
弄虚作假  nòng xū zuò jiǎ







  • 抄袭、剽窃、弄虚作假屡屡发生。
    The copy, cribbing and falsification are repeatedly arising.

  • 其中法官糊弄、弄虚作假颇为严重。
    And judge deceives, uses deception quite seriously.

  • 弄虚作假骗取荣誉是他的惯用伎俩。
    It is his customary tactics to seek honor through fraud and deception.

  • 生活中最使人精疲力竭的是弄虚作假
    The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere.

  • 生活中最使人筋疲力尽的事是弄虚作假
    The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere.

  • 生活中最使人精疲力竭的事是弄虚作假
    The most exhausting things in life is being insincere.

  • 瞎扯;瞎说;胡说八道;胡言乱语;弄虚作假
    To talk or chatter idly or meaninglessly; babble or prate.

  • 雷曼兄弟的肖特说,一个关键的不利因素是弄虚作假
    One key hazard, says Lehman's Schulte, is fraud.

  • 一些西方官员则认为其中20%的投票都系弄虚作假
    Some Western officials reckon 20% of votes nationally may be fraudulent.

  • 她不能弄虚作假,把没有的事写进她去罗马的旅途见闻中。
    She could give no fictitious representation of her journey to Rome.

  • 这本书里无聊的话太多,歪曲和弄虚作假之处太多,不值一评。
    This book contained too much gossip, too many distortions and falsehoods to warrant comment.

  • 弄虚作假的选民登记薄,抵制和明显的操纵都支持巴希尔总统。
    Fiddling the voters' register, boycotts and blatant rigging all boosted Mr Bashir.

  • 生活中最使人筋疲力尽的事弄虚作假。----A。M。林德伯格。
    The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere. ----A. M. Lindbergh.

  • 一个男人在所得税和报销单上弄虚作假,会趋向于宽恕有同样行为的朋友。
    A man who cheats on his income tax and on his expense account tends to condone these practices in his friends.

  • 他向公司老板出示了一份记录,证明失踪的同事在其客户资料上弄虚作假
    He shows his boss the records to prove that the missing co-worker lied about his accounts.

  • 帕茜实在是一张白纸,毫无瑕庇。她不会装模作样,弄虚作假,也没有脾气。
    Pansy was really a blank page, a pure white surface, successfully kept so; she had neither art, nor guile, nor temper.

  • 特别是科学,它本身就是实事求是、老老实实的学问,是不允许弄虚作假的。
    Science, in particular, involves the conscientious quest for truth and permits of no deceit.

  • 尽管试图弄虚作假,这是我们第一次可以得到一个体面一睹即将到来的豪华轿车。
    Despite the attempted trickery, this is the first time we can get a decent glimpse of the upcoming luxury saloon.

  • 那个电影演员想在缴纳所得税的时候弄虚作假,可是给税务局发现了。现在,他可麻烦了。
    That movie actor tried to cheat on his income tax, but he got caught and now he's in hot water with the goverment.

  • 商家出售商品时可能会弄虚作假,或无根据地声称其可以保健、美容,改善生活品质甚至发财致富。
    Merchants sell products that may make false or unfounded claims to improve health, beauty, lifestyle or wealth.

  • 这是说:“那个电影演员想在缴纳所得税的时候弄虚作假,可是给税务局发现了.现在,他可麻烦了。”
    That movie actor tried to cheat on his income tax, but he got caught and now he's in hot water with the government.

  • 这个国家的统计数据必定是弄虚作假:GDP的组成部分是不合理的,并且数据总是发布的令人可疑的早。
    The country's numbers are certainly dodgy: the components of GDP do not add up, and the data are always published suspiciously early.

  • 一些党员领导干部的形式主义、官僚主义作风和弄虚作假、铺张浪费行为相当严重,有些腐败现象仍然突出;
    Formalism, the bureaucratic style of work, falsification, extravagance and waste are still serious problems among some leading cadres in our Party, and corruption is still conspicuous in some places.

  • 路易斯制造的局面使得该政府首脑不仅能够在竞选中弄虚作假,而且还可以肆意侵吞联邦公款,除掉可能的竞争对手。
    Lewis had created a situation whereby it was possible for the man at the top to fiddle elections, embezzle union funds and do away with potential rivals.

  • 中国政府通过(受到严重保护的)国内市场发生的致命事故,也同样意识到品质的缺失。在这样的市场里弄虚作假是最快的成功方式。
    The Chinese authorities are also awake to lack of quality, because of its deadly effects in the (heavily protected) domestic market, where it has been all too easy to succeed by being shoddy.

  • 让他感到气恼的是自己被定位成傻瓜和懦夫的形象,科尔索夫宣称自己无法参加这样一个审判,因为这个小小的弄虚作假必将引发一个弥天大谎。
    What upset him was that he had been made to look a fool and a coward. Mr Kolesov said he could not take part in such a trial, because a small lie leads to a bigger one.

  • 对弹出广告的定位能力(比如说,当一个用户搜索一个特定的关键字的时候有相应广告弹出)使得那些他们非常值钱,同时也使得弄虚作假有利可途。
    The ability to aim such advertisements so that they pop up, for example, when a user searches for a particular word, is what makes them so valuable—and makes fraud so lucrative.

  • 他的第二次尝试略有弄虚作假的成分,利用近期获得专利的一项提炼技术和一台微波炉——在此过程中微波炉成了牺牲品——提炼出一块硬币大小的铁。
    His second attempt was something of a cheat, using a recently patented smelting method and a microwave oven – the microwave oven was a casualty of the process – to produce a coin-size lump of iron.

  • 面对这场不择手段、你死我活的生存竞争,种种唯利是图、弄虚作假、以权谋私、贪污受贿的社会现象,青少年茫然、困惑,出现了不同程度的个体精神危机。
    Confronting with furious competition of survival as well as all sorts of vile practices, the teenagers get confused and puzzled. As a result, individual spiritual crisis appears in various degrees.

  • 反对党坚称,齐贝吉在选举中有弄虚作假的行为,而且他是一位“不合法”的总统,可肯尼亚政府却声称齐贝吉总统是在公正的情况下赢得了选举,因此整个肯尼亚应该按正常情况拥护为总统。
    The opposition insists that Mr Kibaki stole the election and is an "illegal" president, whereas the government argues that Mr Kibaki won fairly, so the country should carry on as normal.

  • 弄虚作假造句相关
