
心有余悸  xīn yǒu yú jì







  • 每次余震都让李女士心有余悸
    Every aftershock terrifies Ms. Li.

  • 调查显示中国至今仍对那场灾难心有余悸
    As our survey describes, China has yet to undo the damage.

  • 他仍心有余悸地说:还有人叫我回马来西亚。
    He expressed with fear: "Some people asked me to return to Malaysia."

  • 张明心有余悸地回忆。
    Zhang Ming has a lingering fear recalls.

  • 我仍然心有余悸;我心中仍潜藏着一种不安之感。
    Some uneasiness still lurked in my mind.

  • 他们对死去的海盗头子怕得要死,至今还心有余悸
    The terror of the dead buccaneer had fallen on their spirits.

  • 车子的起火原因还不明确,但烧剩的残骸仍让我心有余悸
    But the burnt out remains, with no discernible cause, were quite shocking to me.

  • 谈及中秋节发生的一幕,家住昌平霍营的余先生仍心有余悸
    Turning to the scene of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Mr Yu says Changping Huoying still haunt.

  • 在风暴以后我造访了这个村庄,村民们对于这场灾难仍心有余悸
    When I visited the village right after the storm, the residents still seemed shell-shocked.

  • 同债券持有者一样,心有余悸的银行业股东现在要求更高的风险报酬。
    Scared bank shareholders will now demand a higher risk premium, as will debtholders.

  • 谈及中秋节发生的一幕,家住昌平霍营天鑫家园的余先生仍心有余悸
    Turning to the scene of the Mid-Autumn Festival, who Changping Huoyingtianxin homes still haunt Mr Yu.

  • 这个庸俗的故事至今还让葡萄酒珍品界至今还对这个庸俗的故事心有余悸
    The rare wine world is still recovering from the tawdry affair.

  • 虽然五个月前,这股不稳定的力量被粉碎了,但阿林加洛沙现在还感到心有余悸
    Five months ago, the kaleidoscope of power had been shaken, and Aringarosa was still reeling from the blow.

  • “天哪,瑞克,你几乎把我吓死。”克劳迪娅心有余悸地倒在车上,一手捂着胸口。
    "Jesus Christ Rick you almost scared me to death, " said Claudia with a scare still in her voice as she rested against her car with one hand in her chest.

  • 远的不说,1976年的唐山大地震,尽管已经过去32年,但至今依然令人心有余悸
    Far not said that the 1976 Tangshan earthquake, despite the past 32 years has remained a matter of fear.

  • 远的不说,1976年的唐山大地震,尽管已经过去32年,但至今依然令人心有余悸
    Far not said that the 1976 Tangshan earthquake, despite the past 32 years but has remained a matter of fear.

  • ‘宝贝儿,人家认为你没诚意。希望这次你不要食言或者改主意。’她已经对此心有余悸
    'I doubt your sincerity baby. I hope you won't break your promise or change it. ' Her heart still flutters with worry.

  • 其次是国际金融业正经历“百年一遇”的最惊心动魄的危机,引发市场对银行股心有余悸
    This was followed by the international financial industry is undergoing a "once-in" the most soul-stirring the crisis, the market's rise to haunt the banking sector.

  • 走在“平衡岩石”旁,不免心有余悸,不知这点点的粘连,何时那块石头会被风吹倒了下来。
    The Balanced Rock waiting for the rest of its base being blasted away by the wind.

  • 太近了,容易看到一些不愿意看到的东西,受到一些没想到的伤害,结果总免不了心有余悸
    Sometimes people get too close, and are prone to see things they are unwilling to see, or get hurt in unexpected ways.

  • 银行因收不回贷款而元气大伤,对借钱给人投资房地产(比较买楼自住)的事,现在是心有余悸
    Bankers are licking their wounds from loans gone sour and have turned wary about lending for real estate investment (as opposed to home ownership).

  • 这个举动我现在想来还心有余悸,多危险啊。如果我一头撞到一块礁石上,不知道会有什么后果?
    It was dangerous which now make me shudder at a thought. What would have happened if I had jumped on a rock?

  • 对政策风险心有余悸,所以仅仅是对部分国际化程度较高的北京、上海等城市的房地产做了试探性的投资。
    Policy risk haunt, the only part of a higher degree of internationalization, Beijing, Shanghai, and other cities have done exploratory real estate investment.

  • 如今,公司高管们纷纷紧握现金不放,他们仍因去年资本市场的迅速冻结而心有余悸,小心不要把储备花光。
    Today, corporate executives are clinging to their cash, still scarred by how quickly capital markets froze last year and wary of draining their reserves.

  • 当养育一个孩子的成本高的已经令许多人望而却步的时候,另有一些人因为身处不稳定的工作环境,也对怀孕这一结果心有余悸
    And while the cost of raising a child may already be prohibitive for many, others fear the consequences of pregnancy in an unstable job market.

  • 这样痛苦的经历让我心有余悸,以致后来每次要上台演讲时,我甚至都想打断自己的腿,而结束后,过度的紧张又让我疲惫不堪。
    I dreaded the ordeal so much that I always hoped I might break my leg before I had to make a speech, and when it was over I was exhausted from the nervous strain.

  • 分析人士说,在全球股市上星期暴跌之后,虽然布希总统推出了以退税来重振成长速度减缓的美国经济的计划,但是投资人依然心有余悸
    Analysts say investors are still nervous following last week's worldwide plunge, despite President's Bush's plan to revitalize the slowing U. S. economy with tax rebates.

  • 分析人士说,在全球股市上星期暴跌之后,虽然布什总统推出了以退税来重振增长速度减缓的美国经济的计划,但是投资人依然心有余悸
    Analysts say investors are still nervous following last week's worldwide plunge, despite President's Bush's plan to revitalize the slowing U. S. economy with tax rebates. The U. S.

  • 与此同时,上世纪70年代末油价飙升导致的石油产量的激增,造成的库存积压进而发展成了长期暴跌,对于石油工人来说仍是心有余悸
    At the same time, oil men remain scarred by the rapid expansion of output in the late 1970s, in response to previous spikes in prices, that led to a glut and so to a prolonged slump.

  • 不过有迹象显示散户仍对今年以来已跌去57%的股市心有余悸,不愿投入更多现金,周二上证综指下跌1。6%,至2201。51点。
    But Tuesday the index fell 1. 6% to 2201. 51 amid signs that retail investors remain too shell-shocked to put more cash into a market that is off 57% this year.

  • 心有余悸造句相关
