
不惜工本  bù xī gōng běn







  • 不惜工本为自己造了一幢别墅。
    He spares no expense in building a villa for himself.

  • 不惜工本为自己造了一幢别墅。
    He spared no expense in building a villa for himself.

  • 本厂不惜工本制造假肢,为残疾人服务。
    Our factory has spared no cost to manufacture artificial limBs in order to serve disaBled people.

  • 装潢新办公室不惜工本
    No expense was spared in furnishing the new office.

  • 有的金融机构不惜手段、不计工本、不顾规章,乱拉存款;
    Some financial institutions to means, excluding registration, regardless of regulations, leaving deposits;

  • 要防止在城市建设中不惜工本,大拆大建,铺张浪费的现象;
    To prevent others in urban construction, large buildings lunar month of thirty days, extravagance and waste phenomenon;

  • 其实也不止这一家,去过的几个售楼处大多设计新颖,不惜工本
    It is also more than one, the number of sales offices visited most innovative design, others.

  • 公司不惜工本以双封套唱片包装,亦是许冠杰唯一有双封套设计的唱片。
    The record company also released the album with a double cover design, this is the only album of Sam Hui that has this feature.

  • 对此,鞋商们无不绞尽脑汁、不惜工本地开发、制造令消费者满足的运动鞋。
    To this, shoe business people cudgel one's brains for of all without exception, not hesitate cost land development, make the sneaker that makes consumer satisfactory.

  • 为了获取一个适合的人才他们真可谓煞费苦心,不惜工本明修栈道,暗度陈仓
    The talented person that fits to get they are true it may be said is elaborative, not hesitate cost, bright repair a plank road built along a cliff, dark spend Chen Cang.

  • 为了保持新鲜度,擂茶坊不惜工本,从不把板面团留隔夜,只要当天用不完的都会丢弃。
    To maintain the freshness, they will only provide the fresh noodle, made daily. They will not keep the noodle until the next day, but to throw it.

  • 基于这些考虑,星河湾不惜工本,所精心打造的就是为了给买家们奉上一席丰盛的宴席。
    Based on these considerations, Xinghewan others, the building was to make buyers who offer a rich banquet seats.

  • “方壶胜境”是皇家的寺庙,大凡庙宇建筑是不惜工本的,这“仙山琼阁”的确气势非凡。
    "Fang Sheng Jing pot" of the royal temple, when construction of the temple is the Buxigongben, "Joan Tower mountains, " the momentum is indeed remarkable.

  • 而日后丽新集团更会不惜工本加强本地及海外之推广宣传,致力为商户营造最理想之营商条件。
    in the future and Lai Sun Group will Buxigongben strengthening of local and overseas promotional efforts for businesses to create the best conditions of the business.

  • 整个管理机构的改组只不过是一种精心炮制而且不惜工本的做法,以社会上可接受的方式削减我的权力。
    The entire management shift was no more than an ornate and expensive way to defuse my power in a socially acceptable manner.

  • 整个管理机构的改组只不过是一种精心炮制而且不惜工本的做法,以社会上 可接受的 方式削减我的权力。
    The entire management shift was no more than an ornate and expensive way to defuse my power in a socially acceptable manner.

  • 不惜工本,做出的面窝自然与众不同,一投入油锅就香味四溢,吃起来更是焦脆适度、香酥并重,因而被人们誉为谢氏面窝。
    He Buxigongben, made the unusual nature of Waterloo, an input on the flavor Siyi Youguo, eating up more Jiaocui appropriate, Xiangsu both, and was hailed as TSE people of Waterloo.

  • 所以古代人们往往花费很多心思,精心制作床榻,工艺不厌其精,工本不惜之巨,有时历时数年甚至数十年才能制作出一张床。
    So ancient people often spend a lot of thoughts, orchestrated Chuangta, crafts doing its renown and registration at the giant, sometimes for years or even decades to produce a bed.

  • 请各位观众注意那“黑心的贵人”,他的眼饰非常华丽,我们筹备的时候真是不惜工本;这次表演完毕以后,它马上会给“魔鬼老爹”请去。
    and please to remark the richly dressed figure of the Wicked Nobleman, on which no expense has been spared, and which Old Nick will fetch away at the end of this singular performance.

  • 请各位观众注意那“黑心的贵人”,他的服饰非常华丽,我们筹备的时候真是不惜工本;这次表演完毕以后,它马上会给“魔鬼老爹”请去。
    and please to remark the richly dressed figure of the Wicked Nobleman, on which no expense has been spared, and which Old Nick will fetch away at the end of this singular performance.

  • 不惜工本造句相关
