
承上启下  chéng shàng qǐ xià








  • 这个短语起到了承上启下的作用。
    This phrase serves as a connecting link between the preceding and the following.

  • 同时,这一部分也起到了一定的承上启下的作用。
    Meanwhile, the government has also played a certain role in the nexus.

  • 节日的初衷:庆祝传统,承上启下,结束也是开始。
    I think the original significance for festivals are to celebrate our tradition.

  • 本场比赛,坎比亚索实际上起到了承上启下的作用。
    This competition, ridge Biya the rope in fact played the role which linked the preceding with the following.

  • 执行服务中心的战略,承上启下管理工作中的变化及项目。
    Implement Finance shared services strategy, manage change management and transformation activities.

  • 中高层管理者在企业中处于承上启下,至关重要的纽带作用。
    Middle and senior managers in the enterprise at the nexus, it is crucial linking role.

  • 小学时候的语文老师教给我们,过渡句起到承上启下的作用。
    When the primary language teacher to teach us that the transition sentence to play the role of the link.

  • 本文探讨了《小城畸人》在美国小城文学历史中承上启下的地位。
    This thesis is to research the often underrated position of Sherwood Anderson's Winesburg, Ohio in the history of American small town literature.

  • 变压器是电力系统中的主设备,在电力系统中起着承上启下的作用。
    The transformer is in the electrical power system main equipment, playing the role in the electrical power system which links thepreceding with the following.

  • 柱脚作为结构当中一个承上启下的部位,对其性能的研究十分重要。
    The column base connection, as a connecting link in structure, plays a very vital role and the study on its performance is very important.

  • 找出这些课堂上承上启下的暗示语,并尽量一字不差地把它们写下来。
    Look for these indicators of the cornerstones of the lecture. And try to write down—word for word, if you can—what follows them.

  • 作为唐宋之交承上启下的学者道士,陈抟的美学思想是丰富而有特色的。
    As a transitional Taoist scholar in late Tang and early Song period, Chen Tuan has rich and characteristic aesthetic thought.

  • 而在物流系统中,物流中心居于重要的枢纽地位,起着承上启下的作用。
    System is middle but in logistics, the logistics centre stays in important key position, be playing form a connecting link between the preceding and the following role.

  • 初中学生群体特殊,是承上启下的未成年人群体,在社会中占较大比例。
    This young person group is a connecting link between the preceding and the following group. They are a large proportion of Population.

  • 信息系统的规划在整个企业信息化整体解决方案中起着承上启下的作用。
    The planning of information system played the role of connecting link of the settlement plan of the whole enterprise informatization.

  • 承台作为桩基的重要组成部分,起着承上启下的作用,在设计中应予以重视。
    As an important part of pile foundation, plies cap is a connecting link between the preceding and the following and should be taken into account in designing.

  • 中等职业教育因其承上启下的特殊地位,正逐步成为职业教育事业发展中的重点。
    Due to its special status, connecting link between the preceding and the following, secondary vocational education is gradually becoming the key point of the development of vocational education.

  • 承台作为桩基的重要组成部分,起着承上启下的作用,是桩基设计的重要组成部分。
    As an important part of pile foundations, piles cap is a connecting link between the preceding and the following and should be an important of pile foundations in designing.

  • 大历时期的乐府诗虽然缺乏突出的成就,但却在唐代乐府诗史上起着承上启下的作用。
    Even though Yue-fu Poems in DaLi Period did not achieve remarkable success, they served as a strong ferment in connecting the preceding and the following periods.

  • 主位是语篇构成的重要手段,在语篇信息流中起着承上启下的作用,述位起着传递新信息的作用。
    Theme plays an important role in the process of text construction, and rheme is very important in transmitting new information.

  • 一年之计在于春一日之计在于晨“,高一年级作为初中与高中的转折点,承担着承上启下的责任。
    The first year of Senior high school is the transition point that connects junior high school and senior high school and is definitely important to students.

  • 安徽书院经历了宋元时期的初步发展到清代的全面繁荣,明代是其发展的承上启下的重要过渡时期。
    The Anhui's Academy experienced a long history, came to being in the Song and Yuan Dynasties, and reached its peak during the Qing Dynasty.

  • 如果说在罗江春的战略棋局中,社会引擎的启动起着承上启下的作用,技术引擎是整个战略的基石。
    If in the spring LUO Jiang-strategic chess game, the community plays a connecting link between the preceding engine start-up the role of technology engine is the cornerstone of the overall strategy.

  • 通信处理机是配电网自动化通信系统的承上启下的设备,它承担着配电自动化远程控制和远程通信的功能。
    Communicationprocessor is a connecting link between the preceding and the following device in the distribution system communication. It transmits remote control and communication information.

  • 承上启下引起下文多达二十五个单词的总结句表明无论做大事小事,难事容易事,都需要积极事物支持我们。
    From what have been discussed above It admits of no doubt that in doing things whether great or small there are more or less difficulties it is much better for one to persevere than to despair.

  • 承上启下引起下文多达二十五个单词的总结句表明无论做大事小事,难事轻易事,都需要积极事物支持我们。
    From what hae been discussed above It admits of no doubt that in doing things whether great or small there are more or less difficulties it is much better for one to persevere than to despair.

  • 谢晓雪解释说:“这是件承上启下的事,它能够激励使用这些书的同学加倍努力,以留下一些值得纪念的东西。”
    "It's something that connects past and present, which can inspire students who use the book to work harder to leave something to be remembered, " reasons Xie.

  • 校长在面对挑战多变的教育市场,如何扮演承上启下的角色,经营学校并启发成员,以领导团队创造更高的绩效。
    In the face of the challengeable, how to act the role forming a connecting link, manage the school and inspiring members, creating higher performance in order to lead the group.

  • 同样,一个段落也应该尽可能短,以免累著读者的眼睛。一个长段落可以拆分成几个短段落,而在每个段落开头写一句承上启下的句子。
    If the article is long enough to contain several paragraphs, then the first paragraph should be short and to the point, with a clear explanation of what the subject of the page is.

  • 图书馆办公室主任,在图书馆工作中占有举足轻重的地位,起着承上启下、上传下达的重要作用。良好的工作氛围是办公室主任搞好工作的基础;
    The director of an administrative office of a library plays a very important role in the job of the library, who forms a connecting link between the head librarian and the librarians.

  • 承上启下造句相关
