻自破
    "Perhaps this also let some media spread Sun Yue reduced staff" the news to collapse of itself yesterday.

  • 以色列人一丝不苟地按上帝说的去做了,结果耶利哥城不攻自破
    The Israelites did exactly as God had told them and finally they broke into the city.

  • 如果外国海军观摩中国海军,了解实情,这种怀疑就会不攻自破
    The suspicions would disappear if foreign counterparts could visit the Chinese navy and know about the true situation.

  • 我们要明白,有时最有力的回应就是有耐心。有些问题就不攻自破
    Come to understand that sometimes the most powerful response is patience. There are many battles you do not really need to fight.

  • 当这名女性走入婚姻的殿堂,谣言就会在他俩的幸福生活前不攻自破
    When the single lady gets married, rumors will fade away ultimately when confronting the life of this happily married couple.

  • 瓷砖真的会涨价吗?在一波又一波的打折声中,“谣言”似乎不攻自破
    Can ceramic tile rise in price really? Be in another dozen in losing voice, "Rumor " it seems that collapse of itself.

  • 我认为如果只用未受精的胚胎的话,就可以将左右这场争论的堕胎言论不攻自破
    I think if only an unfertilized embryo is utilized , I think that removes the sort of abortion politics that have dominated this debate .

  • 因此,经济制裁的疑问就不攻自破了。然而这却带来了另一个问题:世界究竟该做什么?
    Therefore the question of economic sanctions goes out the window. This, however, raises another question: What is the world supposed to do?

  • 本章非常重要,在墨菲放大镜的扫描下,那种所谓的通缩恐惧的不刊之论就不攻自破了。
    Under the heat of Murphy's magnifying glass throughout this much-needed chapter, the arguments of the deflationphobes melt away.

  • 为纪念该节目六十周年而委托进行的这项调查让当今社会正变得越来越开放的说法不攻自破
    The study, commissioned to mark the programme's 60th anniversary, shrugs aside suggestions that society is becoming more permissive.

  • 也有舆论认为这些人注册冠军域名只为投资转卖,此次奥运冠军捐赠人的义举让这种看法不攻自破
    Public opinion is also that these people have registered domain names only to champion the resale of investment, the Olympic champion who donated the Yiju to this view collapsed of itself.

  • 一度有谣言传出——湖人包机将在保罗皮尔斯声名狼藉的轮椅前停歇。湖人会让这个谣言不攻自破
    However, there's no truth to the rumor they were taken from their charter plane at LAX in Paul Pierce's infamous wheelchair.

  • 贸易战最终使那些发展慈善团体和贫穷说客钟爱的所谓“世界分两种,南北或贫穷”的谎言不攻自破
    The trade row finally destroyed the fiction beloved by development charities and poverty lobbyist that we live in a world divided between North and South, or rich and poor.

  • 而香港和新加坡在廉政建设方面的优异表现,使这种文化决定论观点不攻自破,堪称是全亚洲人的骄傲。
    Hong Kong and Singapore's outstanding performance in government, which views self-defeating cultural determinism, which is the pride of all Asians.

  • 这样无根据的攻击我们的球员和教练,不得不怀疑舒瓦泽的动机,而这些在清晰的事实面前将不攻自破
    quot; One has to question Schwarzer's motives for coming out with this unwarranted attack on our players and manager given they are not borne out by the clear facts.

  • 很多谣言在几个小时内就不攻自破,但有一些则通过网络传播了出去,使得造谣成为一种社会娱乐方式。
    A lot of rumors in a few hours on the collapsed of itself, but some are spread out through the network, making rumors become a kind of social entertainment.

  • 在大多数美洲人与亚洲人看来,欧洲走到了穷途末路并因此疲于变革,而德国的伟绩使这种形象不攻自破
    This feat gives the lie to the picture, common in America and Asia, of Europe as a washed-up continent incapable of change.

  • 描述:质疑者:只要美国宇航局用哈勃望远镜拍下阿波罗留在月球上的设备,所有的阴谋论也就不攻自破了。
    Caption :Sceptic: Nasa could end all the moon conspiracy claims tomorrow by using the Hubble Space Telescope (above) to take pictures of the equipment left behind.

  • 他对康德哲学的解释是错误的,他在坚持自然主义时预设了反自然主义的立场,因而罗蒂的哲学是不攻自破的。
    His interpretation of Kant's philosophy is incorrect, and when he defends his naturalism, he has presupposed an anti-naturalistic starting point.

  • 我认为说现在医学研究止步不前是没有道理的,只凭利用未受精的胚胎这一点就能使左右这项辩论的堕胎政策不攻自破
    I see no reason why medical research cannot go ahead . I think if only an unfertilized embryo is utilized , I think that removes the sort of abortion politics that have dominated this debate .

  • 阿民在今晚表现的就像以前一样突出也顺利带领球队以9-2击败水手,也让一些怀疑他在红袜的系列赛前状况已经走下坡的谣言不攻自破
    Wang would pitch so well that it did not make much difference who played as the Yankees beat the Mariners, 9-2, to squelch any talk of a post-Red Sox series letdown.

  • 另外一个方法是要注重在人格上、在知识上、在智慧上、在实力上使自己加倍地成长、变得更加成熟,变得更加强大,使许多问题不攻自破,迎刃而解。
    It is In this way that  one can  become riper and more powerful so that one can sole the problem without any difficulties.

  • 自2001年来巴基斯坦就否认阿富汗塔利班领导人在其境内,尽管这种否认现在不攻自破,尽管已对其中一位塔利班领导人采取行动,但是,巴基斯坦还将面临指责。
    Instead, it finds itself criticised anew, despite dropping the denials it has maintained since 2001 that Afghan Taliban leaders were on its soil, and despite having acted against one of them.

  • 不攻自破造句相关
