
小时了了  xiǎo shí liǎo liǎo







  • 小时了了,大未(大卫)必佳。
    Little so so, David must good.

  • 好像久得不得了了,但我猜想大概半小时左右吧。
    It seems like forever, but I guess it's only been about half an hour.

  • 尽管我们等了了两个小时才进了基蒂猫小屋,但我仍很激动。
    I was excited even though we had to wait for two hours before we could get into the house.

  • 后来,我得知她把那个小时算进了了她的一个客户的时间表里。
    Later, I got to know that she had charged that hour to a client of hers, in the time sheet.

  • 后来,我得知她把那个小时算进了了她的一个客户的时间表里。
    Not a long time back my brother's wedding was to be solemnized.

  • 她用了不到半个小时就为那几位突然来访的客人做了了好几样菜。
    She rustled the unexpected guests up several dishes in less than half an hour.

  • 我非常模糊在这一点上,已经和积极的近40个小时了了,我发呆了。
    I was pretty fuzzy at that point, having been up and active for close to 40 hours straight by the time I zonked out.

  • 中国气象学家已经对于“圣帕”设定了了最高级别的警告,它正以每小时15公里至20公里的速度向西北方向移动。
    Chinese meteorologists have issued the highest-level warnings for Sepat, which was moving north-west at a speed of 15 kph to 20 kph.

  • 今天,联邦最低工资由原来的6。55美元/小时上调到7。25美元/小时,上涨了了70美分。支持者认为早就应该对最低工资进行上调。但是一些经济学家却认为该举动可能延长经济衰退。
    The federal minimum wage jumps 70 cents today from 6. 55 to 7. 25 an hour. Proponents say the hike is long overdue. But some economists think the move could prolong the recession.

  • 小时了了造句相关
