
忠肝义胆  zhōng gān yì dǎn







  • 这群忠肝义胆的军人,正是英勇的绿扁帽战士。
    Men who mean just what they say, The brave men of the Green Beret.

  • 他是个坏小子,一个忠肝义胆、除暴安良的侠士。
    he is a bad boy, yes , he is a good and bad boy?

  • 东南社会以《新闻报》、《申报》等为舆论阵地,严词抨击清廷的内外政策,表彰三人之忠肝义胆
    The Southeast Society made a savage attack in the media on the central government's domestic and foreign policies and went a long way to honor the three men for their loyalty and courage.

  • 游戏采用三国故事,关云长千里走单骑,过五关斩六将,刀如青龙,马赛霹雳,忠肝义胆,一啸光寒十九州。
    A story of the three games, the Commissioner of Trinidad Yunchang take Danji, a 5 to 6 chopped customs, such as knives Qinglong, Marseille Perak, liver Zhong Yi Dan, a whistle-cold 19 states.

  • 当然,有些始终是忠肝义胆,有些却对你置之不理,大多数人走一条既不完全支持,又不绝对回避的中间道路。
    Some, of course, are extremely loyal. Some leave you feeling hurt and abandoned. Most, however, fall somewhere in between the stalwart supporters and the staunch avoiders.

  • 后者是忠肝义胆,具有锄强扶弱,正气凛然的精神,又有理直气壮与恶势力对抗的行为,以正、公为价值观。
    The second ones are faithful and patriotic. They like to help the weak and confront with the bad guys. Their value is justice and righteous.

  • 忠肝义胆造句相关
