
大器晚成  dà qì wǎn chéng








  • 罗马不是一天建成的。/大器晚成
    Rome was not built in a day.

  • 前进也是一种倒退。大器晚成
    Going forward is a way to retreat.

  • 许多伟人都是大器晚成的。
    Many great men were late bloomers in life.

  • 柯川有点大器晚成,起步晚且犹豫不决。
    Coltrane was something of a late and hesitant starter.

  • 他五十岁开始学画,是一位大器晚成的画家。
    Huang began to learn painting at the age of fifty and achieved great success in painting in his late years.

  • 记住不要忘了,大器晚成不意味着一无所成。
    Never forget, delay does not always mean denial.

  • 我们只知道那些最终有所成就的“大器晚成者”;
    For we know only of the "late bloomers" who have eventually come to bloom at all;

  • 村上春树大器晚成,29岁才写他的第一部作品。
    Murakami was a late bloomer, writing his first work at age 29.

  • 这个应该说他和托尼一样是意大利大器晚成的球员。
    Just like Luca Toni, Floccari is another of Italy's late developing centre-forwards.

  • 他是大器晚成
    She was a late bloomer.

  • 一些学生或许比所谓的“三好学生”来得大器晚成
    Some of them may start to show their talents later than the so-called "Three Goods" students, Gu said.

  • 直到2006年,大器晚成的深创投终于进入收获期。
    Till 2006, of great minds mature slowly achieve greatly cast enter harvest eventually.

  • 夏目漱石是大器晚成的作家,约三十八岁时才开始写小说。
    Natsume-souseki did not establish his fame as a writer until he was thirty -eight.

  • 最终,就连艾伯特,这个大器晚成的家伙,也离家出走了。
    Eventually even Albert the late bloomer left home.

  • 罗马不是一天的工夫造成的--伟业非一日可成--大器晚成
    One day, your books will build up into a library.

  • 中国人的事业观,最羡慕“少年得志”,最伤感“大器晚成”。
    The career view of Chinese favours young heroes and pities success eventually.

  • 她有点大器晚成,她有她的孩子,有她的事业,她真的是很强的。
    She's kind of a late bloomer, she had her kid, she's having a career and she's really strong.

  • 谁都没想到他是大器晚成。昔日的捣蛋鬼现在已经成为一位股票经纪人了。
    No one has expected him to be a late bloomer. The past mischievous boy has become a stockbroker.

  • 而且从他的履历上看,他小学没读完就辍学了。可以说是个大器晚成的人。
    And for the record, he dropped out of grade school. Bit of a late bloomer.

  • 并不是所有的前锋在这个年龄都会成熟,比如说托尼,他就是个大器晚成的球员。
    For Borriello it was like this and this year he exploded. Not all attackers mature at the same age and for example Toni matured later.

  • 李娟:和王一梅等人小小年纪就在国家队站稳脚跟相比,李娟属于大器晚成的典型。
    Li Juan: A-mei and Wang and others at a very young age to gain a firm foothold in the national team, Li Juan belong to the typical Grand talents mature slowly.

  • 很多媒体用“大器晚成”来形容他,而收藏家马未都先生就现场解释了这个成语的“本义”。
    A lot of media "Grand talents mature slowly" to describe him, and Mr. Ma Weidou collector on the scene to explain the phrase "original meaning.

  • 说到近来的辉煌和备受拥戴,他说:“大器晚成总比一无所成好,最好吃的那道菜最后上桌!”
    "It's better late than never, " he said of his recent success and recognition. "The most important thing is that it finally came. "

  • 大器晚成的小布什在40岁时还是一个失败者,但是他改变了他的生活,并且现在是美国的总统。
    The late-blooming1 Bush was a failure at 40. But he changed his life and is now the President of the United States.

  • 全书穿插大量资讯和幽默漫画,包括“养生妙诀”、“励志传奇”、“大器晚成的名家”“中外老人精彩人生”等,以智。
    There are large amount of cartoons and messages in this book. It includes several parts concerning life plan of middle and old aged people.

  • 这时埃里克·约翰逊已经32岁了,可以说是大器晚成,他用成熟的音乐语汇,非凡的技巧和充满灵性的乐句征服了听众。
    Then Eric Johnson has a 32-year-old, can be said to be Taiqiwancheng, his mature music vocabulary, full of extraordinary skills and spiritual conquest of the phrases from the audience.

  • 大器晚成的小布什在40岁时还是一个失败者,但是他改变了他的生活,并且现在是美国的总统。这里讲述他是如何做到的。
    The late-blooming1 Bush was a failure at 40. But he changed his life and is now the President of the United States. Here's how he did it.

  • 大器晚成的小布什在40岁时还是一个失败者,但是他改变了他的生活,并且现在是美国的总统。这里讲述他是如何做到的。
    The late-blooming Bush was a failure at 40. But he changed his life and is now the President of the United States. Here's how he did it.

  • 这段你把“虽然”改成“所以”吧——“他在篮球上有些大器晚成,所以(这样一来)他的年龄意味着他在未来的潜力开发上难有大作为。”
    He was a late bloomer in basketball, though, so his age shouldn't mean much in terms of projecting future development.

  • 这是每个足球运动员的梦想。”现年二十九岁的他大器晚成:“我把我的荣誉献给桑普多利亚;我的队友们;我的领导们;我的教练和整个城市。
    ' The 29-year old is arriving on the international scene late in his career and added: 'I dedicate this achievement to Sampdoria, my teammates, the directors, coach and the whole city.

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