
背信弃义  bèi xìn qì yì








  • 背信弃义地撕毁协定和合同
    perfidiously tear up agreement and contracts

  • 反对圣战的穆斯林就是背信弃义
    and Muslims who object are apostates.

  • 2背信弃义会迅速而痛苦地断送友谊。
    Betraying friends can lead to quick break of friendship.

  • 对他的背信弃义我要报复。
    I would pay him back for his treacheries.

  • 诺盖杰利声称是克里姆林宫背信弃义的。
    Mr Nogaideli claims that the Kremlin is backsliding.

  • 一个期诈或背信弃义的人。
    a deceitful or treacherous person.

  • 因为如果成功就没有人敢称之为背信弃义
    For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.

  • 人们总希望朋友间互帮互助,憎恶背信弃义
    People want to do friends favors and hate to break a promise.

  • 内心从没有过信仰,背信弃义之事,比比皆是。
    In the absence of the solid support of beliefs, indecencies and betrayals are widespread.

  • 他断言我是最先看穿意大利人背信弃义行径的人。
    He asserted that I had seen through the Italian treachery before anybody else.

  • 突然间,你生活中本该十分美好的转,却令你背信弃义
    Suddenly, the change in your life that should have wonderful, comes as a betrayal.

  • 人是一种复杂的生物,一方面乐善好施,另一方面背信弃义
    People are complicated creatures, on the one hand, able to perform great acts of charity; on the other, capable of the most underhanded forms of betrayal.

  • 倾向于背叛;特别是具有罗马人加于迦太基人的背信弃义的特点。
    tending to betray; especially having a treacherous character as attributed to the Carthaginians by the Romans.

  • 中国的外交政策一直是一个实用主义和背信弃义组合的怪胎政策。
    China's foreign policy has always been an often bizarre mix of pragmatism and perfidy.

  • 当夜,他背信弃义地潜入鲁克丽丝的卧室,强暴地污辱了她,而于翌日凌晨仓皇遁去。
    The same night he treacherously stealth into her chamber, violently ravished her, and early in the morning speedeth away.

  • 法国,因其领导人的背信弃义,彻底让其仁慈的君主内阁议会制丧失了信誉,名声扫地。
    France, by the perfidy of her leaders, has utterly disgraced the tone of lenient council in the cabinets of princes, and disarmed it of its most potent topics.

  • 他确实轻蔑他们背信弃义,称之为“有意忽视”—这些人爱怎么信就怎么信,全然不顾事实。
    Indeed he poured scorn on their faithlessness, what he called "willful ignorance" -- people believing what they wanted to believe, regardless of the evidence.

  • 邓恩女士想要惩治这样背信弃义的行为,这愿望本身并无可厚非——它符合惠普股东们的利益。
    Ms Dunn's desire to punish such disloyalty was not wrong—it was in the interest of HP's shareholders.

  • “明哥人,你这样想我很高兴,”对方答道,“我认为一个背信弃义的人要比一个懦弱的人更下贱。”
    "I'm glad you think so, Mingo, " returned the other, "for a traitor, in my judgement, is worse than a coward. "

  • 猎人先洗了脸,让那些变驴的家伙能认出他,然后才走进院子,说:“现在该你们得到背信弃义的报应啦!”
    The hunter washed the face, lets these changes the first donkey the fellow can recognize him, then enters the courtyard, said: "now this you obtain the being perfidious retribution! ""

  • 夸洛佩克:而我还活着,你这卑鄙的家伙。虽然蒂霍坎已经了结了你的背信弃义,但我仍然会在你的梦魇里出现。
    Qualopec:I am still here, wretch. Tihocan has ended your treachery. But it is my face you will see in your nightmares.

  • 他无力使他的脑子,哪怕是一忽儿,不要去想他那失踪的朋友被背信弃义地谋杀在奥德利庄院灌木丛林里的惨状。
    with no power to distract his mind, even for a moment, from the image of that lost friend who had been treacherously murdered in the thicket at Audley Court.

  • 他在政治旋涡中左右摇摆,许诺的政策经常自己推翻,变化无常、背信弃义的事没少做,就连李登辉都说他是小人。
    He swings around in the political vortex, and promised to overturn their regular policy, the volatility, not less bad thing to do, even Lee Teng-hui said that he was little.

  • 我保证我们将完全确保我们的安全,确保我们永不再受到这背信弃义的危害,我相信我表达出了国会和人民的意志。
    With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph, so help us God.

  • 罗马人历经三次布匿战争的严峻考验,他们的敌人无比残忍、背信弃义却令人起敬,这是罗马崛起成为霸主的必须前提。
    The Romans were severely tested in the three Punic wars but their struggles against a worthy, if barbaric and perfidious, enemy were a necessary feature of their emergence as the dominant power.

  • 在阴霾的格伦科,联想起1692年那个背信弃义的黑夜,坎贝尔手部族的士兵将熟睡的麦克唐纳部族屠杀,你能感觉到历史的气息;
    You feel it in the brooding presence of Glencoe, evocative of that treacherous night in 1692 when Campbell soldiers slaughtered MacDonalds as they slept.

  • 自己背信弃义,伤害了丘比特,最终又失去了他,普绪客感到十分痛苦。她发誓要用自己的余生寻找丘比特,以行动来说明自己对他的爱。
    In anguish at her faithlessness and at having hurt him and then lost him, Psyche vowed to show Cupid how much she loved him by spending the rest of her life searching for him.

  • 一次又一次,答案告诉我们这不在于国家的命运,性质,这种或那种宗教制约,或少部分背信弃义的外国人,而主要是统治者和被统治者的选择。
    Time and again, the answer lies not in luck, nature, the strictures of this or that religion, or the plots of perfidious foreigners, but largely in the choices of rulers and ruled.

  • 各种矛盾的情感在她的小脑袋瓜里汹涌起伏——为事情的暴露而羞愧,为赫斯渥的背信弃义感到耻辱,又为杜洛埃的欺瞒和他现在对她的嘲笑感到气恼。
    Her little brain had been surging with contradictory feelings -- shame at exposure, shame at Hurstwood's perfidy, anger at Drouet's deception, the mockery he had made of her.

  • 加拿大和美国的软木材纠纷当初只是一种让加拿大气愤的事,但是现在,这一纠纷正迅速成为美国在贸易协议问题上对贸易合伙人背信弃义的危险象征。
    Once a mere irritant, the softwood-lumber dispute is rapidly becoming a perilous symbol of U. S. indifference to its treaty obligations——and its trading partners.

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