
心慌意乱  xīn huāng yì luàn








  • 这个消息使全家感到心慌意乱
    The family was completely knocked over at the news.

  • 但是,它会使你要会见的人心慌意乱
    It may, however, rattle the people you're meeting.

  • 一见到他,她就心慌意乱,不知所措。
    She immediately fell into a great flutter at the sight of him.

  • 他外表镇静,内心却因害怕而心慌意乱
    He appeared calm, but inside his heart was beating wildly with fear.

  • 只要你的鞋子尖儿从你裙袍下伸出来,我便会心慌意乱
    The hem of your gown, when the tip of your shoe peeps from beneath, upsets me.

  • 输给了维纳斯让小威廉姆斯心慌意乱,但也产生了积极影响。
    Losing to Venus at this major last year left Serena distraught, but it also had a positive effect on her.

  • 我们的盘根问底使得吉姆心慌意乱,语无伦次,拼命找救命稻草。
    Our close questioning had Jim floundering about, catching at straws.

  • 斯隆补充说他并不对球队正心慌意乱的期待奥库回归而感到担心。
    Sloan added that he wasn't concerned about the team becoming distracted waiting for Okur to return.

  • 安娜·帕夫洛夫娜心慌意乱地用话阻拦他。“您不知道莫里约神父吗?
    Anna Pavlovna stopped him in dismay with the words: "You don't know Abbé Morio?"

  • 安娜•帕夫洛夫娜心慌意乱地用话阻拦他。“您不知道莫里约神父吗?
    Anna Pavlovna stopped him in dismay with the words: "You don't know Abbé Morio?"

  • 两天以后,他们再见面时,显得心慌意乱,似乎上当受骗的倒是盖茨比。
    When they met again, two days later, it was Gatsby who was breathless who was, somehow, betrayed.

  • “我不知道,”被主人的神气搞得心慌意乱的巴斯克说,“我没有看见他。
    "I don't know, " replied Basque, intimidated and put out of countenance by his master's air;

  • 现在是时间一到,送行者身上的电脑便「哔哔」直响,叫得人们心慌意乱
    Today, at departure time, computers carried by those who had come to say goodbye to friends or relatives, started going, "beep, beep", confusing and alarming everyone.

  • 岂料这位牧师回答:「我自己也是心慌意乱和自身难保,又怎能安抚别人呢?」
    His answer was: "I have enough trouble with myself; my own mind is unsettled. How can I quiet others?"

  • 习惯成自然,从未离开过权力的价值,一旦离开,恐怕便会心慌意乱,惶惶不可终日。
    Habits into natural, never left power value, once they left, I am afraid, will be flustered distracted, a constant state of anxiety.

  • 在打仗的时候,紧急的风声使我们心慌意乱,神给我们的杖是:“他必不怕凶恶的信息;
    During the war, when the season of discouragement and impending danger was upon us, then verse, "He shall not be afraid of evil tidings;"

  • 可是事到如今,既是免不了要费些唇舌,她只得心慌意乱地跟父亲说,她爱上了达西先生。
    but they were now necessary, and she assured him, with some confusion, of her attachment to Mr. Darcy.

  • 忽然做了一梦,这梦使我害怕;我当时在床上所有的幻想,脑中所有的异象,使我心慌意乱
    I had a terrifying dream as I lay in bed, and the images and the visions of my mind frightened me.

  • “有一个人赶走我们呢,”当母亲问起煤的时候,这是那心慌意乱的乔其回答她的第一句话。
    "A man run us away, " was almost the first greeting that the perturbed George offered when the mother made her inquiry about the coal.

  • 我爸过世前几个月我也是有种说不出的心慌意乱,总觉得自己摆在这世界的哪个地方都不对。
    Like Lythdia, several months before my father passed away I was feeling a strong mental agitation as if this world was a wrong place for me but I could not find the way out.

  • 在他求婚和索尼娅拒绝之后,尼古拉尚未同他见面,每当想到他们相会这件事,他总会心慌意乱
    Nikolay had not seen him again since his offer and Sonya's refusal, and he felt uneasy at the thought of meeting him.

  • 这种猜测,完全符合事实,于是在冉阿让痛苦的头脑里,象一把在急风中飞散的灰沙,把他搅得心慌意乱
    These surmises, which so closely resembled proofs, whirled suddenly, like a handful of dust caught up by an unexpected gust of wind, through Jean Valjean's mournful brain.

  • 国王发现小公主一副心慌意乱的样子,就问她:“孩子,你怎么会吓成这个样子?该不是门外有个巨人要把你抓走吧?
    The king saw plainly that her heart was beating violently, and said, "My child, what are you so afraid of?"

  • 突然有一天,公爵决定解散这支乐队,乐手们听到这个消息的时候,一时间全都面面相觑心慌意乱,不知道如何是好。
    Suddenly one day, Duke decided to dissolve the band, musicians who heard the news when I looked at each other all the time, distraught flustered, I do not know what to do.

  • 但是,为什么每一次我只能看见一种图像,一个我想看见却又怕看见的身影,让我心慌意乱,爱人能够我孤独,让我想你。
    Why every our can only see one kind of image , a our wants to see but be afraid that the person's silhouette seeing, makes me mentally confused , the lover can I am lonely , let me miss you.

  • 今天由于我写下了它,心情格外的平静;再说,你从我的字迹里也看得出,我可不是象平时那样心慌意乱,信手涂鸦的呵。
    I write today because of it, especially feelings of calm; say, from my writing you can see where I was not as nervous as usual distraught, the graffiti readily Oh.

  • 她的名字叫雷切尔,正是这个名字使我虚度了整个中学时光。只要一看到她的身影我就会心慌意乱,在她面前说话也变的结结巴巴。
    Her name was Rachel, and I mooned my way through grade and high school, stricken at the mere sight of her, tongue-tied in her presence.

  • 这一程使我们心慌意乱,那一程使我们筋疲力尽,另一程使我们乾渴得舌贴牙床,又一程使我们喘不过气来。 其实以前主都尝过、走过。
    The steep bits that take away our breath, the stony bits that make our feet ache so, the hot shade less stretches that make us feel so exhausted, the rushing rivers that we have to pass through.

  • 富塞利画中肌肉结实的超级英雄和含苞欲放的美丽少女,尤其是取材于《仲夏夜之梦》的泰坦尼亚,模糊的色情描绘让人多少有些心慌意乱
    There is a soft-porn ★perversity about many of Fuseli's muscular super-heroes and ★nubile ★nymphs, particularly his Titania from "A Midsummer Night's Dream".

  • 娜塔莎的父亲在接待室里心慌意乱,局促不安,而且公爵小姐的腔调听来很不自然,娜塔莎因而感到受了侮辱,她觉得公爵小姐好像开恩似的接见了她。
    Natasha felt offended by the delay in the entry, by her father's nervousness, and by the constrained manner of the princess, who seemed to her to be making a favour of receiving her.

  • 心慌意乱造句相关
