
常备不懈  cháng bèi bù xiè






  • 他们一直处于常备不懈状态以防突然袭击。
    They were constantly on the alert not to be taken by surprise.

  • 加强训练,常备不懈
    strengthening training, always being on the alert.

  • 要想和平,应得备战(居安思危常备不懈)。
    If you want peace, prepare for war.

  • 基于这种体制,他们的国民经常组织军事训练,保持常备不懈
    Based on this system, they are often the national organization of military training, to maintain vigilance.

  • 半个世纪以来,我们自己的自由是靠美国常备不懈地守望着遥远的边界来保护的。
    For a half century, America defended our own freedom by standing watch on distant borders.

  • 应该建立常备不懈的危机应急机制;应该加强大学生的心理健康教育;还应该完善高校帮困助学体系。
    In addition to the above, we should also make great efforts to improve students in mental health and improve the system of giving financial aid to the needed students.

  • 理想的做法是联合国建立一支短小精悍、训练有素、常备不懈的快速反应部队,一旦某地发生动乱,而安理会决定干预,即可派上用场。
    Ideally the U. N. should have a small elite standing rapid-deployment force…trained and ready to go at once to a trouble spot that the Security Council has decided to become involved in.

  • 理想的做法是联合国建立一支短小精悍、训练有素、常备不懈的快速反应部队,一旦某地发生动乱,而安理会决定干预,即可派上用场。
    Ideally, the U. N. should have a small, elite, standing rapid-development force … trained and ready to go at once to a trouble spot that the Security Council has decided to become involved in.

  • 常备不懈造句相关
