
归心似箭  guī xīn sì jiàn








  • 仿佛猎人跑下山冈,归心似箭
    And the hunter home from the hill.

  • 让姚明归心似箭的还是在休斯敦的妻子。
    Those who let Yao Ming impatient to get back is in Houston's wife.

  • 我已经好久没有回家了,此刻真是归心似箭
    I'm anxious to go back home as I've been away for a very long time.

  • 我虽不似疾风般归心似箭,可我也必须启程。
    Less hasty am I than the wind, yet I must go.

  • 可是他却归心似箭要回家,因为家中有爱妻老母。
    Cana! He is Guixinsijian but to go home because the wife has home mother.

  • 我早已归心似箭
    My heart like a arrow!

  • 乘客归心似箭,渴求火车票,“买,无论花多少钱也要买。”
    Passenger anxious to return, long for a train ticket, "Buy, no matter spend how many money, also want to buy."

  • 书中那无限的愁思,恰似一只云层中穿行的归心似箭的鸟儿。
    That book of limitless yearning was like an eager bird through the clouds.

  • 一年,两年,三年,你的望眼欲穿;一年,两年,三年,我的归心似箭
    One year, two years, three years, you await me with anxiety as I wanted go back home eagerly.

  • 一年,两年,三年,你的望眼欲穿;一年,两年,三年,我的归心似箭
    One year , two years , three years . Your looking forward to with eager expectancy . One year , two years , three years . my anxious to return .

  • 一年,两年,三年,你的望眼欲穿;一年,两年,三年,我的归心似箭
    Year after year, you have bee looking forward to my return with with eager expectancy, so have I been earger to return.

  • 一年,两年,三年,你的望眼欲穿;一年,两年,三年,我的归心似箭
    One year, two, three, you're counting the hours; while I'm anxious to return.

  • 今天是夏特穿越的最后一天,归心似箭的驴儿们一早起身就匆匆上路了。
    Today was the last day of Xia Te journey, every one was anxious to return, so we started off very earlier.

  • 昨天踏上了归来的火车,没有留恋北京的感觉,更加没有归心似箭的冲动。
    Yesterday, I took the road to my home, I had no feeling about being reluctant to leave Beijing and anxiousing to return.

  • 他说:“我知道民众归心似箭,但是耐心等候和听取地方官员的劝告是非常重要的。
    "It is very important for citizens, who I know are anxious to get home, to take your time and listen, take the advice of local folks, " he said.

  • 他说:“我知道民众归心似箭,但是耐心等候和听取地方官员的劝告是非常重要的。”
    take your time and listen, take the advice of local folks, " he said."

  • 在一次深夜长谈以后,朋友送我到车站。我乘上车后便急于寻找座位——我归心似箭了。
    I found a seat in haste as soon as I got on the bus, I was anxious to return.

  • 机场、火车站和汽车长途客运站总是熙熙攘攘,站满归心似箭的离乡之人,这个时期叫做春运。
    So it is the busiest time for transportation systems. Airports, railway stations and long-distance bus stations are crowded with home returnees.

  • 淡水渔人码头的渔民正在忙碌地收网;辛勤工作了一天的人们归心似箭,正飞奔在回家的高速路上;
    Fishermen at the Freshwater Fisherman's Wharf are busy collecting the nets, people who are anxious to return home with a hard-working day, are running in the high-speed roads.

  • 在霍勒大妈家里的生活比起在继母家里的生活,真是一个天上,一个地下,可这样,她依然归心似箭
    Even though she was many thousands of times better off here than at home, still she had a yearning to return.

  • 就想河流注定要汇入大海,岁末临近,我归心似箭。这样的歌词是否最适合形容你此时此刻的心情呢?
    Like a river always knows just where to flow, now that December comes I feel like coming home.

  • 有记者问:球员们现在是否都归心似箭?杰克逊淘气的笑着,开玩笑说:你自己想下,你会怎么认为呢?
    When a reporter asked if the players were ready to go home, Jackson smiled mischievously and said, "Just think about yourself for a second. How do you feel?""

  • 在霍勒大妈家里的生活比起在继母家里的生活,真是一个天上,一个地下,可尽管这样,她依然归心似箭
    Even though she was many thousands of times better off here than at home, still she had a yearning to return.

  • 柔道选手冼东妹为了实现自己的奥运梦想,把家务事放在了一边。如今,成了中国第一个金牌妈妈,她归心似箭
    Judoka Xian Dongmei put family matters on hold to achieve her Olympic dream, and now she is China's first gold-medal mum and she can't wait to return home.

  • 烟雾从燃烧的城市上升,溶入早晨的空气,向全世界宣布着胜利的骄傲,与此战士们聚集在海滩上,满是归心似箭
    Now as smoke from the burning city rises into the morning air announcing their triumph to the world, one thing occupies the Greek soldiers gathering on the bay shore -- the thought of home.

  • 烟雾从燃烧的城市上升,溶入早晨的空气,向全世界宣布着胜利的骄傲,与此同时战士们聚集在海滩上,满是归心似箭
    Now as smoke from the burning city rises into the morning air announcing their triumph to the world, one thing occupies the Greek soldiers gathering on the bay shore -- the thought of home.

  • 法新社称,在这一年一度的人口流动中,无数的中国人归心似箭,这个国家的交通系统承受了巨压力,经常出现一些混乱局面。
    The yearly exodus is marked by chaotic scenes as masses of Chinese desperate to return home overwhelm the nation's transport grid, AFP said.

  • 法新社称,在这一年一度的人口大流动中,无数的中国人归心似箭,这个国家的交通系统承受了巨大压力,经常出现一些混乱局面。
    The yearly exodus is marked by chaotic scenes as masses of Chinese desperate to return home overwhelm the nation's transport grid, AFP said.

  • 归心似箭造句相关
